Saturday, August 22, 2015

Blogs: How Long Should Blog Pieces Be? 404-580-1501

Blogging is great, and also can be very informative, persuasive, converting, and a reliable way to drive traffic to your main website via links and respect. 

This is exactly why what used to be online diaries and daily weblogs have become the rage of businesses of all sizes - even big corporations. Some blog pieces are long, others only a couple of paragraphs.

By and large, blog content has transformed into expert articles and 2-way (customer-seller) communication methods. But, exactly how long should each blog piece be?

We never know precisely what the search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo! are looking for (the blog content must show-up in search engines to be found, unless your company or blog is HUGE) but we do know that what they want is relevant and informative content, with a few keywords. To be so, your pieces should be at least 400 words long; but, I think that 500-650 words is optimal. Why?

Many people write 350 word blog pieces quickly, just to get whatever search engine action they can. Longer pieces are usually better thought out and more informative, so search engines give them better positioning/ranking. Common Sense 101.

Furthermore, if you want to be considered the expert in your field, you must provide more than 400 words of solid content each blog piece! Even a sophomore can make 300 or 375 words sound important. 

Okay, a great web content writer can do the extra 200 words in only a matter of 10 minutes longer anyway, right? Likely it would only cost an extra $10-$20, as well. It's a great bang for the buck.

At Jimmy Hall Writing Services (404-580-1501) I would like to be your blog content writer. Give mme a call to talk it over.

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