At my writing service (Jimmy Hall Writing Services/404-580-1501) I carefully analyze information and develop and write business plans regularly. I know the ropes, and feel like I can provide solid advice on business proposals and business writers.
Business Plan Writer Tasks
Business plan writers/Atlanta and elsewhere should let clients know precisely what information is needed for their business plans, and then take the info provided and assimilate, organize, properly word, and present it in the correct form for their clients to present to readers. This material should be presented using good English and without typos or grammarical errors, as well.
The business writer should be active with the plan's formulation, for in a real sense the success or failure of the client's proposal can be a reflection of his or her own writing talents (generally, not always). Writers like to keep-up with the track-record of their work. In that sense we are vested!
Business Plan Info Required
But, what info should a potential business-owner have ready to present to a business plan developer for the startup? The answer is as much as possible!
If someone is going to be successful in a business venture, it needs to be their passion. As such, they should enjoy researching their industry and the data related to their endeavor. If it is a boring chore, that is a hint that perhaps they should not get inviolved in the business. Common sense 101.
The info needed for a business plan generally includes:
1. Concept/Purpose/Background
2. Organizational Info/Contact Info
3. Managerial/Ownership Info
4. Slogan and Mission Statement & Vision Statement
5. Marketing/Advertising Plans/Sales Info (Target Market)
6. Area Demographics/On-line Plans
7. Competition Info
8. Product/Service/Pricing Info
9. Sales/Revenue Projections
10. Personnel Resources
11. Company Asset-Expense/Capital Info & Needs
12. Miscellaneous Per Industry, if any
Next Business Plan Step/Writing It
Once the future owner/manager(s) has provided the data to the plan writer, the busines plan developer should read it, print it, and ascertain anything else he or she requires - and ask for it. After he feels comfortable with what is provided the task of writing an Excecutive Summary begins, and later the Basic Plan itself is written with the summary as a base.
This task may seem daunting, but to an experienced business plan developer it is routine; it simply requires a step-by-step writing method and a few days time.
The bottom line is that before a business plan writer or business plan developer is hired, make sure that he or she knows their craft. Your business' future fate might just depend upon it!
I am Jimmy Hall, and can be contacted at 404/580-1501 or my website can be visited at Jimmy Hall Writing . I write plans for clients nationwide. I can help you in starting a new business.
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