Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Changing Careers: New Career Resumes

Career changes are common around Atlanta and 21st Century America in general. Sometimes people are downsized or laid-off or fired, at other times they simply desire a new career or job by their own initiative. It happens all the time.

Still, no matter who is changing jobs or professions, they all have one thing in common: An updated resume is required to secure interviews for a new career. A good resume opens the door to employment.

The important thing is to demonstrate (or have your resume writer show) how your skills, experience, and education can transfer in a beneficial manner into the new field or new career. Somewhat like a student resume, entering a new field means a great deal of speculation on the potential employer’s part

It is best to show eagerness, and to list past accomplishments and relevant functions that have been performed that will create personal value in the potential new job. No one wants to hire someone that will need excessive training. Would you? Appear versatile.

In other words, the resume must be slanted towards the type of new work that is desired. It should be convincing and as detailed as possible. Every related task or duty from past jobs must be included. All training and education should also be listed, particularly on-the-job training or classes taken during past employment.

Changing careers doesn’t have to be a hard ordeal in Atlanta or anywhere else. The transition can be made smoothly with a solid resume, cover letters, and a great deal of enthusiasm and zeal. Make 2016 your year for new employment. Do not be afraid of change.

A good resume service or preparer can be a great benefit in these situations. Hire one and provide him or her or them with complete information so that a great document can be written and developed for you.

JimmyHall (404-580-1501) is a professional resume writer and developer online and in the Atlanta area. HJimmy577@aol.com .

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