Monday, November 10, 2014

Business Plan Writing/ Business Plan Development - Jimmy Hall

~ Jimmy Hall / Jimmy Hall Writing /   

People and companies in Atlanta and beyond require business plans for several different reasons. Chiefly, business plans are needed to describe operations and how revenue/income will be earned, in order to acquire some form of financial backing (loan or investment). Secondly, a business plan is a company road map, and a tool to unite everyone from upper management to floor sweepers. Lastly, parts of it are often used in corporate reports, filings, or other company brochures. (Think of a business plan for an organization as being somewhat like a resume for a person/employee.)

good business plan writer / Atlanta (business plan developer/ Atlanta will ask management for information regarding several different areas before organizing and writing the plan. Which areas? Well, think of yourself as a potential investor or lender. What would you want to know, and need to know before forking over cash? Here's my list:

Business Plan Information Needed Before Writing Begins/Ideally

1. Company name, address, info, web info, email, phone, etc
2. Your personal info/ 2 or 3 paragraphs.
3. Your legal team info (if applicable).
4. Key people/1- 3 para bios - including education and work histories.
5. Concept/Origins
6. Mission Statement/Vision Statement/Slogan
7. Products/Services
8. Market/Target Market
9. Sales/Marketing/Advertising
10. Alliances/Partnerships in the business
11. Staff/Personnel
12. Financials-Projections
13. Environmental Impact/Area Impact (if needed)
14. Closing Statement/Conclusion Material (I do most of this, but you can give input.)
15. What you want in dollars and why? How will investors get a return, etc?
16. Photos

While all organizations may not need all of these components, most will require 11 or 12 or more to acquire funding or present the concept correctly. The idea is that no aspect of business or operations should be overly vague. If the business is new, sure, some things are not as precise as others - but what is known should be shared.

The biggest problem I face with clients I develop business plans in Atlanta and elsewhere for is that they are ill-prepared in the financial and competition areas. They don't do the leg work or finger work online to present those two extremely important components. 

As a business plan writer, I can often fill-in particular gaps within info I am given, but I certainly cannot possibly know the details of various territories and areas, or people's private financial information and sourcing!

Once the info is gathered and sent to me, I then assimilate it and figure the best order and organization form in which to present it, and write the executive summary first. This provides me, as a business plan developer/writer, a great track to run on.

After completing the executive summary, I then simply add supporting information to it in the main body of the business plan. (Common sense.) Lastly, after evaluating the photos and charts added, I will then compile the "table of contents."

My procedure is certainly not the only way to write a business plan, but the final product generally comes out extremely well. At Jimmy Hall Writing Services (404-580-1501) My aim is to present the companies and organizations I write for in their very best light. To this end I am usually successful. Hopefully, if you are a business plan developer, you are as well...

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