Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Mini Business Plans-Mini Business Plan Writers/Atlanta - Online ~ Jimmy Hall

Let's admit it: Money for small business start-ups is tight in Atlanta and everywhere else; every dollar still counts. Obtaining money for a solid small business plan to be written to even acquire a business loan or entice investors is often even a challenge. That is where a (small) mini-business plan/mini-business plan writer can be of assistance in Atlanta. At Jimmy Hall Writing Services (404-580-1501) I deal with this dilemma weekly. I know!

At my business writing company outside Atlanta, I write a number of mini-business plans for excited entrepreneurs in search of funding for their great money-making ideas. These plans are an ideal tool for sharing first-rate ideas with bankers, friends, potential investors, and others in order to secure money to make money.

Often, a good small business plan can be written by a clever mini-business plan writer for $400 - $500, provided that the future business owner (or current owner that is expanding) has done solid research beforehand for the writer - or myself. The better organized and more thorough the client, the less expensive the price (in general). [Full-sized business plans cost anywhere from $550 to $1,500, depending upon the level of detail desired.]

Mini-business plans do not generally require an index or table of contents (sometimes larger plans don't either), and the number of photos, charts, and detailed financial numbers are much smaller. These small plans tend to be the "meat and potatoes" of the idea or notion, extremely concept-oriented with about a 2-year outlook.

Most of the same types of categories and info are included, simply in less detail and less graphically. It is not all that much of a stretch to consider the small business plan as being a long executive summary with a few extras. As a business grows, the foundation or length can be reworked and better defined and detailed, as needed.

Again, I am Jimmy Hall (404-580-1501) and I write small business plans, and I welcome your comments and especially your business!

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