Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Preparing Resumes Guide: Resume Writers/Atlanta

Resumes: We all here about them and assume we need an updated resume if we want to change jobs or are amid a job search. But, what is the truth about the function and importance of resumes and resume writers? Do Atlanta’s job seekers need them?

Required Resumes

First of all, yes, for most respectable open positions aresume is required. However, it is not needed for the reason many job applicants think. What do I mean?

Job Vacancy Selection Process

In the modern selection system to fill job vacancies, things are done in a step by step manner. The job or position seeker must find out about the vacancy posting, ask a few questions, have an Atlanta area resume writer prepare a solid one tailored for the opening, send it to the correct person with a cover letter, and then hopefully begin a series of 2 or 3 interviews and be the last person standing for the job.

Role Of Resumes

The role of the resume for the applicant is simply to present a credible snapshot of its owner, separate him or her from the pack, and secure job interviews. It does NOT sell the applicant for the job, just the interview process. 

No job seeker should ever assume that a great resume will actually get them a job. It simply does not work that way. It will get you interviews, but it is up to the applicant to sell his or herself in-person for the position. The piece of paper means very little compared to the personality, character, abilities, achievements, and conversation and answers provided in direct talks.

Resume Limits

Think of the resume as being the required centerpiece of a job hunt, but somewhat of a toothless or clawless tiger in the overall scheme of the selection process. It is the key that unlocks doors, but then it is the seeker’s task to make himself or herself both likeable and respected.

Resume Writer

The resume writer or resume preparer is vital in this job process. Why? The resume is the first task an applicant does for the potential employer. While everyone knows that few people write their own, the applicant is still nonetheless responsible for the final product and the delegation of the task.

The job seeker is more or less sized-up based on what is presented, and will be judged by the quality of it. Quality and neatness are more important than quantity. Though factual, it also makes a visual impression.

Applicant Content

If everything you’ve done in your working and studying life won’t fit on a 2-page resume, do not worry about it. If what is there is good, you will get an interview and be able to tell the rest in-person! Cite specifics. Note accomplishments and facts and figures. Understand? Be persuasive.

Jimmy Hall (404-580-1501) is owner of Jimmy Hall Writing Services outside of Atlanta, Georgia, and professionally writes resumes and other wr

Changing Careers: New Career Resumes

Career changes are common around Atlanta and 21st Century America in general. Sometimes people are downsized or laid-off or fired, at other times they simply desire a new career or job by their own initiative. It happens all the time.

Still, no matter who is changing jobs or professions, they all have one thing in common: An updated resume is required to secure interviews for a new career. A good resume opens the door to employment.

The important thing is to demonstrate (or have your resume writer show) how your skills, experience, and education can transfer in a beneficial manner into the new field or new career. Somewhat like a student resume, entering a new field means a great deal of speculation on the potential employer’s part

It is best to show eagerness, and to list past accomplishments and relevant functions that have been performed that will create personal value in the potential new job. No one wants to hire someone that will need excessive training. Would you? Appear versatile.

In other words, the resume must be slanted towards the type of new work that is desired. It should be convincing and as detailed as possible. Every related task or duty from past jobs must be included. All training and education should also be listed, particularly on-the-job training or classes taken during past employment.

Changing careers doesn’t have to be a hard ordeal in Atlanta or anywhere else. The transition can be made smoothly with a solid resume, cover letters, and a great deal of enthusiasm and zeal. Make 2016 your year for new employment. Do not be afraid of change.

A good resume service or preparer can be a great benefit in these situations. Hire one and provide him or her or them with complete information so that a great document can be written and developed for you.

JimmyHall (404-580-1501) is a professional resume writer and developer online and in the Atlanta area. HJimmy577@aol.com .

Monday, December 28, 2015

OBJECTIVES: Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Douglasville, Georgia 404-580-1501

When it comes to the written word, whether in Printed Hard Copy or on the World Wide Web, I don't play. I take writing seriously, as a means to various client ends. When I carefully craft content or copy for a client, I have their desired ends in mind.

When I prepare and write a resume, the intent is for doors to open for you the client to obtain multiple job interviews. You must be presented by me in your best light.

When I develop and write a business plan, the intent is to obtain financing for you and your partners, and to provide all of you with a crisp and organized mission-based track to operate on.

When I create unique and relevant SEO Web Content, the intent is for your organization's webwork to be crawled, indexed, and highly ranked by search engines so that your pages come-up in Google and Bing queries.

I think as the reader and potential client you nget the idea. Whether I write the above items, or Letters, Proposals, Papers, Press Releases, Obits, Blogs, Expert Articles, or anything else - "Clever Writing For Results" is the rule.

Furthermore, I treat my clients well, and keep them in the loop during the process, and work in an honest and ethical fashion. I expect honesty and prompt payment in return. 

I want win-win situations, and desire to establish ongoing business relationships with new friends (not numbers).

Please feel free to contact Jimmy Hall Writing Services /Douglasville - Atlanta (404-580-1501) at your convenience. Lets create a win-win situation between us....

HIRING A FREELANCER: Freelance Writers Provide Benefits

Hiring a freelancer, especially aquiring the services of a freelance writer around Atlanta or North Georgia, does not have to be hard work, and you have the added benefits of not paying their benefits or using one of your staff member's time for the task that the writer can do much better anyway. Why? 

Writers love to write, and most professional writers have both websites and blogs (at the very least) that certainly demonstrate or display their work product/copy. They are easy to evaluate and choose. Many are also all-over Social Media, especially Twitter, Linked-In, Google+, and Facebook.

If you want a good sample of a professional freelance writer or professional business writer's work, look around for them online. If he or she is worth anything, they will appear in Google or Bing searches. (This also likely means they are good at organic search engine optimization or SEO.)

Writing is all about informing and persuading readers to do as you wish, to convert them to your cause (usually buying something). Web content adds the extra dimension of creating its own demand or luring/drawing readers in via the search engine queries. Optimization is incredibly important online.

Do not expect a freelancer to have readily available samples of resumes, business plans, business proposals, or even corporate letters handy. How come? The info is often confidential. How would you like the sensitive work you paid for being spread around the World Wide Web?

However, past web content is easy enough to locate, and in many cases writers might have an old press release or two on file also, not always.

The writer-for-hire needs to be good with words, use solid grammar, have some business/economic knowledge, know what material he needs from you the client at the onset, and definitely know search engine optimization (SEO) if the copy is to be placed on the Web.

At Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Atlanta-Douglasville (404-580-1501) I prepare quality written material for most projects (except grants). Call or e-mail at your convenience, HJimmy577@aol.com .


The web content on your website must not only provide thorough and accurate information, but also convert readers, and lure visitors to your website to begin with. The more traffic the site draws through search engines (Google, Bing, etc) the greater your sales will be.

Content Writers

The job of a seo web content writer is to write material for websites and blogs that attracts these visitors by ranking high with the search engines. At the same time the words must read well; after all, sites are viewed by real human beings. The copy must make good sense and be both unique and relevant.

SEO – Search Engine Optimization

SEO stands for search engine optimization. This means being in proper form for Google, Bing, and others to return your webpages or blog pieces in queries and searches by potential clients. It involves keywords, phrases, titles, headings, correct word order, and other tactics known by good web writers.

Even a good writer may be a bad seo content writer; it is a whole different field of writing than crafting traditional copy. In my case, you found me so I must know what I am doing, right? Experience matters.

World Wide Web Material

Everything on the World Wide Web, whether on blogs, websites, social media, or in expert articles should be optimized for search engine indexing. There is little point in having any copy that is not luring visitors to itself. Content must be used as advertisement via content marketing.

Your web writer should know that his or her job is to inform and call to action/convert the visitors drawn to the webpage. Sales are the name of the game. Readers need to be prompted to contact and buy.

SEO Content Summary

In a nutshell, seo material requires good writing and exact optimization techniques. When done correctly, your material will fare far better than that of lesser optimized sites and blogs. Like it or not, your content is in direct competition with others that use your same keywords and subject matter.

Jimmy Hall (404-580-1501) is a web content writer and professional business and personal writer outside of Atlanta, and operates nationwide via the Internet. Personal E-Mail: HJimmy577@aol.com  .

Press Releases: Writing Press Releases

A good press release around Atlanta or other cities will answer all of the traditional “who, what, when, where, why, and how” questions about the upcoming event. It will be dated, have a source location, a bold heading, and will cover all pertinent information in an organized format.

Press releases usually range from one to three pages, and are released both online via the World Wide Web and/or in traditional newspapers and magazines. Many sites and firms specialize in dispersing press releases. They can be quite effective.

Web releases are of special interest to most companies. The press release writer, in these cases, should incorporate search engine optimization techniques (seo) amid these, just like any other web content writing, to attract readers through search engines. Writing press releases is also a skill or talent.

Personally, I do not like really wordy releases, but rather concise ones that cover all the basics. A lengthy release tends to harbor wordy and unnecessary content that the reader is simply not much interested in. The whole idea is to get and keep the readers’ attention and peak their interest, not bore them!

Alerting readers and potential clients to upcoming events is significant. It is good business. Just make certain that your press release writer is good with words and grammar, and understands what he or she is doing.

Jimmy Hall / Atlanta (404-580-1501) writes press releases and numerous other types of professional writing projects. Personal E-Mail: HJimmy577@aol.com  .

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Your Business Writing Projects: Business Consulting/Writing

Business writing is important. Everyone seems to undertand that, but not exactly why it is so important. Business writing projects are a form of communicating in a formal or at least semi-formal manner.

Understand this: Something in writing is read and pretty much stands forever. That is why contracts are generally written and not verbal. The proof is in the written word. Again, business writing and businss writers are important.

Given these facts, managers, business owners, and individuals should make certain that a professional business writer or business consultant does their writing for them. Impressions matter. Words certainly matter. Organization and order are also very important.

A professional business writer or professional business consultant is of great value in helping to exactly express the information that needs to be conveyed in correct and understandable form. Why risk a screw-up with a staff member handling it?

Allow your staff to always do what they do best, their particular job functions, and simply hire-out the writing projects (as need be) to be done exceptionally well. It works, and the final written product will be effective and efficient.

Contact a professional writer that you feel comfortable with via the telephone, after reading his or her website and blog. Good freelance writers rock.

Jimmy Hall (404-580-1501) is a professional business writer/consultant that carefully crafts all types of written material for clients.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Kinds Of Resumes: Choosing A Resume Writer/Atlanta

Resumes come in many varieties, including basic, student, traditional, federal, executive, and professional resumes. Resume writers in Atlanta and elsewhere also come in quite a few varieties, ranging from hack writers to actual professional resume preparers that can cleverly assimilate your material and order it properly with just the correct wording and format.

The real job of a professional resume writer is to carefully craft your material into a crisp resume that secures job interviews for you. Understand? The resume itself is not meant to be so all-encompassing to actually get you a job; the system doesn’t work that way.

No, the resume (whether a basic or executive resume or any other type) is simply meant to make you stand apart from most of the competition for the position and get you invited through the door for a job interview.

Human resource staffers, managers, supervisors, and others that actually look at resumes rarely spend more than 30 or 45 seconds scanning or reading a resume before deciding if it goes in the good pile (those whose owners are chosen for interviews) or the larger pile of rejected documents (file #13).

The point is that your resume preparer must make your resume relay a favorable impression fast. The layout should look appealing, with much white space, and it must look crisp and organized. 

However, this layout must be filled with precise facts, adjectives, achievements, awards, skills, education, positions, activities, training, duties/responsibilities, and other info that is persuasively worded and geared toward the position being sought.

Student resumes must demontrate skills, knowledge, and potential. Executive resumes need to demonstrate above average achievements and a dynamic skill set. Professional resumes must show absolute results. Federal resumes need to provide a large amount of data and information. Understand?

Resume writers in Atlanta, Marietta, Macon and elsewhere should know these things. I do. At Jimmy Hall Writing Services (404-580-1501) I write resumes that obtain interviews and allow clients to secure jobs and positions.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Holiday Letters: Christmas Letter Writers/Atlanta 404-580-1501

Sometimes people know what they want to write or say, but not exactly how to actually do it. That is where professional letter writers often come in to help. Holiday letters/Christmas letters can touch hearts.

A professional with a good heart can take your thoughts and feelings and present them as you desire to, to the person or people involved. It is both a talent and an art. In this manner it is still YOU saying it.

The professional letter writer does it for a living, and is not nervous or emotional as you might be when trying to write it. In fact, he or she can be a bit objective. Love must come nthrough in Christmas letters, as well as sincerity.

The whole point is that you might consider hiring a letter writer to help you say what you need to say to friends, loved-ones, and acquaintances during this Christmas Season. It can be a nice touch, and is generally not vgery expensive at all.

Jimmy Hall Writing Services (404-580-1501) also writes most types of letters, including Holiday and Christmas Letters for clients.

Making Money 2016: Businesses Making Money Needed Business Plans Initially

It seems that often the old saying is true, that to make money you need to have money. Well, that is where a good business plan comes in. They provide a track to run on, but also bring in cash to do it with.

A well-written business blueprint can secure bank loans or investors to give you the capital your business idea needs to get off the ground or to expand. Isn't that what is mainly required?

Start 2016 right. Get that business idea off the chalkboard and up and running. If you already have a good business, expand further with a great business plan. Understand? Go for it. If you don't have one, start one with your unique idea.

At Jimmy Hall Writing Services (404-580-1501) I can carefully craft and write a good business plan for your organization or yourself. Talk it over with me; read my pages about business plan writing. Together we can do this thing for you, and make 2016 YOUR YEAR.

A solid business plan must be well-written with just the correct "business-speak," and needs to be compiled by a business writer/business consultant that is educated and experienced in business and economics (I hold a MS - Business Economics & BBA - Economics).

The blueprint needs to be halfway concise, yet detailed enough that nothing is vague. Banks, especially, need a decent amount of details and speculation (projections). Many times investors that know you are not so picky, and let you worry about the details.

Give Jimmy Hall a call today 404-580-1501.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Christmas/New Years: Setup For 2016

2016 is almost here. Are you and your business prepared? Will you hit the ground moving forward in the upcoming year, or just sorta carry-on the same way you are now?

Now is the time for you to personally update your resume and have new and relevant web content added to your website for serch engine optimization (seo) to increase web visibility and increase sales in 2016.

And, what about expansion or a new business venture all together? Why not enter 2016 with an updated business plan professionally written to increase funding, and keep the business on track?

There are an awful lot of great things we can all do at year's end to kickstart the next year. At Jimmy Hall Writing Services (404-580-1501) I can assist you or your organization in these endeavors.

Resume? Web Content? Business Plan? Blogging? Expert Articles? You get the idea. I am here to help you increase your presence. Be the authority in your field. Be everywhere online. Be respected. I can help!

Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Douglasville-Atlanta, Georgia (404-580-1501).

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Christmas Writing: Holiday Letter Writing

Well, Christmas and the holidays are here. We all know what this should mean (a celebration of Jesus' earthly birth [actually conception] around 12/25), but sometimes we over-emphasize family and friends. (There are worse things to do, for sure.)

This time of the year means much letter writing (some prefer e-mailing); but, the end result is that you need to write simply, well, meaningfully, and state your love and appreciation in a rather sentimental way.

Christmas writing/ holiday writing is NOT business letter writing. Nope. These letters are to demonstrate the love you hold for others, regardless of what they have or have not done for you (or bought from you).

Drop your guard and be yourself in these letters. Do not worry about every little bit of grammar or perfect form. Again: BE YOURSELF.

Letters express thoughts from one party to another. Ideas. Get it? The great thing about holiday letter writing is that you can actually write much more "mushy" and/or "longer" than you would ever talk!!!! Do it!