Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Go Daddy.com Websites/ Jimmy Hall Writing Services

Go Daddy.com Websites: Websites Through Go Daddy.com

~ Jimmy Hall / 404-580-1501 / Jimmy Hall Writing Services

 Go Daddy.com is a good way for your company to build a solid online presence to increase site visits/visibility and increase revenues/sales, via Go Daddy.com and their web-site builder. But, what about your web content? If you're not a strong web writer, a professional writing service (like mine/ 404-580-1501) can provide original and specific web content for you, as your web content writer, at a reasonable price.

Go Daddy.com: Wonderful Website Provider/Webpage Builder

Go Daddy.com is my own personal website provider. As a writing business owner/manager, I understand the value of Go Daddy, and know precisely how to craft exact web content for use with their site maker and web tools. You can also learn it if you have the time, or otherwise let a professional write web content for your organization.

Website/ Webpage Material

Writing for the web is different than regular print writing. Website pages must provide info and call the viewer to action; they must also attract readers to the site itself via showing-up in search engine searches and online queries. Yes, it is a two-fold purpose, not like print/hard copy. 

Search Engine Optimization For Go Daddy.com

To rank high with search engines your Go Daddy.com site (or others) must be crafted for search engines and searchers, by being centered around exact keywords, with proper titles, headers, and just enough repetition to attract viewers and provide relevant information that makes good sense and sells your vision, service, or product. Not many writers are good web content writers. Go Daddy also sells a special feature making it simple to optimize and submit websites, once written.

Jimmy Hall (404-580-1501) can write great web content for your Go Daddy website.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Writing Life Story Obituaries/ Obituary Writers ~ Jimmy Hall - HJimmy577@aol.com

Writing Life Story Obituaries/ Obituary Writers/Final Tributes
                         ~ Jimmy Hall/ Jimmy Hall Writing Services / 404-580-1501 / HJimmy577@aol.com 

Life story obituaries? Final tributes? Despite religious and spiritual beliefs, death is often a terribly hard thing to deal with. In this life it is as final as final can possibly be. As such, surviving loved ones (and even foresighted individuals facing their deaths) often have a strong desire to pay one last and enduring tribute to their deceased loved one, friend, acquaintance, or associate(s), or to leave their own story behind. Life story obituaries written by solid and caring obituary writers are often a great way to proceed with doing it.

Newspapers and paper writers mean well - but time, space, and other constraints severely limit their ability to express much more than the basics about the dearly departed. For many people that pass away, much more is deserved and needed. A thoughtful and caring life story obituary writer can make it happen. The final tribute can then be used at the actual funeral, in newspapers, letters, and mail outs for all to see and remember the life lost.

Of course, the basics about the time and cause of death should be included, as well as all the arrangements; but, much more is needed. The life should be celebrated and attempted to be immortalized for future and present generations. Sentimentality and cold hard facts should abound. Family details? Religion? Loves and hobbies? Jobs? Positions? Accomplishments? Education? Good deeds? Beliefs? Unique occurrences? sayings? Unusual events? Residences? (I think you get the idea.)

A good life story obituary writer/life tribute writer will ask for just the right details, and respect what you do and do not want included. It is important that the writer cares, and his or her first consideration is to the deceased and family.

This is how I operate at Jimmy Hall Writing Services, and I feel like everyone else that composes life tributes should function in much the same manner. Respect and dignity are required. Your feedback is appreciated and welcomed...

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Resumes/ Resume Writers Needed ~ Jimmy Hall

Atlanta Resumes/ Resume Writers Needed

~ Jimmy Hall/ Jimmy Hall Writing Services /Atlanta (404-580-1501)

You need a new or updated resume, and a resume writer or service must be hired to craft it; but, how do you determine who should do it for you? Aren't all resume services the same? Is there really a difference between resumes and their writers? Please read-on.

Resumes Ideally Secure Job Interviews

Ideally, your updated or totally new resume will present an overview of your personal competence, knowledge, education, experience, skills, character, and professional life with respect to potential positions, jobs, or work projects. A proper resume should be designed to quickly grab and hold the attention of the reviewer, and to differentiate you/your resume from the competition for the position you want. Job hunting and position seeking are rough jobs themselves.

Talented Resume Developer

Nonetheless, it takes a talented resume developer with unique skills and abilities to write such a resume.  He or she must pose to you just the right questions about yourself, quiz you, obtain just the correct info, combine it right, and then format it persuasively for the people hiring for the position(s) you want. Find employment now!

Resumes Must Appear Unique

The majority of resume writers in Atlanta treat each client like a robot, transferring their info into a one size fits all format or program. I do not do that, nor should you or your resume writing service. No, each resume must be specially formatted just right for each individual client. Resumes must appear unique. The goal is to get invited inside the door for an interview, then you are ready to shine!

Integrity Remains Important

When the resume is written and done, the personal and private information trusted to resume developer must remain private. It is NOT meant for anyone to see without your permission. A good writing service must be held to high ethical and confidentiality standards. Your information needs to be safe with your writer, or destroyed. No one likes the notion of identity theft.  Understand? 

Keep these things in mind when writing or choosing a writer for your resume. Also, your feedback is welcomed...

Web Content/Search Engine Optimized Online Copy ~ Jimmy Hall Writing Services

Web Content/Search Engine Optimized Online Copy

~ Jimmy Hall/ Jimmy Hall Writing Services (404-580-1501)

The style, wording, layout, and relevance of web content is a big deal; it really matters. How? Your web copy not only shares info about you and/or your company or organization, and converts readers (hopefully); it also must draw or lure readers to your website and webpages. It creates its own demand via the miracle of search engine optimization (seo). It is essential for web content writers and optimization experts to write in a way that informs readers and attracts search engines such as Google, Yahoo!, and Bing.

Search engine optimized online copy is achieved by designing the layout in a readily acceptable form - using proper headings, titles, subtitles, keywords, meta-tags, browser titles, etc. It is both an art and a science to be a good seo web content writer. Writing for the World-Wide Web is much different than conventional print writing.

A knowledgeable web content writer can also explain or identify various words and phrases ideal for linking, which is also an extremely important factor in search engine rankings & search engine optimization consideration. Links enlarge connectivity, and also demonstrate a  level of online confidence and respect. The more web portals/entry points the better (usually).

Web writers should write for their target audience with web content marketing in mind, while also realizing that the website material will be categorized, evaluated, and ranked by search engines. It is a craft for professionals that know precisely how to perform unique online balancing acts on behalf of others. This is true for bloggers, blog writers, web content providers, and search engine optimization writers.

Stay on top of your website; hire a quality seo-oriented web content writer to craft your web copy..... How do you feel about this piece?