Monday, September 28, 2015

Business Blogging: Writing Blog Pieces For Business - By Jimmy Hall, 404-580-1501

If you are in business today, you know that you most-likely need several things to grow and compete in the modern world. These include a great search engine optimized (seo) website, a strong social media presence (facebook, Linked-In, Twitter, Google +), expert articles online (for credibility and authority), AND a great business blog to support both your website and commercial and business operations.

Blogs Support Business Operations

What does a business blog and its pieces need to do to support your operations? Several things. Actually, the pieces can perform a handful of functions, which I will explain.

The blog should be written in such a manner as to attract readers (the right ones, target market) via seo techniques; it should inform and teach about your products, services, and industry; the pieces should also send (DRIVE) viewers back to your primary website through links; the blog should also be a source of direct sales and contact; and, lastly, the pieces should be a form of communications and feedback between buyer, seller, and interested 3rd parties (customer service operations/public relations).

Blogging Communicates

The blog is ideally written slightly less formal than expert articles, but often more-detailed and precise than pages on a website or social media. It is also a forum to share ideas and knowledge. GET IT? Communications.

Sure, your organization should be the primary expert on your blog, but others can and will also contribute. Often your great pieces will be linked onto by other sites or blogs, enhancing your online presence. But, there is more.
Yes, interconnection is the key to wide-scope web presence/online visibility. In the 21st century it is a virtual necessity.

Blogs Create Web Presence/ Visibility

Your blogging should be shared piece by piece across your other social media pages, and should be linked to on your website. In fact, everything is supposed to be cross-linked to make your presence larger on the World Wide Web and in search engine queries. Internet 101, right?

Hiring Blog Content Writers

The point to all of this is that a good web content writer is needed to write your blog content for results. The blogger needs to know seo techniques, be a great web writer, and be able to inform and then call the readers to action (conversion). A good traditional writer is NOT good enough; it takes a great web content writer to be a good blog writer.

At Jimmy Hall Writing Services (404-580-1501) I, Jimmy, am such a web/blog writer. I would like to craft content for your future success

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Written Communications: Writing Can Be Precise 404-580-1501

There are obviously numerous forms of communications, ways to communicate. These include telephone, face-to-face, voicemail, text messages, e-mails, letters, faxes, physical ways, eye contact, body motions, notes, radio, tv, telegrams, and other Web or Internet facilitated methods. Of all of these, for the time spent, WRITING can be the most specific. Why?

When humans write, they are in a sense protected and secure. They have the freedom to express exactly what they are thinking, whereas they might be uncomfortable doing this in real time via the telephone or in-person, etc.

The written word allows communications to be precise and an eternal record of the correspondence remains, if the receiver or sender so chooses. This is precisely why contracts and agreements are generally WRITTEN as opposed to being simply verbally agreed upon.

When a person writes, they are not on an immediate time limit like when they are actively involved in communicating in real time. Real time communications involve nerves, and also the time restrictions mean that things may not be said, may be said wrong, or may be said in the wrong way.

Writing avoids much of this, as everything can be checked, edited, and changed at your convenience for maximum results. You see, writing and written communications and written material can specifically inform and persuade the reader. In cases of web content, writing can also actually draw or attract the viewer via search engine optimization techniques.

While some people prefer face-to-face meetings, I feel like writing is and can be much more specific, detailed, and truthful at times, since it alleviates the on the spot feelings of nervousness or time-restraints, and can be well thought out and crafted during the process.

~ Jimmy Hall is a professional business writer, crafting web content, business plans, resumes, letters, and other forms of written material /404-580-1501.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Business Proposals Versus Business Plans/Atlanta

Often we tend to use the terms “business proposal” and “business plan” interchangeably in Atlanta and elsewhere. Technically this is wrong; they are different. How? Please read-on.

A business proposal is the presentation of a service or product, whereas a business plan is the actual blueprint for the company or organization providing the product or service. (Regardless, a plan also is used as a proposal in and of itself also, for financing and securing a lease.)

Each document should logically present, inform, propose, and persuade the reader of its viability and likely success. A business plan should entice investors or creditors into providing funding, and should also present functional supplementation for the organization’s mission, providing a solid track to run on.

A business proposal must present a problem/need statement; propose a solution with a product or service, and then give pricing and implementation information about filling or solving the problem or the need. You or your product and services must be demonstrated to be the best fix for the problem or need in question. Common Sense 101. (This is really simple stuff, when you consider it.)

Each of these documents requires basic hard facts and projections to be successful. A good business writer is required to take your organization’s info and present it logically and persuasively to the reader or interested third party & members of the organization itself.

The plan or proposal must make good sense and be well-planned, and contain the right information. A good business writer in Atlanta or New York or elsewhere knows what o ask you for in developing and writing these plans and proposals.

At Jimmy HallWriting Services/Atlanta (404-580-1501) I write both business plans and business proposals for clients. I would like to assist you. I can be reached at the previously given number or . Thanks.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

I’ll Write Your Resume/Atlanta – Jimmy Hall (404-580-1501)

I’ll Write Your Resume/Atlanta – Jimmy Hall (404-580-1501)

To change positions or occupations, you need a new and updated resume that is written by a good resume writer, whether you are in Atlanta, Georgia or New York City. The resume is an initial step in the hiring process. You certainly need a resume (in most cases) if you are currently out of work and conducting a job search.

A good Atlanta resume developer will obtain the exact info needed from you to put to good use on your behalf. He or she will require full contact information, an exact work and educational history with all relevant dates, locations, job titles, duties, accomplishments, numbers, degrees/courses, awards, and also a listing of pertinent skills and adjectives that describe YOU!

The resume must be factual, honest, informative and especially persuasive, while formatted nicely with a crisp and clean look. Why?

The job hunt or job search is a competition. Often dozens and sometimes even hundreds of resumes are in a pile or e-mail box together. Each resume normally receives about a 25-second look. That is all. Your resume has 25 seconds to either standout or be tossed away. Understand?

I am a professional writer and resume writer online nationwide and physically in the northern Georgia area (Metro Atlanta). I will write your resume in Atlanta or elsewhere at a fair price, and make it a great snapshot of you, your talents, accomplishments, and abilities.

The purpose of the document is to get you noticed and into a job interview. The next steps are completely yours! Know your own resume, and be ready to answer any and all questions about your background. I know where-of I speak.
Resumes do not secure jobs, just meetings for you to sell yourself and obtain a job. Think of the resume as one piece of a larger puzzle. Be ready.

The job applicant (YOU) should know how to extrapolate past experience, skills, and talents into the hypothetical future position you want. People only care about your past with respect to your future. 

This is done both on the resume and in the interview process. Someone has the responsibility to place an applicant into a needed position, and they must do it to the best of their abilities to cover their own rear-end and help the organization. 

Convince them that you are the safest and best choice, and let me help you!

~ Jimmy Hall (404-580-1501). I can help you.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Alpharetta/Roswell Business Writers: Business Plans... (404-580-1501)

The area above North Atlanta is a hotspot. For years Alpharetta, Roswell, and East Cobb have been the places to be. Truth be known, this trend started when many Atlanta Braves baseball players began moving into the area in the mid-1980s and early 1990s. Glavine? Smoltz? You know.

This is the region to setup a business, whether you are retired or still working 40-plus hours a week. Have you considered a business plan? Do you have an idea or a longtime dream?

Now the rest of Georgia knows what these Braves did back then, what a great place it is to raise a family and operate businesses. There are quality people, high incomes, and money to be borrowed for business ventures. Get it? It might be that you need a business plan and a business plan writer in Alpharetta or Roswell to chase your next dream.

A good business plan developer or business plan writer in Cobb County, Alpharetta, or Roswell will explain exactly what you need to be successful amid your business plan and organization. What do you need? Please read-on.

You require: an idea differentiated from the others (fill a need), and a plan for marketing, good financing, great products and services/prices, a knowledge of a strategic market and area demographics, your mission and vision and slogan, a good management team, strong location, knowledge of the competition, functional and logical operational procedures, good people, sound sales and expense projections, and a reasonable background for the idea.

This idea must be conveyed to investors, creditors, landlords, and or managers in an informative and persuasive manner. Prove you will be viable and make money. Explain why?

Investors and creditors and landlords are simply concerned with how they will get their money from you. Can you pay them back with an additional profit? Can you pay rent on time monthly? Will this venture last 1 year, 10 years, or 25? Explain, explain, explain…..

What are the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats to your potential venture or business expansion? Can others quickly duplicate it or not? Are patents involved? Processes? Is protection needed?

As a potential entrepreneur you need to research and think things through, and then provide your information to a solid business plan writer/developer to compile it in a well-written and organized manner. The business writer must know business, economics, and human nature (people).

The business plan should be written for its audience, which will be money people, partners/associates, and managers. They need to understand the “who, what, when, where, why, and how” of your concept – nothing less. A good business plan writer in Alpharetta, Roswell, or East Cobb can help change your abstract ideas into tangible realties…..

~ Jimmy Hall (404-580-1501). I write business plans.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Resume Writers: Writing Resumes/Georgia 404-580-1501

Resumes are an important tool in the process of obtaining a new job or position in Atlanta or elsewhere. The resume is the potential employer’s first snapshot of you, the possible employee. The function of the resume and resume writer is to get you into the door for a job interview or meeting. Understand that? Resumes DO NOT get jobs, they get interviews. I know; I write them.

The last thing someone in a job hunt/search (or even making a lateral or upward move in a company) in Georgia needs to do is to try and tell their life story on a 2-page resume. HINT: No one wants to read it; you simply are not that important or interesting. What?

In your spare time you may be the next Hemingway, but if writing is not relevant to the position being filled, no one cares. The focus is on the position to be filled, not just YOU. The manager or interviewer wants to do their job by responsibly staffing the vacant job you want – end of story.

Where does this place you now? You must compile compete information about yourself and structure it into a resume, or likely hire a good resume developer or resume writer to shape it for you. Your info and data need to be accurate, complete, honest, clever, and forward-leaning. There must be a link between your past and present and the future job.

During this process, your resume will initially be looked-at for about 25 or 30 seconds. That’s it. In the blink of an eye, practically, your info is either rejected or accepted for further review. The resume has to stand out from the others in the stack quickly!

For YOU and your resume to stand out, your writer must know how to develop a crisp, neat, informational, and compelling document that leads the reader to want to see you, meet you, and learn more. Understand? You are in a competition with many other applicants, whether you like it or not. The resume is your initial face, where there is none!

The moral to this story is to provide a resume developer with full info, contact information, adjectives about yourself, a complete work and educational history with cities, dates, job titles, degrees, studies, awards, special courses and training, relevant hobbies, computer talents, special skills, specific accomplishments (preferably with numbers), and even analytical info. Understand?

Be thorough; do not be shy. Share all. The writer will then throw out the garbage, while making you a solid and relevant resume to get you into the potential employer’s door. Let your Atlanta area resume provider present you in a great light.

~ Jimmy Hall is a resume writer and business writer in Georgia, and assists clients nationwide with resumes, business plans, web content, letters, and other written projects (404-580-1501).

Friday, September 11, 2015

Business Plans: Business Plans/Georgia

Business Plans are a virtual necessity for new business ventures in Georgia and elsewhere, and even many established older ones. New businesses require startup financing. Established ventures need expansion financing and to update how they are functionally performing their missions.

Business Plans For Loans & Investment

Don’t kid yourself, there is a lot of cash waiting to be invested or loaned towards solid business opportunities in the Atlanta and North Georgia Area. Bank on it. (Examine Alpharetta, Macon, and especially Metro-Atlanta.) A solid, well-written, fact-based, and persuasive business plan is the basis for such commercial activity and investment.

Effective Business Plans: Business Blueprints

A good and effective business plan should secure funding and lay down the operational blueprint for a profitable endeavor. The plan or proposal’s development should be a team effort between the owner/originator (providing info) and the business plan writer (organizing, wording, and laying-out the plan/proposal).

Business Writers & Teamwork

Indeed, the writer must know what to ask for, and how to get what he needs that might not be provided. A business plan is only as good as the information it presents and supports. An eager and organized client plus a clever and educated business writer in Georgia can be extremely successful in obtaining loans and also venture capital. It works.

Capital’s Available Via Georgia Institutions

Even credit standards have eased since 2008. Certainly investor participation has increased. Simply put, people and Georgia institutions want to put their money to work to make higher than average returns, even if it means taking small risks. Understand? Capital is available.
People want to start and maintain businesses, and other people and organizations want to fund them. We business plan writers want to serve as a part of the process that brings folks together to do exactly that. In a sense, we are facilitators of industry, business, and commerce – and sometimes non-profit activities.
Entrepreneurs & Writers

Entrepreneurs need to explore new ideas, collect all facts relevant about them, form a mission, and present full information to a business writer that can help turn abstract ideas into physical realities. Solid facts and good writing succeed in business and commerce.

At Jimmy HallWriting Services (404-580-1501) I assist individuals and teams in crafting first-rate business plans, and am particularly involved in doing so in the Georgia area. I would like to assist you or your organization with their needs…

Friday, September 4, 2015

Labor Day: Working/Writing Through Labor Day

Once again Labor Day is here, a time for physical rest and family. Unfortunately, I am an only child and both parents are dead (and I am single without children). I suppose this gives me leave to write and work some over the long Labor Day Weekend. 

This may not be easy. I miss my folks. Life often seems cruel or unkind. Still, God is on the throne. I likely should not complain. Right? I am on top of this anyway.

Perhaps during this Labor Day Weekend I can also be reflective and contemplative, and maybe finish the business plan and resumes I am writing and then actually craft some sentimental literature also. I want to. I need to. I'd love to. You get the idea.

I would like to think that working and writing and reading Biblical things will be good treatment for me this year. I need answers to life's questions. I even need questions to life's answers sometimes. I often want to know "Why?"

I wonder what my readers and clients are doing over the holiday weekend? Remember when we all used to watch Jerry Lewis and the MDA Telethon all Labor Day Weekend with our parents? Where did the time go? I wish I knew. Time is tricky, and life passes like a vapor.

Yes, I will write and hope that Roger Federer has a great weekend at the U.S. Open Tennis Championship. Simultaneously, I will miss my mom and dad and my past life as a child. growinmg older is serious business, especially for a writer on a long Labor Day Weekend. Who is your favorite?

God bless you all over this holiday weekend. Be safe. Amen....