At some point and time almost everyone needs a resume; and if you won't, someone in your family will. So, this blog piece about hiring a resume writer is for everyone that cares about themselves or others. There are many resume writers in the Atlanta area, but not that many great ones.
I know whereof I speak, because at my writing service (404-580-1501) I write a great deal of resumes for people around Atlanta and nationwide. One thing is certain: clients absolutely must know that whoever they hire to write their resumes knows precisely what he or she is doing.
A good resume developer/writer in Atlanta or anywhere else must understand exactly what the objective of the document is intended to do - particularly what type of position is desired. The writer should write for the person hiring for that exact type of job. You want a better job!
The resume writer or resume writing service also must understand how to use descriptive adjectives and keywords related to the type of job their client is pursuing. Furthermore, a great command of the written English Language is required when using them and developing the resume, because the writer is REPRESENTING the client (someone else besides themselves). Get it?
A resume is a concise snapshot of the person it respresents, and it must be a neat-looking and concise, yet fairly thorough, one - and make its impact on the reader within 20 SECONDS. That is NOT long, is it?
The resume service also needs to have at least a general knowledge about the type of position and company the client is presenting it to, to tailor it for them - and to use appropriate words and descriptions. It is critical to be able to somehow describe past job functions and skills in a way that they are relevant to the desired position. It is not always easy to do it.
Along the same lines, a proper and unique resume format should be chosen for each client, as opposed to just using some standard "cookie-cutter" format or generic computer program. Clients are unique, so their resumes should be also. Doesn't this just make good common sense?
Another often-overlooked point is that uniformity and balance go a long ways toward acceptance. Readers like things to be in order, and certain conventions to remain from place to place on the pages. But, having said/written that, a good resume developer is not afraid to add or change particular sections or parts of the resume to make a positive impact and stand out. (I often place personal quotes about my clients' work ethics on the document.)
Having mentioned all of this, one last point is that the writer must know how to get the information he or she needs from the client.
The resume writer must know what info is needed as far as education, work history, skills, talents, ethics, morals, objectives, dates, titles, acheivements, awards, addresses, contact information, and anything else specific to a particular client - and he must ask for it, assimilate it, structure it, write it, and let the client know that the whole intent is to get into the door for an interview, NOT to get the job with only the resume....
Again, I am Jimmy Hall, and I can be reached at Jimmy Hall Writing Services Atlanta (404-580-1501) to assist you in any way possible. Thank you.
Professional Business Writing Blog: discussing every aspect of writing projects required by organizations or individuals (404-580-1501). ... Atlanta/Nationwide: Try Jimmy Hall.
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Inexpensive Marketing Ideas: Advertise Cheaply - Jimmy Hall
Does your company need a bigger "bang for its advertising bucks?" Would a few inexpensive marketing ideas benefit your organization? (I know, dumb questions.) This blog piece is for you. I will share how to advertise cheaply.
But, what does "cheaply" mean? In a nutshell, by that I mean FREE, except for possible time costs or the small expense of hiring a web writer. Interested?
As the owner of Jimmy Hall Writing Services (404-580-1501), I know that there are several on-line tactics that can be utilized to inexpensively market your business and advertise cheaply to obtain higher revenues and a bigger bottom line. These include a relevant blog, expertly-written articles, and a strong Social Media presence on facebook, Twitter, and Linked-In. (It is a given that you already have a solid SEO website.)
Why these three tactics? Three reasons. 1. To be found by search engines and have your website visited/ or have people directly call or click and buy from their immediate web exposure to your company. 2. To be considered an expert or authority in your field, across the World Wide Web. 3. To stay in touch and interact with clients and potential clients.
This is simply common sense, and it can be a truly inexpenive means to market and advertise your products and services. The big "BUT" (and you knew it was coming) is that either you must be a proficient web writer OR hire a good web content writer (Me! Me! me!).
Web content writing is a special talent and skill (employing search engine optimization techniques, an ability to concisely share important info, and the ability to call/move the reader toward your desired action - usually to BUY something).
Being a "good writer" is irrelevant in the online world, IF you do not understand how to write for the Web. If you can hire a web content writer/blog writer (not very costly) you will reap visible results within three weeks to a month, if they are good.
I hope this article has helped and will help you to further understand inexpensive marketing ideas and cheap advertising (all online). If I can assist you more, please call me at 404-580-1501 (Jimmy Hall). Thanks....
But, what does "cheaply" mean? In a nutshell, by that I mean FREE, except for possible time costs or the small expense of hiring a web writer. Interested?
As the owner of Jimmy Hall Writing Services (404-580-1501), I know that there are several on-line tactics that can be utilized to inexpensively market your business and advertise cheaply to obtain higher revenues and a bigger bottom line. These include a relevant blog, expertly-written articles, and a strong Social Media presence on facebook, Twitter, and Linked-In. (It is a given that you already have a solid SEO website.)
Why these three tactics? Three reasons. 1. To be found by search engines and have your website visited/ or have people directly call or click and buy from their immediate web exposure to your company. 2. To be considered an expert or authority in your field, across the World Wide Web. 3. To stay in touch and interact with clients and potential clients.
This is simply common sense, and it can be a truly inexpenive means to market and advertise your products and services. The big "BUT" (and you knew it was coming) is that either you must be a proficient web writer OR hire a good web content writer (Me! Me! me!).
Web content writing is a special talent and skill (employing search engine optimization techniques, an ability to concisely share important info, and the ability to call/move the reader toward your desired action - usually to BUY something).
Being a "good writer" is irrelevant in the online world, IF you do not understand how to write for the Web. If you can hire a web content writer/blog writer (not very costly) you will reap visible results within three weeks to a month, if they are good.
I hope this article has helped and will help you to further understand inexpensive marketing ideas and cheap advertising (all online). If I can assist you more, please call me at 404-580-1501 (Jimmy Hall). Thanks....
Increase Company Revenue/Atlanta - 404-580-1501
Almost everyone around Atlanta or anywhere online has heard the ongoing buzz about blogs and blogging. Unless you live in an al-Qaeda cave somewhere in the Middle-East mountains, you know that your business needs one. But, why? What is all the fuss and attention about? ANSWER: Business blogs increase your company's revenue. I am now going to tell you HOW.
Search engines (Google, Bing, and others) love concise blog pieces that are seo-optimized, relevant, and informative. When someone punches-in a keyword in a subject search, a good blog article or posting is often more to the point than a longer article - thus it shows up on the first page or two of results. As such, the searcher is likely to contact your Atlanta area company for business, or at least visit your website.
So, blogs attract business to increase company revenue, and also drive traffic to your website to help do the same. It is fair to say that blogging benfits businesses in multiple ways, because it also serves as a means to interact with customers and potential clients on an ongoing basis. Thus, blogs inform, increase company revenues, serve as a method of communicating/interacting, and are ads that serve to market themselves and your organization.
Ideally, a busines or organization will hire a solid web content writer/web content provider that writes relevant and seo-optimized blog content. Web content is different than printy writing, as keywords, headings, subtitles, titles, and a particular order of content is required to attract search engine attention.
At Jimmy Hall Writing Services /Atlanta (404-580-1501), I am an experienced wweb content writer AND Blog Content Writer. I can help you ton increase company revenue with blogging. Please feel free to contact me for such services...
Search Engines Love Business Blogs
Search engines (Google, Bing, and others) love concise blog pieces that are seo-optimized, relevant, and informative. When someone punches-in a keyword in a subject search, a good blog article or posting is often more to the point than a longer article - thus it shows up on the first page or two of results. As such, the searcher is likely to contact your Atlanta area company for business, or at least visit your website.
Atlanta Area Blogs Draw Web Traffic & Blogs Attract Customers
So, blogs attract business to increase company revenue, and also drive traffic to your website to help do the same. It is fair to say that blogging benfits businesses in multiple ways, because it also serves as a means to interact with customers and potential clients on an ongoing basis. Thus, blogs inform, increase company revenues, serve as a method of communicating/interacting, and are ads that serve to market themselves and your organization.
Hiring Blog Content Writer(s)/Atlanta
Ideally, a busines or organization will hire a solid web content writer/web content provider that writes relevant and seo-optimized blog content. Web content is different than printy writing, as keywords, headings, subtitles, titles, and a particular order of content is required to attract search engine attention.
At Jimmy Hall Writing Services /Atlanta (404-580-1501), I am an experienced wweb content writer AND Blog Content Writer. I can help you ton increase company revenue with blogging. Please feel free to contact me for such services...
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Obtaining Customers Through Social Media ~ Jimmy Hall Writing Services (404-580-1501)
Why do so many people and businesses have BLOGS, FACEBOOK PAGES, E-ZINE ENTRIES, LINKED-IN PROFILES, and TWITTER ACCOUNTS? Because they are an inexpensive way to use Social Media to obtain customers/clients, and to interact with current ones.
Even the cost of delegating an employee to maintain them is also reasonable. You get a great "bang for the buck" by interacting on these sites, and building them up to the point of attracting free organic search engine rankings and listings (showing-up when someone Googles, Bings, or Yahoo!'s topics related to the product or services you provide/sell).
Social Media websites provide visibility, and can actually replace much of the marketing/advertising results once obtained via the large costs of print advertising, which no-longer is the great deal it once was in past decades.
The question now becomes how does the typical everyday manager, business owner, or marketing manager that is an expert at what he or she does daily (but not the World Wide Web or Internet or Social Media) make use of Social Media to obtain customers/clients?
As a writing service owner (Jimmy Hall Writing Services/ 404-580-1501) my best advice is to hire a professional web writer (like myself) that understands search engine optimization, organizes and assimilates facts and writes well, understands Business and Economics, and knows the ins and outs of web searches and keywords. Feel free to contact me if I may be of any assistance....
Social Media: Effects Versus Costs
These Social Media sites and tactics are the "Yellow Pages" of the 21st Century, and are free to operate apart from hiring a good web content writer that knows search engine optimization methods (seo). They rock! A strong online presence does help to obtain customers and clients. No question about it.
Even the cost of delegating an employee to maintain them is also reasonable. You get a great "bang for the buck" by interacting on these sites, and building them up to the point of attracting free organic search engine rankings and listings (showing-up when someone Googles, Bings, or Yahoo!'s topics related to the product or services you provide/sell).
Social Media Provides Visibility
Social Media websites provide visibility, and can actually replace much of the marketing/advertising results once obtained via the large costs of print advertising, which no-longer is the great deal it once was in past decades.
Making Use Of Social Media
The question now becomes how does the typical everyday manager, business owner, or marketing manager that is an expert at what he or she does daily (but not the World Wide Web or Internet or Social Media) make use of Social Media to obtain customers/clients?
As a writing service owner (Jimmy Hall Writing Services/ 404-580-1501) my best advice is to hire a professional web writer (like myself) that understands search engine optimization, organizes and assimilates facts and writes well, understands Business and Economics, and knows the ins and outs of web searches and keywords. Feel free to contact me if I may be of any assistance....
Starting New Business: Business Plan Writers/Atlanta - Jimmy Hall
Are you starting a new business? Do you know exactly what you want to do, know how to do it, but need to explain the situation to investors or those willing to loan you money? If yes, YOU NEED A BUSINESS PLAN!
At my writing service (Jimmy Hall Writing Services/404-580-1501) I carefully analyze information and develop and write business plans regularly. I know the ropes, and feel like I can provide solid advice on business proposals and business writers.
Business plan writers/Atlanta and elsewhere should let clients know precisely what information is needed for their business plans, and then take the info provided and assimilate, organize, properly word, and present it in the correct form for their clients to present to readers. This material should be presented using good English and without typos or grammarical errors, as well.
The business writer should be active with the plan's formulation, for in a real sense the success or failure of the client's proposal can be a reflection of his or her own writing talents (generally, not always). Writers like to keep-up with the track-record of their work. In that sense we are vested!
But, what info should a potential business-owner have ready to present to a business plan developer for the startup? The answer is as much as possible!
If someone is going to be successful in a business venture, it needs to be their passion. As such, they should enjoy researching their industry and the data related to their endeavor. If it is a boring chore, that is a hint that perhaps they should not get inviolved in the business. Common sense 101.
The info needed for a business plan generally includes:
1. Concept/Purpose/Background
2. Organizational Info/Contact Info
3. Managerial/Ownership Info
4. Slogan and Mission Statement & Vision Statement
5. Marketing/Advertising Plans/Sales Info (Target Market)
6. Area Demographics/On-line Plans
7. Competition Info
8. Product/Service/Pricing Info
9. Sales/Revenue Projections
10. Personnel Resources
11. Company Asset-Expense/Capital Info & Needs
12. Miscellaneous Per Industry, if any
Once the future owner/manager(s) has provided the data to the plan writer, the busines plan developer should read it, print it, and ascertain anything else he or she requires - and ask for it. After he feels comfortable with what is provided the task of writing an Excecutive Summary begins, and later the Basic Plan itself is written with the summary as a base.
This task may seem daunting, but to an experienced business plan developer it is routine; it simply requires a step-by-step writing method and a few days time.
The bottom line is that before a business plan writer or business plan developer is hired, make sure that he or she knows their craft. Your business' future fate might just depend upon it!
I am Jimmy Hall, and can be contacted at 404/580-1501 or my website can be visited at Jimmy Hall Writing . I write plans for clients nationwide. I can help you in starting a new business.
At my writing service (Jimmy Hall Writing Services/404-580-1501) I carefully analyze information and develop and write business plans regularly. I know the ropes, and feel like I can provide solid advice on business proposals and business writers.
Business Plan Writer Tasks
Business plan writers/Atlanta and elsewhere should let clients know precisely what information is needed for their business plans, and then take the info provided and assimilate, organize, properly word, and present it in the correct form for their clients to present to readers. This material should be presented using good English and without typos or grammarical errors, as well.
The business writer should be active with the plan's formulation, for in a real sense the success or failure of the client's proposal can be a reflection of his or her own writing talents (generally, not always). Writers like to keep-up with the track-record of their work. In that sense we are vested!
Business Plan Info Required
But, what info should a potential business-owner have ready to present to a business plan developer for the startup? The answer is as much as possible!
If someone is going to be successful in a business venture, it needs to be their passion. As such, they should enjoy researching their industry and the data related to their endeavor. If it is a boring chore, that is a hint that perhaps they should not get inviolved in the business. Common sense 101.
The info needed for a business plan generally includes:
1. Concept/Purpose/Background
2. Organizational Info/Contact Info
3. Managerial/Ownership Info
4. Slogan and Mission Statement & Vision Statement
5. Marketing/Advertising Plans/Sales Info (Target Market)
6. Area Demographics/On-line Plans
7. Competition Info
8. Product/Service/Pricing Info
9. Sales/Revenue Projections
10. Personnel Resources
11. Company Asset-Expense/Capital Info & Needs
12. Miscellaneous Per Industry, if any
Next Business Plan Step/Writing It
Once the future owner/manager(s) has provided the data to the plan writer, the busines plan developer should read it, print it, and ascertain anything else he or she requires - and ask for it. After he feels comfortable with what is provided the task of writing an Excecutive Summary begins, and later the Basic Plan itself is written with the summary as a base.
This task may seem daunting, but to an experienced business plan developer it is routine; it simply requires a step-by-step writing method and a few days time.
The bottom line is that before a business plan writer or business plan developer is hired, make sure that he or she knows their craft. Your business' future fate might just depend upon it!
I am Jimmy Hall, and can be contacted at 404/580-1501 or my website can be visited at Jimmy Hall Writing . I write plans for clients nationwide. I can help you in starting a new business.
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Online Content: Aquiring Website Content & Buying Blog Content - Jimmy Hall (404-580-1501)
A solid website and informative blog are BOTH necessary for 21st Century commerce and business. Most individuals involved in business now understand this fact. However, what is far less understood is how to go about acquiring website content and buying blog content that is suitable for the web.
People are genuinely intrigued or at least inquisitive about any type of online content or web-work. Why? Something about material on the World-Wide Web seems magical or somehow "geek-formulated." Everyday people are literally scared to write online content, feeling that they simply cannot enter into this modern realm of writing.
Guess what... To some extent these fears are justified. Website content and blog content are each a totally different breed of writing than traditional print-work. Good webwork is more complicated than standard writing. Why? Please read on...
As a writing service owner (Jimmy Hall Writing Services 404-580-1501) I know that web content and/or blog content, as opposed to other writing, must attract it's own audience, inform the readers it secures, and then move or call the viewers to a desired action (usually to purchase a product or service). Printed material must only inform and call the reader tro action - it is already placed in an accessible vehicle for reading (magazine, newspaper, etc) to be easily found.
The web is a monster where material can easily be lost in oblivion! It does little good to have a wonderful website if no one ever sees it, does it? So, how is online material properly written and found?
A special talent and degree of specific knowledge is required to be able to craft online content. That's right. The writer must be able to communicate and write clearly, but also know how to provide web content that shows-up in search engine queries (Yahoo!, Google, and Bing, and others) and also make good sense to individual readers that find you.
In order to accomplish the task of being found in search engine queries/searches, the web content writer must know what "keywords" to use, how and how often and where to use them; what headings and titles and subtitles to employ and where; and, the content writer must know how to write on a webpage in a manner suitable for search engine digestion/consumption (in a special and organized manner).
The whole point is that if you need web content, and you probably do, keep all of this information in mind. You should make absolutely certain that you hire a web writer or blog writer that knows how to write specifically for the web. This writer must understand how to use search engine optimization (seo) techniques and be able to communicate effectively on your organization's behalf.
To close, if I can be of some service to you, feel welcome to call me (Jimmy Hall - 404-580-1501) or to visit my website. Thanks for reading; I hope it helps you.....
People Fear Webwork
People are genuinely intrigued or at least inquisitive about any type of online content or web-work. Why? Something about material on the World-Wide Web seems magical or somehow "geek-formulated." Everyday people are literally scared to write online content, feeling that they simply cannot enter into this modern realm of writing.
Guess what... To some extent these fears are justified. Website content and blog content are each a totally different breed of writing than traditional print-work. Good webwork is more complicated than standard writing. Why? Please read on...
Web Content/Blog Content Remains Unique
As a writing service owner (Jimmy Hall Writing Services 404-580-1501) I know that web content and/or blog content, as opposed to other writing, must attract it's own audience, inform the readers it secures, and then move or call the viewers to a desired action (usually to purchase a product or service). Printed material must only inform and call the reader tro action - it is already placed in an accessible vehicle for reading (magazine, newspaper, etc) to be easily found.
The web is a monster where material can easily be lost in oblivion! It does little good to have a wonderful website if no one ever sees it, does it? So, how is online material properly written and found?
A special talent and degree of specific knowledge is required to be able to craft online content. That's right. The writer must be able to communicate and write clearly, but also know how to provide web content that shows-up in search engine queries (Yahoo!, Google, and Bing, and others) and also make good sense to individual readers that find you.
Web Content Features/Talents Required
In order to accomplish the task of being found in search engine queries/searches, the web content writer must know what "keywords" to use, how and how often and where to use them; what headings and titles and subtitles to employ and where; and, the content writer must know how to write on a webpage in a manner suitable for search engine digestion/consumption (in a special and organized manner).
Hiring Web Writers/Blog Content Writers
The whole point is that if you need web content, and you probably do, keep all of this information in mind. You should make absolutely certain that you hire a web writer or blog writer that knows how to write specifically for the web. This writer must understand how to use search engine optimization (seo) techniques and be able to communicate effectively on your organization's behalf.
To close, if I can be of some service to you, feel welcome to call me (Jimmy Hall - 404-580-1501) or to visit my website. Thanks for reading; I hope it helps you.....
Saturday, February 21, 2015
Blog Pieces: Writing Blog Content Pieces - Jimmy Hall/ Atlanta (404-580-1501)
Blogs are important in Atlanta and elsewhere. Why? They drive traffic to your website, help you/your organization communicate information with customers and potential clients, and blogs themselves are sources of direct business generation when they are found via web searches through search engines. (Often, blogs also generate two-way conversations between the organization and the readers/responders.)
As such, writing blog content or writing blog pieces is extremely important, and must be done in proper search engine optimization (seo) form. Just the right keywords must be woven into an orderly and digestable format with a solid call to action. Easy enough? Well, yes and no.
Web content writing (particularly for blog pieces) is a far cry from simple print writing. Obviously, blog content must not only be informative and make good sense and be written well, but it also needs to create its own demand (with search engines) to the right audience (potential buyers) without seeming pushy or appearing to be written for the afore-mentioned search engines!
This piece provides basic tips for crafting blog content, but you shoulod also consider hiring a professional web writer to formulate web content for your blog/website. That way, the blog writer does what he or she does best, while you spend your time doing what you do best - with respect to operating your business or business functions.
I operate a writing service/Atlanta (Jimmy Hall Writing Services 404-580-1501) and I can personally vouch for everything written in this blog piece, both as a business owner and web content writer.
As such, writing blog content or writing blog pieces is extremely important, and must be done in proper search engine optimization (seo) form. Just the right keywords must be woven into an orderly and digestable format with a solid call to action. Easy enough? Well, yes and no.
Web content writing (particularly for blog pieces) is a far cry from simple print writing. Obviously, blog content must not only be informative and make good sense and be written well, but it also needs to create its own demand (with search engines) to the right audience (potential buyers) without seeming pushy or appearing to be written for the afore-mentioned search engines!
This piece provides basic tips for crafting blog content, but you shoulod also consider hiring a professional web writer to formulate web content for your blog/website. That way, the blog writer does what he or she does best, while you spend your time doing what you do best - with respect to operating your business or business functions.
I operate a writing service/Atlanta (Jimmy Hall Writing Services 404-580-1501) and I can personally vouch for everything written in this blog piece, both as a business owner and web content writer.
Getting What You Want: Letters That Convert/Get Results - Jimmy Hall
Everyone needs to write letters upon occasion, or have letters written for themselves to get what they want or to convert people or businesses or organizations into doing what they specifically desire. Letters should move and motivate readers to action. (My writing service/Atlanta helps people with this regularly.) But, how?
The idea is that a business letter or personal letter should do four very important things: 1. Establish a respectful or serious line of communications. 2. Inform the right reader of the situation at hand. 3. Explain what you or your organization want to be done or changed. 4. Logically motivate the reader to convert to your cause and establish the change you require.
Too many times the writer or the client of the letter writer does not have a clear idea of what the purpose of the letter even is! Obviously, the situation should be studied to begin with, and what is wanted should be known ahead of time. Simply "venting" generally does NOTHING to help your cause. Understand? The letter needs a clear objective.
In addition, an open-ended letter without a specific time frame, at least in passing, might very well be placed in file 13 (the trash) of the reader. Your letter must firmly but nicely show that you mean business, state what you need, and provide a time frame for it being completed.
Without the above communication components, you simply will not get what you want or convert the reader to the results desired. People must be called or persuaded to take action. We are often procrastinating creatures. It is only human.
This blog posting is certainly not an "explain-all" about letter writing, but it is a start. At my writing service (Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Atlanta-Douglasville 404-580-1501) I assist clients regularly by carefully crafting letters for them If you could use some assistance, I am here for you!
Letters Should Accomplish Four Things
The idea is that a business letter or personal letter should do four very important things: 1. Establish a respectful or serious line of communications. 2. Inform the right reader of the situation at hand. 3. Explain what you or your organization want to be done or changed. 4. Logically motivate the reader to convert to your cause and establish the change you require.
Letters Should Present Clear Objectives
Too many times the writer or the client of the letter writer does not have a clear idea of what the purpose of the letter even is! Obviously, the situation should be studied to begin with, and what is wanted should be known ahead of time. Simply "venting" generally does NOTHING to help your cause. Understand? The letter needs a clear objective.
Letters Need Time Frames
In addition, an open-ended letter without a specific time frame, at least in passing, might very well be placed in file 13 (the trash) of the reader. Your letter must firmly but nicely show that you mean business, state what you need, and provide a time frame for it being completed.
Letter/Communication Components
Without the above communication components, you simply will not get what you want or convert the reader to the results desired. People must be called or persuaded to take action. We are often procrastinating creatures. It is only human.
This blog posting is certainly not an "explain-all" about letter writing, but it is a start. At my writing service (Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Atlanta-Douglasville 404-580-1501) I assist clients regularly by carefully crafting letters for them If you could use some assistance, I am here for you!
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Market Your Business: Online Business Marketing ~ Jimmy Hall (404-580-1501)
Marketing your business online is virtually mandatory in the 21st century. The web is this century's "Yellow Pages." Think about it; what do you do first when you need a product or service? Of course, you Google or Bing it. We all do.
At my writing service, and others, professional writers have the know-how and ability to use the world-wide web to attract customers and clients to your website. You see, it's all about traffic and numbers. It's marketing. Understand?
In plain talk, the idea is to lure viewers to the website via search engines (search engine optimization -seo), through a variety of means (the website itself, blogs, expert articles, social media, etc) and then inform and convert them to your cause. Attract - Inform - Convert. Easy as 1-2-3. Right?
Marketing your business online is not an extra means for revenue; it is a requirement to keep-up with your competition. Not having a properly written (seo optimized) website is like a boxer entering a match with one hand tied behind his back.
The website absolutely must serve several purposes. It has to be able to create its own demand, drawing people to itself. then, the site has to accurately relay important information and facts to the readers. lastly, and most importantly, it must call or move the viewers to action - to BUY.
A good online business marketing plan will employ the previously mentioned website, blogs, expert articles, and social media to accomplish these things - thus increasing revenue and increasing profits. But, how is this done?
To accomplish these things, make sure that you hire a web content writer/ online marketing expert that knows how to professionally write fior the web, and understands business and marketing basics. Keep in mind that web writing is completely different than regular print writing. Make sure your writer is adept online....
Jimmy Hall is a professional writer, and able to assist you with your online and offline writing needs *(404-580-1501).
Professional Writing Services: Web Writers Marketing
At my writing service, and others, professional writers have the know-how and ability to use the world-wide web to attract customers and clients to your website. You see, it's all about traffic and numbers. It's marketing. Understand?
Using Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Marketing
In plain talk, the idea is to lure viewers to the website via search engines (search engine optimization -seo), through a variety of means (the website itself, blogs, expert articles, social media, etc) and then inform and convert them to your cause. Attract - Inform - Convert. Easy as 1-2-3. Right?
Marketing your business online is not an extra means for revenue; it is a requirement to keep-up with your competition. Not having a properly written (seo optimized) website is like a boxer entering a match with one hand tied behind his back.
The website absolutely must serve several purposes. It has to be able to create its own demand, drawing people to itself. then, the site has to accurately relay important information and facts to the readers. lastly, and most importantly, it must call or move the viewers to action - to BUY.
Online Marketing: Websites, Blogs, Expert Articles & Social Media
A good online business marketing plan will employ the previously mentioned website, blogs, expert articles, and social media to accomplish these things - thus increasing revenue and increasing profits. But, how is this done?
Hiring Web Content Writers/Web Marketers
To accomplish these things, make sure that you hire a web content writer/ online marketing expert that knows how to professionally write fior the web, and understands business and marketing basics. Keep in mind that web writing is completely different than regular print writing. Make sure your writer is adept online....
Jimmy Hall is a professional writer, and able to assist you with your online and offline writing needs *(404-580-1501).
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Blog Content: Finding/Hiring Blog Content Writers/Atlanta ~ Jimmy Hall 404-580-1501
Blogs are important for almost all businesses and organizations. This makes finding and hiring good blog content writers important. Why? Because blogs do several important things, performing key functions. They should be written by writers that understand search engine optimization (seo) and webwork to maximize these functions.
Blog Pieces/Blog Functions:
1. Blogs show-up nicely in Google searches, Bing searches, and amid other search engine results; this means more web visibility and more sales. 2. Blog Content creates interaction and discussions between potential clients, customers, and organizations. 3. Bloggers provide valuable information about topics that certain people are interested in. 4. Blog Writers create website traffic to organizations' websites via the blog pieces they write and post, especially with accompanying links.
Good Blog Writer Traits
Given that blog writers are the public voice providing the visible info from you or your organization, the blog content provider you choose must absolutely be able to take topics and keywords and write authoratatively and humanly about them. But, that's not all. No way.
The blog writer must also be able to say what needs to be shared in about 325-475 words, while also doing it in solid seo style, while making perfect sense. You see, the content must draw readers, inform them, and convert them to your cause (usually sales).
If the blogger can do all that, and some really can, he or she then must be able to write further blog pieces regularly without duplication. In other words, the writer must have a brain and employ much creativity in the blog pieces over time.
Hire Blog Writer
At Jimmy Hall Writing Services (404-580-1501) I am happy to answer any questions you may have, and would like to actually bond and obtain your blog writing business. My site will be of value to you whether you desire my services or not...
Thursday, February 12, 2015
Resumes/Atlanta: How Resume Writers Develop Resumes - Jimmy Hall/Atlanta-Douglasville
Resumes are important in Atlanta, Marietta, Kennesaw, or elsewhere online across Amewrica. We all have one or have had one, and most people absolutely dread updating or writing a new resume. Let's face it; it simply is not a fun task, not even for professional resume services like myself. However, there are ways to have the job done correctly and painlessly. Looking at the resume as a part of the bigger process is rewarding for both the writer and the owner of the document.
A resume is a snapshot of a life and working life. Most hiring managers, human resource professionals, and supervisors hurry through piles of them weekly, allowing roughly 20-30 second initial scans of each one. That is it. Resume writers should develop resumes with that fact in mind.
The job applicant's resume (representation) must quickly stand-out and make the grade above others, or be discarded. It is as simple as that. Chances are that if the applicant hears nothing back within a week, they never will. That is a cold hard fact, excepting with large corporations that keep resumes on file for several months due to the need for a large semi-skilled labor pool.
The double-question many clients ask me is exactly what should go on a resume and in what layout or form? The answer is that you must include all aspects of yourself in a positive light. This includes the last 70% of yoyur working life, your entire education (formal and informal), all skills, accomplishments, and keyword-adjectives that describe you (preferably related to a postion or positions that you are seeking). Layout?
The resume layout depends entirely upon the material provided to the resume developer/resume writer, and what he or she deems best for the reader. You always want the strengths to be featutred prominently and first, and pages to flow and have a sense of order and "white space."
I ask my clients to provide 8 or 10 adjectives about themselves, a short quote about their personal work ethics or abilites, a full employment history (with cities and years), a complete education history (including schools, cities, years, and other training courses via past employers or independently taken).
It goes almost withoiut saying or writing that a complete name, phone number, e-mail address/fax number, and any other relevant conmtact info should be included. Perhaps most-importantly of all, we resume writers also need to know the purpose or objective of the resume, as specifically AND vaguely as possible (to write it both ways). What position or positions are you after? Is there a particular company? If so, include something about them to demonstrate you have done your homework.
Keep in mind that your resume is the first task the potential employer is in a sense grading you on. While he or she knows that you may not have formally written it, the employer also knows that you provided the info and made the decision about who to hire to make your representation come to life on the resume pages...
At Jimmy Hall Writing Services / Marietta, I would like to assist you in task of chnaging jobs or simply findingh a position (404-580-1501). If not, I hope that you at least got something out of this short posting. Thanks.
A resume is a snapshot of a life and working life. Most hiring managers, human resource professionals, and supervisors hurry through piles of them weekly, allowing roughly 20-30 second initial scans of each one. That is it. Resume writers should develop resumes with that fact in mind.
The job applicant's resume (representation) must quickly stand-out and make the grade above others, or be discarded. It is as simple as that. Chances are that if the applicant hears nothing back within a week, they never will. That is a cold hard fact, excepting with large corporations that keep resumes on file for several months due to the need for a large semi-skilled labor pool.
The double-question many clients ask me is exactly what should go on a resume and in what layout or form? The answer is that you must include all aspects of yourself in a positive light. This includes the last 70% of yoyur working life, your entire education (formal and informal), all skills, accomplishments, and keyword-adjectives that describe you (preferably related to a postion or positions that you are seeking). Layout?
The resume layout depends entirely upon the material provided to the resume developer/resume writer, and what he or she deems best for the reader. You always want the strengths to be featutred prominently and first, and pages to flow and have a sense of order and "white space."
I ask my clients to provide 8 or 10 adjectives about themselves, a short quote about their personal work ethics or abilites, a full employment history (with cities and years), a complete education history (including schools, cities, years, and other training courses via past employers or independently taken).
It goes almost withoiut saying or writing that a complete name, phone number, e-mail address/fax number, and any other relevant conmtact info should be included. Perhaps most-importantly of all, we resume writers also need to know the purpose or objective of the resume, as specifically AND vaguely as possible (to write it both ways). What position or positions are you after? Is there a particular company? If so, include something about them to demonstrate you have done your homework.
Keep in mind that your resume is the first task the potential employer is in a sense grading you on. While he or she knows that you may not have formally written it, the employer also knows that you provided the info and made the decision about who to hire to make your representation come to life on the resume pages...
At Jimmy Hall Writing Services / Marietta, I would like to assist you in task of chnaging jobs or simply findingh a position (404-580-1501). If not, I hope that you at least got something out of this short posting. Thanks.
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Are Business Plans Needed: Should I Have a Business Plan? By Jimmy Hall
For starters, YES, in most cases a Business Plan is needed (and usually REQUIRED) to obtain a loan, investors, and/or business partners. Think rationally for a minute. Would you loan or invest money to, or in, a business venture without concisely understanding what it is about and how and when you will get your money back (and then some)?
That's a no-brainer, isn't it? A business plan to an organization is like a resume to an employable person; it neatly explains what the outfit does and has done, how it does it, what it will do in the future, and how money is made both now and then. Simple, right? (Sometimes.) So, again, business plans are needed, and you should most-likely have one if you plan to be in business.
Jimmy Hall Writing Services / Douglasville (404-580-1501) writes business plans. We know that a good business plan writer or business plan developer can (and must) take the information you provide and organize it, word it correctly, and make it presentable for the specifc audinece needed to view it.
It is extremely important that the plan's writer actually know business and economics, and not just be a general writer. Business plans need to be developed or written by business professionals.
Why? Because the business plan must make good sense and use the terminology that bankers, investors, and financial professionals use daily. The document needs to be written in an easily digestable manner. Numbers and estimates/projections must make good sense with respect to one another.
You see, just as a person's initial inpression is made to a company with a resume, the business plan is the owner/manager and company's first impression to those it desires to impress and partner with. In plain terms, FORM and CONTENT both matter.
Your business plan developer knows what content is needed, and can tell you if you need more or less information for any given section of the plan. The business writer also has, or should have, the ability to formulate and share your content in a persuasive manner to secure exactly what you and your organization are asking for. That is what you want the proposal/plan for in the first place!
Now, if you are convinced that you need a business plan, you should be happy to go about the business of gathering the precise information that the plan's writer will need. It's not that difficult to do. But - What is it?
This material includes the businesses' slogan, vision, mission, contact info and address; you and the management team's info and bios; the market info & target market specifics; the physical and online location; marketing plan & advertising means, financial facts and projections; operational and personnel info and requirements; the competition's facts and data; your product/service/pricing information, and any photographs and graphs and charts that will help your cause.
Most importantly, what is the purpose and goal of the business plan? How much capital do you need to obtain, and what are you planning to do with it?
That's a no-brainer, isn't it? A business plan to an organization is like a resume to an employable person; it neatly explains what the outfit does and has done, how it does it, what it will do in the future, and how money is made both now and then. Simple, right? (Sometimes.) So, again, business plans are needed, and you should most-likely have one if you plan to be in business.
Business Plan Basics/Businesss Plan Writers - Atlanta Area
Jimmy Hall Writing Services / Douglasville (404-580-1501) writes business plans. We know that a good business plan writer or business plan developer can (and must) take the information you provide and organize it, word it correctly, and make it presentable for the specifc audinece needed to view it.
It is extremely important that the plan's writer actually know business and economics, and not just be a general writer. Business plans need to be developed or written by business professionals.
Why? Because the business plan must make good sense and use the terminology that bankers, investors, and financial professionals use daily. The document needs to be written in an easily digestable manner. Numbers and estimates/projections must make good sense with respect to one another.
You see, just as a person's initial inpression is made to a company with a resume, the business plan is the owner/manager and company's first impression to those it desires to impress and partner with. In plain terms, FORM and CONTENT both matter.
Business Plan Content/ Atlanta - Nationwide
Your business plan developer knows what content is needed, and can tell you if you need more or less information for any given section of the plan. The business writer also has, or should have, the ability to formulate and share your content in a persuasive manner to secure exactly what you and your organization are asking for. That is what you want the proposal/plan for in the first place!
Now, if you are convinced that you need a business plan, you should be happy to go about the business of gathering the precise information that the plan's writer will need. It's not that difficult to do. But - What is it?
This material includes the businesses' slogan, vision, mission, contact info and address; you and the management team's info and bios; the market info & target market specifics; the physical and online location; marketing plan & advertising means, financial facts and projections; operational and personnel info and requirements; the competition's facts and data; your product/service/pricing information, and any photographs and graphs and charts that will help your cause.
Most importantly, what is the purpose and goal of the business plan? How much capital do you need to obtain, and what are you planning to do with it?
Business Plan Expectations
Obviously, the business plan/proposal should obtain the financing and capital you need. However, the plan's usefullness does not end there. No way. The document serves to unite the company and its employees (top to bottom) in maintaining the pursuit of the focus dicated in the company's mission statement. It serves to keep the organization on track in the future.
I hope this information is useful to you, the reader. If you should need any assistance with a business plan, feel free to contact me at Jimmy Hall Writing Services / Atlanta - Douglasville (404-580-1501) and I will be glad to work with and assist you.
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