Wednesday, June 3, 2015

500-Word Website Pieces/SEO Optimized (404-580-1501)

My years of writing seo-web content for websites has taught me several things. Search engines seem to prefer smaller chunks of content amid about a 450-550 word length. 500-word web pieces are about ideal, when search engine optimized correctly and dressed-up with a couple of photos. (Blog pieces seem to do best at about 300-325 words.)

These search engines also like headings and sub-headings to divide these chunks, and the meat of the pieces need to have a main keyword mentioned 4 or 5 times, and a lesser keyword maybe 2-3 times. It works. (In the old days we all "keyword stuffed," but that gets you penalized today.)

Today, Google, Bing, and Yahoo and the others seem to be human. That's right. Somehow the search engines can tell factual and relevant content from "filler," or trickery. 

As such, the web content writer of 2015 and beyond must write again for both the reader and the search engines, as the search engines become more and more reader friendly and reader specific. White hat seo is a must. No cheating allowed. Long-term solid optimized web content is the way to go on your website.

What goes around comes aroiund in the ever-changing world of Google and seo. At my writing service/ Atlanta (404-580-1501) I am able to assist clients with their web content needs, large and small. Please call me for consideration today!

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