Sunday, January 24, 2016

Short White Paper: SEO Content Marketing

Search engine optimized (SEO) web content is a necessity and an unbelievably valuable tool for websites/web material with respect to online marketing. How so? Please read-on.

Search engines are used today just like phone books and the Yellow Pages were used 20 years ago. Your relevant products, services, and organization MUST show-up in these searches. It’s a massive competition, particular with organizations in your immediate area.

Think about it. When you need some product or service yourself, how do you find it? Easy. You go online and Google it (or use Bing or Yahoo, etc.). Right? Then you pick those providers that seem best. Normally, these are the ones at the top of the first or second page returned.

The World Wide Web puts exactly what you need at your fingertips. That’s precisely why you need to be unique and have a solid web/online presence. Good search engine optimization is not an option, but rather a requirement. Today, sites must attract their own readers/viewers and then inform and convert them. It’s a science and a specialized craft.

A simple punch of a keyword or two, or a subject phrase and a town or location, and search engines instantly provide thousands of relevant results. More than likely you will click-on or call one or two of them on the first page, and sometimes the second. So, what does this tell us?

The answer is that it is vital that your web content writing be so relevant, unique, and optimized that it displays on the first or second page of Google, Bing, Yahoo, and all other search engines during relevant queries.

This means that you either have to study search engine optimization and practice it, or else you must hire a professional SEO expert web writer that can increase your web traffic with the use of SEO techniques via search engines.

A good SEO web writer knows how to use just enough keywords, key phrases/long-tailed keywords, titles, subtitles, headings, unique and relevant content, linking, script sizes, italics, and correct writing to rank well with the search engines.

Obviously, what Google and the other search engines desire (from their specific algorithms) changes yearly, and they only provide us hints of how to stay up to date. Currently, in 2016, relevant content written for the reader seems to be a key ranking component. (Search engines are now almost human. ALMOST.)

Professional web writers should never try and fool search engines in this day and age. It simply will not work for long. Black Hat Tactics will only cause your client’s website or certain pages to be penalized or banned form search engine rankings. Stay White Hat all the way. No one wants to be placed in the penalty box, right? (The same holds true for people that try and write their own webpages.)

The so-called common knowledge today is to write relevantly for the reader, simply adding some headings, links, and a few keywords for the search engines. I think a bit more than that is still required. I feel like writers still need to cater or nod at google, and certainly post new webpages on Google+ to be crawled and ranked quickly.

We all tend to forget or overlook the fact that it is still a huge competition between competing webpages. Only so many good pages will fit on the first or second pages of Google or the other search engines. Even great content can sometimes not make the cut.

This means that the web content writer absolutely must take those extra ten or fifteen minutes to perfect the pages he or she writes, and optimize them a little bit more. Extremely high quality is demanded to rank higher than the other numerous competitors.

To sum it all up, write unique content that is relevant for the reader, and do so in a form liked by the search engines (with nice headings, titles, links, lists, etc.). Search engines, like most people, like neatness and order. Give it to them!

Jimmy Hall (404­-580-1501) is a professional writer of web content/seo, resumes, business plans, blogs, and other forms of written product…..

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