Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Obtaining Customers Through Social Media ~ Jimmy Hall Writing Services (404-580-1501)

Why do so many people and businesses have BLOGS, FACEBOOK PAGES, E-ZINE ENTRIES, LINKED-IN PROFILES, and TWITTER ACCOUNTS? Because they are an inexpensive way to use Social Media to obtain customers/clients, and to interact with current ones.

Social Media: Effects Versus Costs

These Social Media sites and tactics are the "Yellow Pages" of the 21st Century, and are free to operate apart from hiring a good web content writer that knows search engine optimization methods (seo).  They rock! A strong online presence does help to obtain customers and clients. No question about it.

Even the cost of delegating an employee to maintain them is also reasonable. You get a great "bang for the buck" by interacting on these sites, and building them up to the point of attracting free organic search engine rankings and listings (showing-up when someone Googles, Bings, or Yahoo!'s topics related to the product or services you provide/sell).

Social Media Provides Visibility

Social Media websites provide visibility, and can actually replace much of the marketing/advertising results once obtained via the large costs of print advertising, which no-longer is the great deal it once was in past decades.

Making Use Of Social Media

The question now becomes how does the typical everyday manager, business owner, or marketing manager that is an expert at what he or she does daily (but not the World Wide Web or Internet or Social Media) make use of Social Media to obtain customers/clients?

As a writing service owner (Jimmy Hall Writing Services/ 404-580-1501) my best advice is to hire a professional web writer (like myself) that understands search engine optimization, organizes and assimilates facts and writes well, understands Business and Economics, and knows the ins and outs of web searches and keywords. Feel free to contact me if I may be of any assistance....

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