Saturday, February 14, 2015

Blog Content: Finding/Hiring Blog Content Writers/Atlanta ~ Jimmy Hall 404-580-1501

Blogs are important for almost all businesses and organizations. This makes finding and hiring good blog content writers important. Why? Because blogs do several important things, performing key functions. They should be written by writers that understand search engine optimization (seo) and webwork to maximize these functions.

Blog Pieces/Blog Functions:

1. Blogs show-up nicely in Google searches, Bing searches, and amid other search engine results; this means more web visibility and more sales. 2. Blog Content creates interaction and discussions between potential clients, customers, and organizations. 3. Bloggers provide valuable information about topics that certain people are interested in. 4. Blog Writers create website traffic to organizations' websites via the blog pieces they write and post, especially with accompanying links.

Good Blog Writer Traits

Given that blog writers are the public voice providing the visible info from you or your organization, the blog content provider you choose must absolutely be able to take topics and keywords and write authoratatively and humanly about them. But, that's not all. No way.

The blog writer must also be able to say what needs to be shared in about 325-475 words, while also doing it in solid seo style, while making perfect sense. You see, the content must draw readers, inform them, and convert them to your cause (usually sales).

If the blogger can do all that, and some really can, he or she then must be able to write further blog pieces regularly without duplication. In other words, the writer must have a brain and employ much creativity in the blog pieces over time.

Hire Blog Writer

At Jimmy Hall Writing Services (404-580-1501) I am happy to answer any questions you may have, and would like to actually bond and obtain your blog writing business. My site will be of value to you whether you desire my  services or not...

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