Web Content Writer Value
Why and how do I know this? Do I know about web content value? As a web content writer, I know the value of solid web writing done using seo (search engine optimization) techniques. Webpage content that is seo-optimized draws its own viewers, informs them, and calls them to action. As a small writing service owner, I know the value of this material because it is 85% of how I attract my own customers! (You are here reading this, aren't you?)
Web Content Services & Work Specialization
Web content services in Atlanta and elsewhere specialize in web writing, which is much different than print writing. Web content must be seo optimized by being keyword" rich, using the proper words, phrases, headings, titles, link opportunities, sub-titles, sub-headings, word ordering, phrase placement, italics, bold lettering, conversion methods/calls to action, information-oriented paragraphs, and much more....
The idea is that content writer does what he or she does best for you: writing web content, while allowing you to go about the business of whatever it is that you do best while he or she is doing it! This is called "specialization." a technique mastered by the Jewish/Hebrew Race thousands of years ago and later studied and described in detail b y Adam Smith in what has come to be known as "The Wealth Of Nations."
The fact is that the money you save by decreased print advertising/media expenses will more than pay for a good web content writing service - and then some! PLUS, your return on investment for the web writing will be a bit HIGHER. Get it?
I am Jimmy Hall, and I own Jimmy Hall Writing Services (404-580-1501). If I can help you or answer any questions, be sure and contact me.....
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