Friday, July 31, 2015

Literary Paris: Writers Writing Amid Paris, France

I love Paris, France, and have often felt like she is or was mine. This is true although it has been years since I've physically been there. Why? 

I relate to Paris on many levels, including its historical places and events, literary and philosophical ambiance, astounding beauty, magnificent monuments, lovely river, flow of light, quaint streets and wide boulevards, colorful gardens, quaint cafes, lonely parks, and of course the unique Parisiennes and Europeans all over the city. Something stays with you. How?

I often feel at one with Paris, no matter where I might be in the world. Yes, it is a heart condition; not like being possessed with God's Holy Spirit, but at least an emotional or human-type equivalent. In a sense it is a spirit of nostalgia, sentimentality, and experiencing the continuum of time. 

All of Paris, France is Literary Paris, no matter what anyone says. Writers and historical characters have stood everywhere you have stepped. They have lived on every street, written in every tabac or cafe, and sat almost anywhere you have seen.

There is nothing in the world like strolling the stark rues and busy boulevards of Paris all day and night, stopping in the famous, infamous, and unassuming cafes for a beer or five and some writing time with yourself or with the presence of others that do not realize they are with you. 

Everyone and everything is a part of the moment. Paris is the stage and movie of many people's lives.

You must also understand that the Parisians themselves are used to what they have, so much so that sometimes they do not appreciate it daily. In other words, I can often speak and write about the French Capital with more enthusiasm and detail than the natives. It is always fresh to me, whether I am there or simply in my enchanted memory.

Although lovers of Paris and Literary Paris often speak of and in generalities, and about Expatriate 1920's events, the city is also a small and personable place amid the larger whole. 

A photograph of nothing but a vacant chair or an old table in Paris seems to mean more simply because of where it was taken. History demonstrates this, as do our own eyes that function as camera lens in the city.

I thank God for Paris, likely the second most vital large city in the world - trailing only Jerusalem in honor and glory...

Jimmy Hall/MS/BBA (404-580-1501) is owner of JIMMY HALL WRITING, and carefully writes business plans, resumes, web content, letters, and many other types of writing....

Gaining Page Views: Increasing Website Traffic & Increasing Sales

As I know well at Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Atlanta (404-580-1501), you must place your products and services before people to make sales to them. Online, this means attracting them to your websites and blogs using solid and clever seo (search engine optimization) techniques. But, it is not always so easy, is it?

Web Content Optimization/SEO Techniques

This search engine optimization method (SEO) helps to display and rank your webpages and blog content in Google, Bing, and Yahoo searches via keyword subject relevance. Website traffic increases and page views multiply. But, how is this done?

At my Atlanta area and Web-wide writing services, I write carefully designed web content that is SEO optimized by using the correct titles, headings, sub-headings, relevant content, good keywords, and an easily search engine-digestable layout! I write both for the reader and the search engines and directories. (Proper linking is also a huge factor.)

Gaining Page Views Means Increased Web Traffic & Increased Sales

Much of this is a numbers game, isn't it? I mean, it is Common Sense 101 that better web writing and more search engine displays mean more views and conversions, right? Of course.

Gaining Page Views: Increasing Website Traffic & Increasing Sales

To gain page views, increase web traffic, and multiply sales, you simply must hire a good web content writer/web content developer to assist in increasing and converting your web traffic. At Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Douglasville-Atlanta (404-580-1501) I would like to be that web writer.... You found me didn't you?

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Writing Effective Web Pages/Relevant Unique Web Content - Atlanta

Well, I suppose that anyone can simply "write" web material and place it upon the web and call it web content. Employees and secretaries and other loyal workers do it daily, don't they? (And, they work hard at it.) However, this type of online writing is generally of little value, no matter how informative it might be. Why? Please read on to understand.

My writing service in Atlanta (metro area) provides unique effective web content to all types of businesses, companys, contractors, organizations, firms, and clubs (Jimmy Hall Writing Services, 404-580-1501) So, I know where-of I speak. 

FACT: Web content for websites and blogs needs to attract its own viewers (via search engine optimization), efficiently inform them, be relevant, and then unassumingly convert or persuade them to the organization's cause (usually make them a buyer/client of products or services). A non-professional writer likely does not have the precise web writing skills, SEO knowledge, and experience to write effective web content. 

Even if the web writing is informative, it might never be seen. It must be relevant unique web content. That's what web writers/Atlanta like myself are for!

Search engine optimization (SEO) involves proper keyword and long-tailed keyword usage, effective titles, headings, and sub-headings, solid and relevant web content, knowledge of photo usage, linking advice, and the correct format for presenting the web content upon the page. 

Furthermore, everything must be tailored for both readers and search engines. To a great extent, this type of seo writing is a specialty.

At Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Atlanta (404-580-1501) I want to be your unique web content provider. Give me a call to discuss your situation.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Business Plans Atlanta: Business Plan Requirements

There are parameters about everything, related to everything, right? Even business writing. For example, business plans are enjoyable to organize, assimilate, write, and put-together if you know how. At Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Atlanta (404-580-1501) I know, because I am an Atlanta area and online business plan writer/business plan developer.


The chief problem I find with individuals wanting to do their first start-up business is that they are not certain what information and data is required to be turned-over to their business plan writer in Atlanta or anywhere else. This blog piece about business plan requirements will help.


If you want to start a new business or expand an existing one, you should have a pretty good idea of what you want to do and how you want to do it. You must convey this info to the business plan writer. Your unique ideas are what makes the plan your own. But, what is needed and required to be given to the business plan developer?


First, you should put down your basic ideas for yourself. Have an outline and a history of the idea. Then get detailed. Afterwards, how much money do you need, and where will it come from? How will it be used? How will investors or creditors be paid back?

Next, get precise about the idea/company's origin, location, ownership-management bios, contact info, products/services (and prices), competition, marketing/advertising strategy, some financial projections, personnel needs, operations info, photos, and any other strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, or other relevant info or business data.


If you are truly into the idea, you will love the simple research that must be done to compliment your idea. It should be a light labor of love, not a chore! 

Once you know what you want to do, the supporting research should be a 3-4 hour job for most small startups, and a week or two task for larger endeavors. again, this should be fun.


Finally, get all of the material to the business plan writer in Atlanta or elsewhere, let he or she look it over and quote a final fee price for writing the plan, and then get a small contract together and let the writer write! 

Along the way he or she will be contacting you and even questioning your info, simply to make sure everything makes good sense! SIMPLE.

MY WRITING SERVICE (404-580-1501)

I would like to talk with you about your business plan. Please feel free to contact me at Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Atlanta (404-580-1501) or . Let's do it.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Writer Integrity/Consulting: Business Bloggers, Web Writers, and Resume Writers

This is like an ad, and that is okay. It demonstrates truths. How? My organization is trustworthy with confidential information. A writer's integrity matters. At Jimmy Hall Hall Writing Services (404-580-1501) I appreciate the obligation I have in serving my clients to help them realize their goals -  increased web traffic through optimized (seo) web content and blog material, effective business plans to secure financial capital, to develop a clever resume to obtain job interviews, or for nummerous other consulting duties to meet your needs.

It is the responsibility of my Atlanta region/online writing service to be an honest writer and worthy consultant, using your business and personal info in a proper and effective manner, without sharing it with unauthorized individuals. 

Of course, some items and material you desire and need shared, other items (such as personal resume date and information) is organized to be shared only with those you trust with it. Confidentiality is very important. You can trust this Atlanta area writing service. 

People need business bloggers, consultants, web writers, resume writers, and other specialty writers; I want to be that writer for you. Please give Jimmy Hall a call at 404-580-1501. Let's form a team to secure success for you or your organization. Come on; let's do it!

Jimmy Hall/MS/BBA

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Work From Home/Self Employment: Home Office Businesses/Atlanta (404-580-1501)

The 21st Century is conducive to self-employment. Many individuals and groups are being brave and taking a chance by doing what they have always done for companies and firms - but for themselves now (eliminating the middle-man). Working from home and self-employment are big business. But, why?

The pace of the world is fast, and getting faster; why not do what you do best for yourself, as opposed to others reaping the benefits of your mental and physical labor and commuting stress???? Think hard. 

The notion of at least setting-up a home office business is not far-fetched as it may have been in the past, before modern communications, online visibility/SEO, computers, great software, and cell phones that can do so much for you!

Hire a business plan writer/business plan developer to write-up your blueprint (which will help you obtain financing) and provide the correct track for you to run on; acquire the necessary licenses for the area(s) where you will do business, and use whatever sources of money 
obtainable to carry-out the plan and start and empower operations. Go for it.

At JIMMY HALL WRITING SERVICES (404-580-1501) I help people do this frequently via crafting solid business plans, web content, and other written items. Give me a call soon! Use your talents and skills for YOU, from now on...


Friday, July 24, 2015

Letter Writers: How To Hire A Letter Writer

Admit it, everyone has to make correspondences, so in the course of a typical year most people are required to send a number of letters with respect to business or other matters of varying importance. Often it is beneficial to hire a professional letter writer to secure desireable results.

At my writing service, letter writing is a service that I also provide (Jimmy Hall, 404-580-1501). Why? Not everyone understands the object of a letter or how to word correspondences for success. Therefore, it fills a need. 

How To Hire A Letter Writer

The question you have is likely, "How to hire a letter writer?" Google, look at websites, and make a few calls. 

Make sure the writer you hire understands what you want accomplished, and knows how to state the facts in an informative manner, provide the solution you desire, while moving the reader in the direction of that desired outcome/solution.

The notion is not to start or win an argument, or to vent. The idea is to make the reader agree that your solution is in his or her best interest. Logical resolution is the key. The writer should know this.

Share Info With Writer

You absolutely have to provide the facts and any prior correspondences to your writer, and make certain the letter writer understands what you want said and explained. Talk it over. It is your letter; the writer is simply wording and organizing it professionally for you.

In this hectic world of work and leisure, individuals simply do not always have the time or skill or abilities to write important letters for themselves. We writers can be of assistance to you! 

If you'd like some help, feel free to give me a call at Jimmy Hall Writing Services (404-580-1501). Thanks...

Writing Can Be Fun: Business Writing Is Not Always Boring (404-580-1501)

Business writing DOES NOT have to be boring or redundant. Often, we writers try and make specific points and dehumanize our writing for websites and corporations. You would think that we were doing obits or something. 

There is really no reason why writers can't make webwork and print writing a bit more interesting. I mean, human beings are doing the reading and humans are doing the writing, so why do any false pretenses need to exist? Be real. Write with some honesty and feeling.

Somehow we all have gotten it in our heads over the years that we must always be formal, and communicate like machines or something. The computer age has only made things worse. There are specific outlines, templates, and protocols for almost everything. Scrap them. 

We do not need to waste people's time being wordy, but communications now are the same as always. Attract - Inform - Convert/Persuade. The basics have not changed in a hundred years, only the way we implement them.

Think for just a moment. Do you enjoy receiving form letters or impersonal responses. Is it fun to be treated like a number or a robot? Of course not; so, why do it to others? Writing can be fun. Reading can be enjoyable.

At JIMMY HALL WRITING SERVICES (404-580-1501) I provide "Clever Writing For Results." Call me if I can help you or your organization...  ~ Jimmy

Thursday, July 23, 2015

BUSINESS PLANS: Business Plan Writers/Marietta, Kennesaw, Roswell

Business plans? What? Where?

At Jimmy Hall Writing Services/ Atlanta, Georgia area
( 404-580-1501 ), I carefully craft business plans for individuals and/or teams with great ideas and notions for providing products and services demanded by others. 

Yes, I am a professional business plan creator and writer nationwide, but particularly function well in my neighboring areas of Roswell, Atlanta, Villa Rica, Kennesaw, and Marietta. I am qualified as a business plan writer because of my experience, background, education, know-how, and writing abilities and skills. 

Besides crafting many successful business plans for all sizes & kinds of endeavors, I also possess 2 related degrees (MS-Business Economics; BBA-Economics, and a Minor in English).

Business Plan Creators/Writers

Knowledge is important, as is skill. This matters because to be successful in developing business plans that obtain loans, investors, and quality personnel - a professional business writer absolutely must think like a business professional - not just a writer. Abstract ideas must be put into concise concrete wording.

Business plans demand that the writer collects the right information from the entrepreneurs, and understands how to assimilate, add to, delete from, and successfully organize what is given, in a well-written and proper format. 

The business plan and its writer should persistently show the company or organization's mission, and prompt the viewers to action. Yes, the plan has to demonstrate how the casg given will be used, how the company will make money, and how the investnment or loan will grow or be repaid to those involved in the organization's fundng.

Business Plan Client Info Required

A sound business plan writer will ask for the right material from clients, and should know precisely what is required. This pertains to ideas, and implementing them.

The business plan must address all address information and site specifics, mission info, visions, slogan, demographics, project background, products & services, manpower information, sales projections and financials, marketing/advertising, target market, personnel projections, and daily operation info/functions. 

A solid argument must be evident start to finish regarding how effective the organization will be managed, and how money will be used and returned to those involved. The mangers/owner(s) need to give the writer conceptual info also.

Business Plan Pricing Scale

An owner or entrepreneur has a number of business plan options. At Jimmy Hall Writing Services (404-580-1501) mine include:

1. Mini Business Plan ($350-$550).
2. Full-Length Business Plan ($650-$1,100).
3. Small Business Administration Plan ($400-600). 
4. Special Long/Detailed Business Plan ($1,250+). 

Whether you are located in Marietta, Roswell, Kennesaw, Villa Rica, Atlanta or across the United States, contact Jimmy Hall /MS/BBA today for a great business plan, 404-580-1501.

Business Plans/Atlanta: Business Plan Writers/Consultants - Atlanta

Let's think for just a moment. Atlanta and Northwest Georgia are industry and business hubs. How? New firms, companies, and businesses start daily, and existing organizations expand readily - even amid a slowly rebounding economy, hampered by Washington, DC. 

At Jimmy Hall Writing Services / Atlanta-Douglasville  (404-580-1501), I assist in and with these start-ups and expansions by writing solid business plans for their owners and managers. I help people nationwide, but am particularly close to clients in Atlanta, Marietta, and Villa, Rica, Georgia.


Your abstract idea needs to be presented in proper business form to the people and organizations that can help you. Potential Investors, Creditors, and Managers need to have a concrete idea about what you plan on doing, and how you plan on doing it. 

No one jumps onboard without feeling that an endeavor is legitimate, and a good financial risk. Right? A business plan is needed.

And, what about this business plan? It certainly needs to convey and demonstrate the germ of your idea and MISSION STATEMENT, but also requires financial and day-to-day operational details. Common Sense 101. However, much more is needed.

Business owners must present details about themselves and their management team in the business plan. In the end, all business is communications and dealings between people.

Yes, people are alive and breathing and making all the decisions either directly or indirectly, so you as a business originator or business expander must also sell yourself and your team. Understand?

Background information about your key players is a necessity. The ideas the team formulates is also a MUST. For example, how will MARKETING/Advertising be done? What is your TARGET MARKET? PRODUCTS/SERVICES? SALES & FINANCIAL PROJECTIONS? What about the COMPETITION? PHYSICAL ADDRESS INFO/ Costs? STAFFING needs? EQUIPMENT required? AREA DEMOGRAPHICS? (You get the idea.) Then what?


As a potential business owner/expander, you and your team know what you want to do - and how you want to do it. You simply must have a little more precise info and research ready to provide to a professional business plan deveoper/writer to make your plan work for you.

It is far better to spend a small amount of money on a professional business writer than to waste time and money simply writing an "adequate" plan yourself (or yourselves). Why?

A professional writer like myself knows the format that lenders and investors like, and the language they speak. You must be professional yet human in your plan presentation. The content must also make good sense and be grammarically correct for respect. You need a busines plan writer!


In my case, I also hold two business degrees (Masters/Business Economics; Bachelors Business Administration/Economics) and an English Minor.

I know what does and what does NOT make sense amid your information, so I can write it up correctly and with good English! With me, you get a writer and a consultant.


Now, do you have a unique and potentially profitable idea that needs to go from an abstract notion to a concrete plan and reality? How about a need for a Small Business Adminstration business plan for a loan? I can consult for your business and business plan, and write the business plan to the specifications required for your loan or investment needs.

Please call JIMMY HALL/MS/BBA (404-580-1501) soon.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Blog Ghost Writers: Blog Content Writers/Atlanta (404-580-1501)

Is your company blog underperforming, not driving traffic to your website or providing many instant clients from itself? If so, why not outsource the blog work to a professional blog content writer/blog ghostwriter with solid search engine optimization skills (SEO)? 

At Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Atlanta-Douglasville (404-580-1501) I am an expert blog writer and can attract readers to your blog, and your website in turn. (You found this piece didn't you?) I want to be your blog ghost writer/ghostwriter or blog content writer in Atlanta or elsewhere via the Internet.

Indeed, blog content writers in Atlanta or New York or anywhere else may have the liberty of writing a little less technical than on a webpage, but the wording still must be relevant and optimized to attract readers via search engines. It is NOT just a matter of good writing like print writing; it is still web content writing!

Blog ghostwriters like myself absolutely must present a good snapshot of the products. company, or subjects involved and carefully use keywords and seo techniques to make the blog content rank well in Google searches as well as Yahoo and Bing queries.... I DO.

If you feel that you or your organization need a good seo blog content writer, please give me a call: Jimmy (404-580-1501).

Starting A Business: How To Begin A Startup Business (Jimmy-404-580-1501)

In the 21st Century, it seems like almost everyone has a great idea for a new business. Many people have unique and wonderful innovative concepts, that if implemented intelligently could be profitable new businesses. The problem is that few people know how to follow-through and make their germs of ideas become realities.

Do you have a great new product or service idea that you would love to market, but don't have the funding to do so? If so, do not let the dream slip away. Take action. Do something. But, what?

Put your concepts and ideas down on paper. Use your computer to lookup details about starting a new startup business. Has anyone else done anything similar? Would there be any competition in the area? Could it be profitable? How could you differentiate it from other organizations? Keep thinking!

How would you market the idea? Is much money or capital required? How would you use the financing it if it was given to you? Who would be your brain trust or management team? Brainstorm and gather information....   THEN WHAT???

You can set the wheels in motion to begin a startup business. It all does NOT have to happen in a day. Go step by step. Do the research first, and then hire a business plan writer or business plan developer to make your abstract ideas concrete.

Share your information with the business plan writer, make a confidential deal, and let him or her put together a great business plan or mini-business plan for you at a reasonable cost ($300-$2,000). Then what?

Market the idea itself. Use your business plan as a means to aquire funding, whether it be investmments or loans from financial institutions or the Small Business Administration. Understand? Go for it! It can really happen.

Personally, at Jimmy Hall Writing Services/ Atlanta and nationwide online (404-580-1501) I write business plans and mini-business plans for individuals and groups of people with great new concepts. I would love to assist you. Please give me a call if you want to begin a new business opportunity!

Business Plan Developers - Business Plans/Marietta, Kennesaw, Douglasville (404-580-1501)

There are a few business plan writers & business plan developers in Marietta, Kennesaw, and Douglasville. Yes, I am one. At Jimmy Hall Writing Services (404-580-1501) I carefully prepare and write business plans for clients starting new ventures and expanding existing ones. Upon occasion I even edit/proof  business plans already made by clients themselves.

As a professional writer that is licensed in Douglas County, 70% of my business is within a 50 mile radius of Atlanta, and much is around Marietta and Kennesaw. My method is simple.

I simply send an e-mail to prospective clients outlining the info and data required from them for a good business plan. I then assimilate, cut, add to, and structure what is needed (when it is recieved) and write/craft it into a persuasive business plan.

The same way a resume is used to obtain a job interview (and then hopefully a job), a business plan is used to obtain funding and to lay the groundwork for keeping a business on track (on mission).

Investors and financial insitutions (including the governmment) want to be shown how much cash you need, how it will be spent, and how you will earn money to repay/recoup what is given plus more!

This involves info about a solid management team, background, employees, marketing/advertising, the target market, demographics, financials,  facilities/erquipmment, sales projections, products and services, and operations and day to day functions. 

A business plan, whether a mini-business plan or a full-length business plan, needs to be accurate and sensible. It must be composed and organized by not only a good writer, but by someone with business knowledge that knows what makes sense and what does not!

A Jimmy Hall Writing Services (404-580-1501) I hold 2 Business Degrees and an English Minor. I can help you to secure a great business plan (mini-business plan or full-length business plan) in Marietta, Kennesaw, or Douglasville and beyond. 

Working Days Of A Professional Business Writer/Marietta

Professional writers and "work" do not seem to go together if you watch televison shows like "Sex and the City" or "Two and a Half men," do they? Surprisingly, most people do not understand that a professional writer around Marietta, Douglasville, or Atlanta spends as much of his/her working day marketing for work as he or she does actually writing paid-work copy. 

Indeed, we are servants to Social Media (facebook, Linked-In, Twitter), Blogs, Websites, and Ezine sites. We even have to work-up proposals for people.

I suppose that we don't mind blogging and posting too much, when it is a great part of the work we do for clients, as well. We live at the mercy of our telephones and e-mail boxes, awaiting the next potential client or prospect. No, the working days of a professional writer are not all that glamorous at all.

When you do call us, we find that we are often in competition with other professional writers over when we can have a business plan competed, the turn-around time on a Federal Resume, or how many days it will take to write 10 pages of web content.

At Jimmy Hall Writing Services/ Marietta-Douglasville (404-580-1501) I try and balance my time as well as possible. When I write client copy, I do so efficiently & effectively, providing "clever writing for results."

I think, plan, organize, and assimilate BEFORE I write client copy. My job is to write as if I am writing copy for myself. Yes, the work must be relevant, informative, seo-oriented for attracting viewers, and also supply subtle "calls to action" to be persuasive for solid results.

This blog piece is a part of my working day, as a telephone call would be, if I can assist you or your company or organization (404-580-1501).
 ~ Jimmy Hall

Monday, July 20, 2015

Writers/Atlanta: Need Writer? No Nonsense Facts (404-580-1501)

Writers (for hire writers), almost all of us, spend our time prospecting for clients via various means, chiefly by blogging or using Social Media. This is true of Writers in Atlanta and everywhere else in Georgia and the United States. We literally live online. (My website ).

If you need a writer, what are the actual no nonsense facts you need to know, without the bs? Read on.

The most important thing is can the writer actually write well. I am serious. Many so-called writers write only a little better than everyday folks. Check out the writer's blog, website, and articles before hiring him or her. Common Sense, right? (You'd be surprised. I make a point of including links to mine in my e-mail signature.)

Next, what are the writer's fees? Is he/she reasonable for the writing services provided? Good writers are not cheap, but neither do they have to be expensive, either.

Furthermore, will the writer communicate with you during the process, and incorporate additional info if needed? It should be a given.

Product/Copy Delivery? Most writing is done online via e-mail and file transfers, these days, to cut down on time and mailing costs. Make sure the writer will keep communications open during the process, and will deliver competed material in a timely manner.

At Jimmy Hall Writing Services (404-580-1501) I strive to please my clients, and work as if I am writing for myself. In a sense I am. How? My body of client work is my resume!

Why Hire Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Atlanta-Douglasville?

Yes, I own a writing service . Jimmy Hall Writing Services (404-580-1501) carefully crafts and writes a number of written projects - including printwork, business writing, webwork, and personal writing. Big deal, right? Hmmm.

Why hire Jimmy Hall Writing Services/ Douglasville? Chiefly, I write top quality copy at a reasonable price, and do so in an honest manner. Every piece is written as if I am writing it for myself. That is a fact, ask around.

Secondly, I have a clever style of writing. Your needs are kept in mind. I take into account the target audience being written for, and craft relevant information for it/them. Writing is about communicating and relating.

Thirdly, I understand that pretty web pages and nice resumes or detailed business plans are written for reasons. You want to accomplish something, and the material I write is written to do just exactly that - and calls the readers to action. Aren't results the point? Jimmy provides "Clever Writing For Results."

Whether you are interested in a business plan writer, resume developer, web content provider, press release writer, letter writer, obituary writer, blogger, report generator, white paper writer, Social Media writer, expert article provider, or almost any other type of writing - Jimmy Hall / Douglasville (404-580-1501) can write well for you or your organization....

What Do Business Plans Do?: How Do Busines Plan Writers Write Plans? (404-580-1501)

What do busines plans do? Business plans serve several functions. They are written and developed to set a new or expanding business venture on track with respect to its mission, to acquire investors, to obtain business loans, and/or to keep all employees and managers on the same page.

At Jimmy Hall Writing Services /Douglasville and online (404-580-1501) I take your data and information and formulate and write it up into a successful business plan. 

Writing Business Plans

This important task requires solid organizational skills, assimilation abilities, business knowledge, the ability to write well and in "business-speak," and the skill to persuade the reader that you and your organization are viable and able to do exactly what you state and more. 

In essence, a business plan is even more important in representing a business venture than a resume is to being a snapshot of a prospective employee. The business plan writer or business plan developer in Atlanta, New York, Los Angeles or small towns like Douglasville, Georgia or elsewhere has to understand the Economics and Industry involved. 

Personally, I hold both a Master's Degree and a Bachelor's Degree in Business Economics, so I know if what you provide makes sense or not! I also know how to add to, cut, write-up, organize, and frame it to present your venture in a great light.

Contact Jimmy Hall/Business Plan Writer

Jimmy Hall (404-580-1501) is here to assist in making your start-up or expansion a success. If you or your organization need a solid business plan or any other type of writing, please give me a call soon.

Do You Need A Writer: Hiring A Writer/Atlanta-Online

Do you need a writer? Should you hire a professional writer for personal or business writing in Atlanta or around the nation? In many cases the answer is YES. Why? Please continue reading...

We all live in a modern world of SPECIALIZATION. Ideally, people in Atlanta and elsewhere are each doing what they do best, and delegating what they do not do best to others that can do it well. The fact is, many people can write, but not all that many people can write in a professional manner. Why?

Web content writing, personal writing, business writing, resume writing, business plan writing, report writing, obituary writing, letter writing, blog writing, press release writing, white paper writing, and many other things can be done by YOU - but the time (therefore money) it costs you to do it versus the results you obtain are likely not going to be beneficial to you. it is calld OPPORTUNITY COST.

Writing is not a simple matter of expressing information. In the modern world it requires a knowledge of "calls to action," "search engine optimization (SEO)," and a keen awareness of who the audience is and how to write for it. Professional writers online or in Atlanta know this and do this.

Web content is, perhaps, the best example. You can write the most informative pages of material, Grammarically correct, flowing, and intelligent, and place it on the web, and it will do you absolutely no good if it is not found and read. Say what????

Ordinary laymen do not understand this. Web content must be written for people and search engines to attract its own audience. A knowledge of SEO techniques is crucial. Unless you are a professional writer, you likely do not have the time and material to spend studying and learning and practicing proper web writing.

To varying degrees, the same can be said about business plan writing and resume writing. You might be a college graduate and able to write, but the time necessary for you to craft and write these items on a professional level to compete with others would simply not be worth it to you. It is best that you do what you do best, and hire a writer to do what he or she does best. Common Sense 101.

At JIMMY HALL WRITING SERVICES/Douglasville-Atlanta-Online (404-580-1501) I provide professional writing services at a reasonable cost. Please give me a call when you need asistance...

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Resumes: Resume Writer/West Georgia

Hello. If you are reading this blog piece, you might be interested in a resume. If not, someone you know must be. At Jimmy Hall Writing Services /Douglasville-Atlanta (404-580-1501), I develop and write resumes for clients in West Georgia and beyond, via the internet. Yes, I know the resume writing ropes.

Indeed, I am a resume writer in the West Georgia and Atlanta area, licensed in Douglasville. Like other writers, you provide me information and I work-it up into a great resume for you. But, what info and data should you provide to me or another resume developer?

Let's take it from the top. The exact name, address, e-mail address, phone number, and any other contact info must be given. Potential employers need it, and the resume writer needs it!

Next, what is your objective or purpose for the resume, and what type of or specific job are you trying to obtain? Is a Federal Resume required? Executive Resume? Basic Resume?

What are your exceptional skills and talents? How will these play toward the position you are seeking? Any awards or special achievements to speak of? How about some great numbers and stats and figures?

Continuing, what is your employment history, companies/organizations, locations, position titles, duties, responsibilities, and what special accomplishments can you attest to?

Furthermore, what is your education history with locations (high school or college/university/tech school degrees or courses, and all on-the-job or continuing education courses and training or certificates, etc... Anything and everything) and did you excel?

Personally, I still want more. What adjectives describe you? Can you supply an original work ethic quote? Are you a member of any special clubs, community organizations, churches, sports clubs, hobby outfits, etc?

No matter who writes the resume, they need quaility information to develop a good resume. The idea is to get you or your friend or acquaintance job interviews, and to differentiate the resume from the dozens of others in the pile or e-mail inbox. Get it?

If you want a professionally-written resume, I would like to be your resume writer. Again, I am Jimmy Hall (404-580-1501), and I can help get you through doors and into interviews.

West Georgia Writers: Web Writers/Content Writers West Georgia (404-580-1501)

Are you from the West Georgia area? If so, this piece might interest you... Businesses and organizations in the West Georgia area (Douglasville, Villa Rica, Temple, Carrollton, Bremen, etc) are not only in competition with each other, but also the big Atlanta businesses and companies. At Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Douglasville (404-580-1501), I understand this, and help all businesses to increase their client bases through first-rate online web content - and help them to meet and beat the competition.

How do businesses in West Georgia become just as visible as firms in big cities? Web exposure. How do companies achieve web exposure? In many ways; I'll explain.

West Georgia writers or web content writers in general employ a number of web tactics to increase online exposure. The plan usually involves a first-rate company website that is supported by a lively and informative supporting blog. 

The web writer/content writer must know exactly how to write specifically for the web, with pieces that are search engine optimized (SEO), informative, persuasive, and have a strong call to action. In addition, the blog pieces should drive readers to the website. This takes talent, skill, and SEO knowledge.

However, a commpany website and business blog are just the base; more is usually required. The business needs to be regarded as an expert outfit in its field. This not only means informative blog content, but expert articles establishing an online authority across the World Wide Web. Expert articles written and placed on ezines do exactly this!

Now, besides performing these writing tasks, a West Georgia area writer should also help the company with its Social Media presence (facebook, Twitter, Linked-In, Google+, etc). This is done with fun and thoughtful and informative postings, and strategic "liking" and "commenting." Understand? Promote word of mouth!

At Jimmy Hall Writing Services (404-580-1501) I can definitely assist you or your company with its online web presence. Please contact me if you would like further assistance...

Need More Business: Get More Business Clients/Atlanta

This topic I am familiar with, the place of needing more business in Atlanta, better business, and getting different business clients. It seems like all organizations go through stale periods without a lot of increased client activity. So, the obvious question is, how do companies or organizations get more business or more clients?

Trust me, as I write this it is also for myself and my company (Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Douglasville, 404-580-1501). I have those same dry spells. 

I try and approach the problem from a few angles. Here they are:

1. Review your current/past client base, and try and sell them further needed products and services. Often times people need things, yet simply take a long time to get about purchasing bthem without prompting!

2. Review your current/client base and prospect for referrals and recommendations. If you have done a good job or provided a solid product for clients in the past, maybe they can each give you a couple of referrals for now.

3. Use Social media to present your products, services, and brand for visibility. Provide interesting bits of information that others will share with your name on it!

4. Blog, blog, blog and then blog some more! Search engines like blog pieces, and they rate pretty well in results via Google and Bing.

5. Tweek your website and imporove its search engine optimization (seo) so that it will attract more viewers and potential clients. It works. Change keywords, add pages and bopics, and improve what is already there!

6. Don't forget a small amount of old fashioned advertising (print) in local areas, or word-of-mouth enhancement. Target specific publications that your clients (target market) read.

Business is competitive on every level in the 21st Century, corny as it sounds, you really do lose if you snooze.

I am ready, willing, and able to assist you with your web content needs, print needs, and other written projects at Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Douglasville (404-580-1501).

Friday, July 17, 2015

Company Web Presence: Creating Online Visibility /Atlanta(

Do you own or manage a company or contracting outfit? Your company in Atlanta or organization anywhere else needs a great online web presence. Why? A few reasons. Competition is fierce, and other companies are online everywhere; web content is the "best bang for the buck" possible, and the World wide Web - particularly Social Media, Websites, Blogs, and Expert Article Sites create visibility and solidify your brand.

Search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing are the Yellow Pages of the 21st Century. When people need products and services, they go online and search for them. At my commpany, JIMMY HALL WRITING SERVICES (404-580-1501) I am a solid web content provider for virtually every type of page online.

You see, to be found in product and services searches, I understand that web content must be written in a specific manner and form; it must be search engine optimized (SEO). This involves not only good writing skills to inform and convert/call readers to action, but also the special ability to write in a seo manner so that search engines present the content to searchers to be found. (SEO involves keywords, proper page layout & organization, subject relevance, titles, headings, and more.)

A web content writer in Atlanta or anywhere else must create the demand for what he or she writes, amid what is written! A great webpage is of no value if it is not indexed and rated highly by search engines. Content must be RELEVANT. The best page ever written is worthless if no one is ever drawn to read it. Understand?

A good online strategy/Web strategy will be based upon solid seo work in the form of a base website, a blog driving traffic to it, Social Media attention (facebook, Twitter, and Linked-In, for starters) and a set of expert articles differentiating your oganization or you as an authority/expert in the particular industry or filed.

Jimmy Hall Writing Services /Atlanta (404-580-1501) would like to assist you with your online strategy and web visibility. Give Jimmy/ MS/BBA a call to discuss your available online options.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Do We need A Blog? Does Blogging Increase Business Around Atlanta?

Are blogs good things? Does Blogging increase business and online visibility? Do you need a Blog? Well, the very fact that you searched and found this blog piece means that you really already know the answers to those questions; yes, yes, and yes. Blogging in Atlanta and elsewhere is big!

What Blogging Does

Blogging makes people aware of you or your organization/business, makes instant sales, drives web traffic to your website, provides information, and personal blogs allow you to put info and opinions out there for the whole world, and serve as a source of feedback to you.

Competition Demands Blogging

In this ultra-competitive world/Atlanta Business Community and poor business environment, your organization needs every possible advantage to compete. In fact, at this stage blogs are no longer just advantages or optional, but necessities. Most Atlanta area companies already have them!

Blogging Increases Brand Awareness & Web Visibility

Yes, you need a blog to increase business and brand awareness, and you need a great blog content writer to carefully write search engine optimized (seo) pieces for your new blog or existing neglected one, so that search engines will show your blog pieces in people's web searches! Web visibility is important.

I am Jimmy Hall of Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Atlanta (404-580-1501) and I am a blog content writer. Let me discuss helping you to gain an audience soon!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Get A Job: Go To Work Soon/Atlanta (404-580-1501)

Do you want a job? If so, you can go to work soon and get a job, in only a few simple steps. At Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Atlanta (404-580-1501) I know this to be true; I see it fairly often. How? Please continue reading.

First of all, know yourself. What? Yes, know your strengths and weaknesses, talents, skills, education, accomplishments, dates and places, character traits, personal background/work history, and awards that are selling points, and type the material up.

Secondly, know your industry or profession of choice, and pinpoint a number of organizations that have desireable positions open. This requires minimal research on your part, but a little. It is NOT a big deal. GOOGLE it.

Third, once you have completed the first two tasks, provide this information to a clever and solid resume writer to craft you a unique and personalized resume that presents a snapshot of you that is tailor-made for the organizations you might like to work for.

Now, once the resume writer/resume developer in Atlanta or elsewhere prepares a resume for you, select the places and exact people you will send it to, and have the writer to write a precise cover letter with minor changes for each place being sent. 

FINALLY, send-out the cover letters and resumes! Next, have the writer to craft a generic thank you letter to send out AFTER you begin having interviews! (The whole goal of a resume is to acquire interviews; you have to sell yourself for a job.)

At Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Atlanta (404-580-1501) I can and will provide the services above for you at reasonable prices. Give me a call when you can! ~ Jimmy/MS/BBA

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Online Writers Atlanta: Honest Writers/Georgia (404-580-1501)

This piece is about honest online writers, and a trusting client-writer relationship.  How so? A client absolutely must trust his writer, especially one dealt with by online means. The same is true for the writer, who depends upon good information and timely payment from his online client.

Mutual respect and trust must be felt and nurtured. This is done by limited phone calls and e-mails, and a trust but verify attitude sealed with an e-mailed contract. Get it? Checkout the online writer's website, blogs, facebook, etc - you can bet that the writer will at least google your telephone number! LOL.

At JIMMY HALL WRITING SERVICES/Atlanta (404-580-1501) I operate in a rather trusting manner; my clients receive the finished product (in most cases) before I receive payment (not completely so in cases of large projects and business plans). Clients can also verify my local business license, etc.

The point is that the two parties to a writer-client deal (usually the writer and Company head) must get along and feel comfortable with each other in their somewhat abstract and limited relationship. I try and do this, and so do the majority of prospects and clients I deal with.

At Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Atlanta (404-580-1501) I provide quality original written copy in a timely manner at a reasonable price. In return I expect and generally (not always) receive prompt payment and recommendations to others with respect to my written work, Give me a call if you are considering having web content, a business plan, resume, blog pieces, articles, letters, reports, or just about anything else written. Thanks, Jimmy

Hiring Online Writers: Business Plan Developers/Writers/Atlanta (404-580-1501)

Thinking about a new endeavor? Before you can start a business or expand an existing organization in Atlanta or elsewhere  you more than likely will need a business plan writer/business plan developer in Atlanta (or wherever) to write a solid business plan that will attract investors or aquire other financing/loans.

At Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Atlanta (404-580-1501) I organize and write business plans for clients, based upon the general information they provide. I know and understand business plans, and what is required to develop and craft a good one. (In addition to first-rate writing skills, I hold 2 business degrees and an English minor.) I am an honest and dependable licensed (Douglas County, Ga) online busines writer.

A business plan must not only provide all the basic information about you, your partners, and your venture, but also the mission, vision, background, products and services, marketing ideas/advertising, target market, sales expectations, expenses, personnel needs, management team, and financials of the organization. This requires know-how and a particular talent.

Indeed, readers and associates need to be involved and your plan must resonate with them. Let's face it, reading a business plan or even a small business proposal is not all that fun! Am I right? 

The reader must see a definite way to make money or be repaid extra money. That is the bottom line, unless the plan is also used for attracting key personnel and employees.

At Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Atlanta (404-580-1501) I can help you and your organization with respect to its business plan, and writing the business plan. Give me a call soon, to discuss this further. Thanks.