Monday, January 25, 2016

Hire A Writer: Freelance Writers/Atlanta

We writers are a strange breed. To a great extent we are more consultants than strictly writers. How? Many freelance writers around cities like Atlanta or Houston are actually educated with business degrees and a practical background in Economics and Business. We provide a 2 for 1 punch; the thought pattern and the ability to write it up.

I know that in my case, I am able to provide a variety of specialized writing services ranging from business plans, resumes, letters, web content, proposals, press releases, obits, papers, reports, and more. Experience matters. Education matters. Knowledge matters. Writing talent matters. SEO matters. Get it?

It is all about clear and logical thinking and writing, BOTH. Writers take information and mold it and present it in the best possible light for their clients. The idea is to make good sense and be persuasive in a relatively concise manner. (We live in a fast-paced world.)

Writing is about organization and step by step plans and communications. The goals of the client must be kept in mind at all times, and everything written should keep the mission and desirable end result in mind.

The object is NOT the great writing itself, but rather what the writing can do. We are talking about business and personal writing here. Both require knowledge of what the clients want to accomplish, and require a laser focus upon it.

Clients want to feel good about being able to hand-off material to a writer/consultant and not have to worry about the final product. It is all about delegation, because the client either does not have the time or talent to deal with the project(s). Writers do it daily, and are effective at producing quality product.

It makes great sense that the freelance writer does what he or she does best, while allowing the client to do the exact same thing. Economics 101. Efficiency.  Everyone wins. The written product is generally better when done by a professional.

At Jimmy Hall Writing Services /Atlanta and nationwide (404-580-1501) I assist clients by carefully crafting and writing business and personal writing. I provide “Clever Writing For Results.”

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