The purpose of writing any type of material (web content, letters, resumes, business plans, white papers, press releases, themes, obituaries, proposals, etc) is to inform, convince, and convert the readers to your desired actions. It is called communicating, or positive communications.
No matter how good the actual written material is, if it does not get the response you desire, it fails. Writing should be results-oriented, day in and day out. Got it? (I know, you are still scratching your head and thinking, "Who cares?".
The best letter or most informative website or business plan means little or even NOTHING without results. The writer must make a connection with the readers and earn their respect, if they are going to accept the call to action.
Every single written piece must be developed with a purpose or objective in mind. Call it a mini-mission, if you wish. The material should present your information in a way that it will be automatically regarded as true, and your suggested action be considered the correct one.
The writer must stay on track and never forget what the writing is supposed to accomplish! Thus, make sure you hire a great writer/copywriter to craft your website mmaterial and other personal writing or business-related projects.
Thanks, Jimmy Hall of Jimmy Hall Writing Services (404-580-1501 / E-Mail ).
Professional Business Writing Blog: discussing every aspect of writing projects required by organizations or individuals (404-580-1501). ... Atlanta/Nationwide: Try Jimmy Hall.
Sunday, August 30, 2015
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Business Plan Tweaking: Editing Business Plans-Business Blueprints/Atlanta-Macon
Business Plan Tweaking: Editing Business Plans - Blueprints/Atlanta-Macon
JIMMY HALL WRITING SERVICES/Atlanta (404-580-1501)
Business plan tweaking? Business plans are very important for starting new enterprises, expanding older ones, financing, or for putting guidelines into place to make current organizations operate more efficiently. Much information is required, and entrepreneurs often try and write plans themselves initially. Metro Atlanta and Macon are hot-beds for business and commerce in Georgia.
With enough time and effort, some of these business blueprints are in the right form and order, but simply need a bit of business plan tweaking, proofing, editing, touching-up, and being put into proper "business-speak."
In these cases a busines plan writer or business plan developer is hired to simply fix what has been generated, and put it in tip-top shape and persuading form. Certainly a full-fledged writing or rewriting is not required.
In essence, these are cases of exact and extremely important proofing and editing. The job of tweaking the business plan or editing the business blueprint can mean the difference in success or failure of the venture or the financing of the organization. It's a big deal. Investment money in both Atlanta and Macon areas is again ready to be put to good use, as each area is rebounding from the 2007-2009 slowdown.
Business Plan Costs Savings
From the client's standpoint, there are huge cost savings if they are actually willing to put so much time into getting the business plan into this type of shape for the professional writer. (I must say that generally everyone should do what they do best, meaning it is not often feasible for the entrepreneur to spend his or her time doing so.) Nonetheless, once the material is in pretty good form, the writer can certainly edit the business plan inexpensively.
Pricing Of Business Plan Tweaking: Pricing
The professional business writer still must print and read the entire plan and make corrections, subtractions, additions, and move some things around. Time is involved, but not nearly as much as for rewriting the plan. becuase of this, some business plans can be edited and tweaked for as little as $200. In other cases, for long/longer plans it might cost $500+. Still, each are great deals for the client. HUGE savings.
Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Atlanta - Business Plans
This writing service tweaks and fixes such business plans of clients. Feel free to contact me to assist you or your organization with its impending busines plan. Thank you! ~ Jimmy/ 404-580-1501
JIMMY HALL WRITING SERVICES/Atlanta (404-580-1501)
Business plan tweaking? Business plans are very important for starting new enterprises, expanding older ones, financing, or for putting guidelines into place to make current organizations operate more efficiently. Much information is required, and entrepreneurs often try and write plans themselves initially. Metro Atlanta and Macon are hot-beds for business and commerce in Georgia.
With enough time and effort, some of these business blueprints are in the right form and order, but simply need a bit of business plan tweaking, proofing, editing, touching-up, and being put into proper "business-speak."
In these cases a busines plan writer or business plan developer is hired to simply fix what has been generated, and put it in tip-top shape and persuading form. Certainly a full-fledged writing or rewriting is not required.
Business Plan Costs Savings
From the client's standpoint, there are huge cost savings if they are actually willing to put so much time into getting the business plan into this type of shape for the professional writer. (I must say that generally everyone should do what they do best, meaning it is not often feasible for the entrepreneur to spend his or her time doing so.) Nonetheless, once the material is in pretty good form, the writer can certainly edit the business plan inexpensively.
Pricing Of Business Plan Tweaking: Pricing
The professional business writer still must print and read the entire plan and make corrections, subtractions, additions, and move some things around. Time is involved, but not nearly as much as for rewriting the plan. becuase of this, some business plans can be edited and tweaked for as little as $200. In other cases, for long/longer plans it might cost $500+. Still, each are great deals for the client. HUGE savings.
This writing service tweaks and fixes such business plans of clients. Feel free to contact me to assist you or your organization with its impending busines plan. Thank you! ~ Jimmy/ 404-580-1501
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Content Marketing Copywriters: Web Content Marketing/Atlanta
Web Content Marketing is the Yellow Pages of the 21st Century. If you need something, anything almost, you simply Google it or Bing it or Yahoo! it in Atlanta or wherever you live, and click-on the top results (or the 2cnd or 3rd page ones if you understand SEO and feel sorry for those with poor web content copywriters).
The point is that, generally, you need to have a solid and clever web content writer to have your firm, company, or organization obtain high page rankings on the major search engines. Being first page (or sometimes second page or third page) in search engine queries is about the only way your online marketing content will do you any good.
From this you need to understand that your keywords (long-tailed keywords) must be carefully selected and targetted, your content has to be unique and very revelant, and the web pieces need to be properly organized and laid out specifically for easy search engine digestion. This info must be setup and presented for various products and services that are marketed online.
Indeed, the material has to call the viewer to action by being informative, written with authority, and appealing. The reader should be informed, persuaded, and converted. It takes a great web content markleting copywriter in Atlanta or elsewhere to do these things! Get it?
I own a writing service, Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Atlanta (404-580-1501). I carefully create and craft unique and relevant web content for clients. I'd like to assist you or your organization. Thanks, Jimmy
The point is that, generally, you need to have a solid and clever web content writer to have your firm, company, or organization obtain high page rankings on the major search engines. Being first page (or sometimes second page or third page) in search engine queries is about the only way your online marketing content will do you any good.
Indeed, the material has to call the viewer to action by being informative, written with authority, and appealing. The reader should be informed, persuaded, and converted. It takes a great web content markleting copywriter in Atlanta or elsewhere to do these things! Get it?
I own a writing service, Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Atlanta (404-580-1501). I carefully create and craft unique and relevant web content for clients. I'd like to assist you or your organization. Thanks, Jimmy
Professional Letter Writers/Atlanta (404-580-1501)
If a letter writer in Atlanta or anywhere else is a true professional, he or she definitely knows a few logicl facts about letter writing. or should. I am such a person, and I craft/write solid and persuasive letters and business letters for clients for a number of reasons.
The most important thing to know and verify is exactly whom the letter should be addressed to. I don't give a damn if you are in Atlanta or New York City, this holds true!
It must be placed into the hands of someone that can take action and make things happen. Don't waste a letter on someone that is simply going to gossip about it, without the authority to act upon it.
In this respect, titles do not really matter. (If you wanted something done at a University, who would you send a letter to?
The correct answer is usually not the University's Chancellor or Dean or President, but their Secretary, etc...) It is sometimes better to send the letter to someone that simply has influence over the final decision-maker. (Know the informal lines of communication if possible.)
The reader should be addressed courteously, and even some common ground alluded to if the reader is already involved in the ongoing situation. It should start cordially, but not wimpy. then the tone must be that of unuestioned authority, speaking again throughout as if everything written is alread "a given."
The professional letter writer also must be told, know, and focus on whatb the exact objective of the letter is. What is the purpose? Just "venting" accomplishes nothing, most of the time. Know what the letter is supposed to acheive.
To obtain the objective, the letter writer in Atlanta or even Mayberry should be given great info about the situation, analyze it, and present an honest account of the current and past situation in the letter. This is the base.
After persuasively presenting the circumstances, then a further step must be taken. A solution should be proposed and defended. They key to this part is that the resolution should be presented in such a way that the reader will also want to be onboard backing it.
Oft-handedly, maybe again in-passing, explain and let the reader see the benefits for himself or herself with your solution. Do not make the situation a "you versus them" one, unless absolutely necessary. Pretend like you are driving a car with them as a passenger supporting you.
Obviously, the next bit to be written is to state a specific time range for further direct action on the matter together, and maybe what you may or may not be forced to do without their cooperation. Don't just write something open-ended, unless it is the start of a very long process.
Finally, close the letter moving forward and sign it with a real ink pen!
~ Jimmy Hall is owner of Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Atlanta (404-580-1501). The service writes business plans, letters, resumes, web content, and numerous other projects professionally.... (I have been successful in crafting letters to numerous high-level politicians and corporate executives.)
The most important thing to know and verify is exactly whom the letter should be addressed to. I don't give a damn if you are in Atlanta or New York City, this holds true!
In this respect, titles do not really matter. (If you wanted something done at a University, who would you send a letter to?
The correct answer is usually not the University's Chancellor or Dean or President, but their Secretary, etc...) It is sometimes better to send the letter to someone that simply has influence over the final decision-maker. (Know the informal lines of communication if possible.)
The professional letter writer also must be told, know, and focus on whatb the exact objective of the letter is. What is the purpose? Just "venting" accomplishes nothing, most of the time. Know what the letter is supposed to acheive.
To obtain the objective, the letter writer in Atlanta or even Mayberry should be given great info about the situation, analyze it, and present an honest account of the current and past situation in the letter. This is the base.
Oft-handedly, maybe again in-passing, explain and let the reader see the benefits for himself or herself with your solution. Do not make the situation a "you versus them" one, unless absolutely necessary. Pretend like you are driving a car with them as a passenger supporting you.
Obviously, the next bit to be written is to state a specific time range for further direct action on the matter together, and maybe what you may or may not be forced to do without their cooperation. Don't just write something open-ended, unless it is the start of a very long process.
Finally, close the letter moving forward and sign it with a real ink pen!
~ Jimmy Hall is owner of Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Atlanta (404-580-1501). The service writes business plans, letters, resumes, web content, and numerous other projects professionally.... (I have been successful in crafting letters to numerous high-level politicians and corporate executives.)
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Professional Web Writers Compete: Web Content Providers
Whether we like it or not, all professional web content providers/web content writers in Atlanta or elsewhere are in competition with one another - even if it is sometimes friendly, and even if we sometimes refer specific clients to each other.
Let's just be real a minute or two: Websites need unique and relevevant search engine optimized content (seo), and owners want this web writing at a reasonable price. Therefore, many web content writers are in a content war with one another over price. (Why not web quality or precision?)
This content competition is great for consumers/clients as far as market pricing goes, but sometimes leads to slightly below average work by those whole-heartedly engaged in it. At Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Atlanta (404-580-1501) I may sometimes work for slightly less money for extra work, but I refuse to lower my web content quality while doing so - so I won't steep too low. Experience is a great teacher.
I have personally turned-down offers for writing 200+ blog pieces at once for a potential client that wanted to pay unprofessional prices. No way. Why? I write every single piece I craft as if it is for my own site or blog - and will not compromise so much quality to work at such a low rate in a short time interval.
The old saying is that "You get what you pay for." To a great extent I think this is true. Common sense and human nature dictate that work effort and pay move up and down in tandem for most people. It's almost like cause and effect. Minds work that way.
The idea should be for web writers in Atlanta and seo professionals elsewhere to always provide top-quality content at a reasonable price. In this manner everybody wins - clients and writers. Web writing rocks!
Jimmy Hall Writing Services (404-580-1501).
Let's just be real a minute or two: Websites need unique and relevevant search engine optimized content (seo), and owners want this web writing at a reasonable price. Therefore, many web content writers are in a content war with one another over price. (Why not web quality or precision?)
I have personally turned-down offers for writing 200+ blog pieces at once for a potential client that wanted to pay unprofessional prices. No way. Why? I write every single piece I craft as if it is for my own site or blog - and will not compromise so much quality to work at such a low rate in a short time interval.
The old saying is that "You get what you pay for." To a great extent I think this is true. Common sense and human nature dictate that work effort and pay move up and down in tandem for most people. It's almost like cause and effect. Minds work that way.
The idea should be for web writers in Atlanta and seo professionals elsewhere to always provide top-quality content at a reasonable price. In this manner everybody wins - clients and writers. Web writing rocks!
Jimmy Hall Writing Services (404-580-1501).
Sunday, August 23, 2015
In business, we have to a great extent over-reacted and started expecting everyone to be more or less androgynous. We are like a bunch of robots, all the same sex - the sex of efficiency or productivity.
This "over-similarity" is wrong, and not at all how God planned it to be. God made two sexes, and wants you to be who you are at all times. Be yourself.
There are obviously differences between men and women, and not just physically. They are wired differently. Each thinks in ways that vary from the other, even while seeking the same objectives.
It is a matter of biology and it is also body chemistry. Given this, it is wrong and unnatural to try and make women and men think the same - even in the office. Each sex should be typical of their gender, and even use their sexuality to get things done - ethically.
Communications are a prime example, all types. Women are naturally a bit more affectionate and friendly (if allowed to be) when they communicate both in-person and through other methods. Unfortunately, we press women to be so "robotic" that they end-up being frustrated and speaking mean to each other on the job!
Nothing bad should be thought about a woman being herself. That's how ladies communicate, and always have; no need to change now and be less effective, right?
Men, on the other hand, like to be blunt and get to the point faster. This is how we work and think. There is nothing wrong with this either. Let us be ourselves at work too.
Furthermore, there is no switch to turn a man's eyes and ears off while at work, either. If a guy naturally loves pretty women, you cannot change that, but only take steps to make it understood that he cannot force himself on co-workers that want no part of him!
It is not so complex, folks. It is everyday life. Men and women should be on the same team inside and outside of the office. Business is not meant to change us; we all are what God made us....
Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Atlanta - Macon (404-580-1501).
This "over-similarity" is wrong, and not at all how God planned it to be. God made two sexes, and wants you to be who you are at all times. Be yourself.
There are obviously differences between men and women, and not just physically. They are wired differently. Each thinks in ways that vary from the other, even while seeking the same objectives.
It is a matter of biology and it is also body chemistry. Given this, it is wrong and unnatural to try and make women and men think the same - even in the office. Each sex should be typical of their gender, and even use their sexuality to get things done - ethically.
Communications are a prime example, all types. Women are naturally a bit more affectionate and friendly (if allowed to be) when they communicate both in-person and through other methods. Unfortunately, we press women to be so "robotic" that they end-up being frustrated and speaking mean to each other on the job!
Nothing bad should be thought about a woman being herself. That's how ladies communicate, and always have; no need to change now and be less effective, right?
Men, on the other hand, like to be blunt and get to the point faster. This is how we work and think. There is nothing wrong with this either. Let us be ourselves at work too.
Furthermore, there is no switch to turn a man's eyes and ears off while at work, either. If a guy naturally loves pretty women, you cannot change that, but only take steps to make it understood that he cannot force himself on co-workers that want no part of him!
It is not so complex, folks. It is everyday life. Men and women should be on the same team inside and outside of the office. Business is not meant to change us; we all are what God made us....
Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Atlanta - Macon (404-580-1501).
Women's Resumes/Atlanta: Is Your Resume Confident & Sassy? 404-580-1501
Let's talk honestly; most resumes are really boring. No matter if you are a past Miss America, your resume likely would put someone to sleep at 9 pm, and 9am isn't much better. This can be changed. How? Make your resume confident & sassy, yet respectful. What????
Yes. Be you on the written page. If you are a determined and confident woman (whether 18 or 88), let it show. A resume is a snapshot of the person it represents, right? Metro Atlanta is a town of women, full of scores of thousands of professional ladies all dreaming of exceptional success. You must seem different to shine.
Atlanta employers are looking for a particular type of person for the position that is available, either you are it or you are not. Be you. Don't artificially dumb-down or smart-up your resume.
Again - be real, be genuine. It saves everyone time and money. Whether you are a Midtown girl or a Buckhead darling or a Southside secretary be yourself.
More than likely you will have a professional resume developer or resume writer prepare yours. If they are worth their pay, they know to represent you just as you are, or present yourself to them. Do not let them change you. Why?
Interviewers and mangers smell frauds, they deal with them every week. In fact, in this modern and busy world, a simple person that displays her self-confidence and a bit of sassy and independent flavor is a breath of fresh air. Be that!
I am Jimmy Hall and I own Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Atlanta (404-580-1501). I'd like to help youn with your resume....
Yes. Be you on the written page. If you are a determined and confident woman (whether 18 or 88), let it show. A resume is a snapshot of the person it represents, right? Metro Atlanta is a town of women, full of scores of thousands of professional ladies all dreaming of exceptional success. You must seem different to shine.
Atlanta employers are looking for a particular type of person for the position that is available, either you are it or you are not. Be you. Don't artificially dumb-down or smart-up your resume.
Again - be real, be genuine. It saves everyone time and money. Whether you are a Midtown girl or a Buckhead darling or a Southside secretary be yourself.
More than likely you will have a professional resume developer or resume writer prepare yours. If they are worth their pay, they know to represent you just as you are, or present yourself to them. Do not let them change you. Why?
Interviewers and mangers smell frauds, they deal with them every week. In fact, in this modern and busy world, a simple person that displays her self-confidence and a bit of sassy and independent flavor is a breath of fresh air. Be that!
I am Jimmy Hall and I own Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Atlanta (404-580-1501). I'd like to help youn with your resume....
Saturday, August 22, 2015
Business Plans Alpharetta: Business Plan Writers (404) 580-1501
Alpharetta is the place to be, and has been for the past 25-30 years. Affluent former Atlantans dominate the area between Roswell and Alpharetta. With the available money and consumer base in the area, new businesses naturally sprout - and each needs a busines plan or business blueprint and someone to write it.
A business plan in Alpharetta or Roswell functions much the same as a plan anywhere else, with the exception that the readers (potential investors and financial institutions) have a wider base to choose from. They can afford to be picky.
Your business blueprint/business plan must be as good or better than those it will compete with in order to secure financing and begin operations. And yes, it is a competition for capital.
The business plan writer must be persuasive and convincing while delivering your abstract idea in tangible form. You must provide him or her details, and they must formulate what they are given to make it convincing.
Mission, Vision, Slogan, Ownership/Management, Background/Origins, Marketing/Target Market, Demographics, Competition, Financials, Operations, Capital Investment, Personnel, Products & Servicing/Prices, and other considerations must be planned for in the blueprint. Everything must be unified toward the mission.
At Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Atlanta (404-580-1501) I can assist in the writing of your company blueprint. Give me a call if I can be of help to your organization...
A business plan in Alpharetta or Roswell functions much the same as a plan anywhere else, with the exception that the readers (potential investors and financial institutions) have a wider base to choose from. They can afford to be picky.
Your business blueprint/business plan must be as good or better than those it will compete with in order to secure financing and begin operations. And yes, it is a competition for capital.
The business plan writer must be persuasive and convincing while delivering your abstract idea in tangible form. You must provide him or her details, and they must formulate what they are given to make it convincing.
Mission, Vision, Slogan, Ownership/Management, Background/Origins, Marketing/Target Market, Demographics, Competition, Financials, Operations, Capital Investment, Personnel, Products & Servicing/Prices, and other considerations must be planned for in the blueprint. Everything must be unified toward the mission.
At Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Atlanta (404-580-1501) I can assist in the writing of your company blueprint. Give me a call if I can be of help to your organization...
Business Plan Objectives: Business Plan Developers/Atlanta-Macon (404-580-1501)
Many people have solid ideas, generally in their heads in an abstract fashion. In order for these grand schemes (often worthwhile) to obtain funding, begin operations, and function effectively and profitably, a good business blueprint is required to demonstrate objectives and functional/operational ways to acheive them (written by a professional business plan developer/writer).
These abstract ideas must be written into a concise and understandable form, and this final document must carry-out certain functions to be successful in its objectives. This is an immense responsibility for the business plan writer/developer. But, what are these objectives? What do proposed Atlanta area businesses need, in this dynamite international-type environment?
The business blueprint or plan has two primary objectives. Initially, the plan must be used to convince nearby Atlanta investors or financial institutions to fund startup operations, and get the organization working. Secondly, the business plan's specifics and its mission statement serve to keep the organization "on track" and functioning efficiently as envisioned.
If the plan is successful, the company or organization gets its initial financing, begins operations, and secures solid managers and employees by remaining true to its blueprint. Thereafter, profits should follow, if all plan projections/forecasts are accurate.
At Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Atlanta
(404-580-1501) I help both startups and expansions with business plans and other material. I would like to help your organization as its business plan developer...
These abstract ideas must be written into a concise and understandable form, and this final document must carry-out certain functions to be successful in its objectives. This is an immense responsibility for the business plan writer/developer. But, what are these objectives? What do proposed Atlanta area businesses need, in this dynamite international-type environment?
If the plan is successful, the company or organization gets its initial financing, begins operations, and secures solid managers and employees by remaining true to its blueprint. Thereafter, profits should follow, if all plan projections/forecasts are accurate.
At Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Atlanta
(404-580-1501) I help both startups and expansions with business plans and other material. I would like to help your organization as its business plan developer...
Marketing Plans: Marketing Plan Writers/Atlanta 404-580-1501
Marketing Plans? Who needs a formal marketing plan? If you are involved with a business or organization in Atlanta or elsewhere, or are even self-employed, you do. Businesses that provide products and services for sale must do good marketing, and it is always best to work with a tangible plan.
"Catch as catch can" advertising and marketing rarely works. You need a comprehensive strategy that will address your target market in Atlanta and online, and enlarge it. This does not just happen by chance. A marketing plan is also a component of your business plan, or should be. It is vital for success.
An effective marketing effort must address what you are doing now, and how it is working; but, it should also incorporate a SWOT Analysis that details the strengths, weaknesses, opportinities, and threats both internal and via commpetitors.
What can be exploited to your company's benefit? What needs fixing? What needs dropping? You get the idea. Things must be thought-out and planned. Small components must work together for the larger objectives. Efficiency is the name of this game.
The plan needs sections dealing with your products and services, customers, competition, objectives, forecasts, and any other topics relevant to your organization and its selling and distribution of products in Georgia and beyond. All of this must be understandable, well-written, and organized.
At Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Atlanta
(404-580-1501) I would like to asist you with your marketing plan and any other needs you might have. Thank you...
"Catch as catch can" advertising and marketing rarely works. You need a comprehensive strategy that will address your target market in Atlanta and online, and enlarge it. This does not just happen by chance. A marketing plan is also a component of your business plan, or should be. It is vital for success.
What can be exploited to your company's benefit? What needs fixing? What needs dropping? You get the idea. Things must be thought-out and planned. Small components must work together for the larger objectives. Efficiency is the name of this game.
The plan needs sections dealing with your products and services, customers, competition, objectives, forecasts, and any other topics relevant to your organization and its selling and distribution of products in Georgia and beyond. All of this must be understandable, well-written, and organized.
At Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Atlanta
(404-580-1501) I would like to asist you with your marketing plan and any other needs you might have. Thank you...
Blogs: How Long Should Blog Pieces Be? 404-580-1501
Blogging is great, and also can be very informative, persuasive, converting, and a reliable way to drive traffic to your main website via links and respect.
This is exactly why what used to be online diaries and daily weblogs have become the rage of businesses of all sizes - even big corporations. Some blog pieces are long, others only a couple of paragraphs.
By and large, blog content has transformed into expert articles and 2-way (customer-seller) communication methods. But, exactly how long should each blog piece be?
We never know precisely what the search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo! are looking for (the blog content must show-up in search engines to be found, unless your company or blog is HUGE) but we do know that what they want is relevant and informative content, with a few keywords. To be so, your pieces should be at least 400 words long; but, I think that 500-650 words is optimal. Why?
Many people write 350 word blog pieces quickly, just to get whatever search engine action they can. Longer pieces are usually better thought out and more informative, so search engines give them better positioning/ranking. Common Sense 101.
Furthermore, if you want to be considered the expert in your field, you must provide more than 400 words of solid content each blog piece! Even a sophomore can make 300 or 375 words sound important.
Okay, a great web content writer can do the extra 200 words in only a matter of 10 minutes longer anyway, right? Likely it would only cost an extra $10-$20, as well. It's a great bang for the buck.
At Jimmy Hall Writing Services (404-580-1501) I would like to be your blog content writer. Give mme a call to talk it over.
This is exactly why what used to be online diaries and daily weblogs have become the rage of businesses of all sizes - even big corporations. Some blog pieces are long, others only a couple of paragraphs.
By and large, blog content has transformed into expert articles and 2-way (customer-seller) communication methods. But, exactly how long should each blog piece be?
Many people write 350 word blog pieces quickly, just to get whatever search engine action they can. Longer pieces are usually better thought out and more informative, so search engines give them better positioning/ranking. Common Sense 101.
Furthermore, if you want to be considered the expert in your field, you must provide more than 400 words of solid content each blog piece! Even a sophomore can make 300 or 375 words sound important.
Okay, a great web content writer can do the extra 200 words in only a matter of 10 minutes longer anyway, right? Likely it would only cost an extra $10-$20, as well. It's a great bang for the buck.
At Jimmy Hall Writing Services (404-580-1501) I would like to be your blog content writer. Give mme a call to talk it over.
Friday, August 21, 2015
Resumes: Hiring A solid Resume Developer/ Atlanta - Macon (404-580-1501)
If you are reading this piece, you are likely in need of a resume while conducting a job search. Great. A resume is the most important item someone looking for a job or employment needs, whether in Atlanta or elsewhere; it is a brief and concise snapshot of you designed to make you standout from the crowd - and be invited for a job interview.
Hiring Resume Writers/Resume Services
Hiring the right resume writing service in Atlanta (or anywhere) is important, and that is not just a sentence to grab your attention or fill space. Why?
The resume developer you choose will be representing you and your abilities and background to the prospective employer. It's huge!
What you provide the company looking to hire someone is your first task and test. Get it?
The interviewer knows you likely hired someone, but even the task of delegation is your responsibility. The buck stops with you; what you present is your responsibility, and to a great extent demonstrates how much or little you regard the job opening and company in question.
Relevant Resume Information
The writing service or writer you hire should ask you for all the relevant material and info to do a complete job, and the person should also want to have a feel for you as a person. This includes your specific or general objective, contact info, work history, education and training background, special skills, awards, on-the-job achievements, adjectives/keywords to describe yourself, and all relevant dates, time frames, and locations.
Resume Development
Atlanta, Macon, and North Georgia have a large number or resume writers, but just how many are really professionals and care about you and what they do for you? Hint: Many, even most, use generic templates as opposed to writing each resume in a unique manner and layout just for the individual client - YOU.
A template just won't get you the interview in many cases. Why? It is not specific, nor does it standout much, without great effort. The writer must be able to stress strong points, dismiss weaker areas, and present you as a viable job candidate. You are in competition with many other individuals; don't forget that.
Depending upon your exact situation, the resume service writer will need to move sections around, and determine what should go where, and how much to emphasize each part with respect to the others. Again, your submission towards getting the job, and first the interview, must be unique. Stand out!
Conclusion: Choose Writers Carefully
In a very real sense, your entire future fate could be in the hands of the person that develops your resume. Think about it. The difference in a 25 or 35 year career with a major firm or never entering the interview room is in their hands. Choose carefully!
~ Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Atlanta
Hiring Resume Writers/Resume Services
Hiring the right resume writing service in Atlanta (or anywhere) is important, and that is not just a sentence to grab your attention or fill space. Why?
The resume developer you choose will be representing you and your abilities and background to the prospective employer. It's huge!
What you provide the company looking to hire someone is your first task and test. Get it?
The interviewer knows you likely hired someone, but even the task of delegation is your responsibility. The buck stops with you; what you present is your responsibility, and to a great extent demonstrates how much or little you regard the job opening and company in question.
Relevant Resume Information
The writing service or writer you hire should ask you for all the relevant material and info to do a complete job, and the person should also want to have a feel for you as a person. This includes your specific or general objective, contact info, work history, education and training background, special skills, awards, on-the-job achievements, adjectives/keywords to describe yourself, and all relevant dates, time frames, and locations.
Resume Development
Atlanta, Macon, and North Georgia have a large number or resume writers, but just how many are really professionals and care about you and what they do for you? Hint: Many, even most, use generic templates as opposed to writing each resume in a unique manner and layout just for the individual client - YOU.
A template just won't get you the interview in many cases. Why? It is not specific, nor does it standout much, without great effort. The writer must be able to stress strong points, dismiss weaker areas, and present you as a viable job candidate. You are in competition with many other individuals; don't forget that.
Depending upon your exact situation, the resume service writer will need to move sections around, and determine what should go where, and how much to emphasize each part with respect to the others. Again, your submission towards getting the job, and first the interview, must be unique. Stand out!
Conclusion: Choose Writers Carefully
In a very real sense, your entire future fate could be in the hands of the person that develops your resume. Think about it. The difference in a 25 or 35 year career with a major firm or never entering the interview room is in their hands. Choose carefully!
~ Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Atlanta
Thursday, August 20, 2015
Your Competition: Know Your Atlanta Businesses' Competition
Competition... There are very few absolute monopolies, apart from government entities. Therefore, in our Capitalistic Economy/Society virtually all businesses or organizations in the Atlanta area face competition.
If you are in business, you need to know who yours is, and what your business environmment is like. (This info is also important for updating business plans or writing new business plans.)
Why is this true? Because by and large at any given time there is a certain amount of demand for the products/services your Atlanta firm provides, and your company is in competition with other businesses to supply/sell to fulfill this limited demand to a body of consumers.
Think of the industry as a big pie. You and your competition are all trying to get as big a piece as possible of that pie, while also trying to increase the size of the pie itself over the long-run (but not in the short-run). Pardon the pun, but it is a "dog eat dog" situation. How do you win?
You need to know the business environment and the demographics, but you also need to know what the competing companies are doing. Your organization does not need to be left behind as far as products, services, technology, and methods are concerned.
In some cases if other firms can produce and sell and distribute with better economies of scale, your outfit may even need to defer to them on particular products and services. You might need to focus on what you can sell more efficiently than them, etc...
The whole idea is to find your best niches and strengths and opportunities in the business environment and exploit them.
How can you make more money and increase your bottom line? Different marketing? Advertising? Change the sales force? Improve things on the distribution or production end? Raise prices? Lower prices? You get the idea. Know the Atlanta area and your nearby competition, at least.
Never be blindsided, know what the enemy/competition is doing. Be proactive.You'll benefit from doing so...
~Jimmy Hall of Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Atlanta (404-580-1501) .
If you are in business, you need to know who yours is, and what your business environmment is like. (This info is also important for updating business plans or writing new business plans.)
Why is this true? Because by and large at any given time there is a certain amount of demand for the products/services your Atlanta firm provides, and your company is in competition with other businesses to supply/sell to fulfill this limited demand to a body of consumers.
Think of the industry as a big pie. You and your competition are all trying to get as big a piece as possible of that pie, while also trying to increase the size of the pie itself over the long-run (but not in the short-run). Pardon the pun, but it is a "dog eat dog" situation. How do you win?
You need to know the business environment and the demographics, but you also need to know what the competing companies are doing. Your organization does not need to be left behind as far as products, services, technology, and methods are concerned.
In some cases if other firms can produce and sell and distribute with better economies of scale, your outfit may even need to defer to them on particular products and services. You might need to focus on what you can sell more efficiently than them, etc...
The whole idea is to find your best niches and strengths and opportunities in the business environment and exploit them.
How can you make more money and increase your bottom line? Different marketing? Advertising? Change the sales force? Improve things on the distribution or production end? Raise prices? Lower prices? You get the idea. Know the Atlanta area and your nearby competition, at least.
Never be blindsided, know what the enemy/competition is doing. Be proactive.You'll benefit from doing so...
~Jimmy Hall of Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Atlanta (404-580-1501) .
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Writing: It's Not All About Money
Writing professionally can be quite stressful. It involves intensive marketing, deal-making, deadlines, and the actual writing itself - both web content and print copy. I know, I operate Jimmy Hall Writing (404-580-1501). I live it.
Sometimes professional writers simply have to take a step back, no matter how hard we feel like we need to work, and allow ourselves to recover and relax. This benefits us, and our clients. Though we want to work 12-14 hours a day, it is better if we do not. It's not all about money.
When the writing becomes really hard work (in a mental sense) it is time for a break. A clever and crisp mentality is required in this business, and a stressed and bored writer will NOT have it. A strong interest is needed, if not complete enthusiasm.
Therefore, if a writer seems to quote you a completion date a few days or a week longer than you like, give them a break! It may well be that he or she has the quality of their work for you in mind.
Yes, writing is demanding - physically and mentally and intellectually. Good professional writers ROCK! We are not all about money.
Sometimes professional writers simply have to take a step back, no matter how hard we feel like we need to work, and allow ourselves to recover and relax. This benefits us, and our clients. Though we want to work 12-14 hours a day, it is better if we do not. It's not all about money.
When the writing becomes really hard work (in a mental sense) it is time for a break. A clever and crisp mentality is required in this business, and a stressed and bored writer will NOT have it. A strong interest is needed, if not complete enthusiasm.
Therefore, if a writer seems to quote you a completion date a few days or a week longer than you like, give them a break! It may well be that he or she has the quality of their work for you in mind.
Yes, writing is demanding - physically and mentally and intellectually. Good professional writers ROCK! We are not all about money.
Mission Statements: What Should Your Mission Statement Accommplish?
Hi. If you found this piece you are interested in mission statements. Great. Everyone in business or even associated with any type of organization or charity hears a lot about mission statements. Most office buildings have them hung on the wall, and they are a mainstay amid business plans that are filed away in corporate drawers somewhere; but what is the true point of a mission statement?
A mission statement is what your organization is all about. I should be able to read yours and know what your intent as an organization is, as presented to the world and your community. (I own Jimmy Hall Writing Services, 404-580-1501).
Solid mission statements are somewhat concise (generally a couple of long sentences), whereas visions/vision statements are more general, less specific, and often a full paragraph long.
The key to explaining the organization's mission is to state what services/products are provided and your intent and purpose for providing them (apart from just making profits). This corporate/organizational ideology keeps everyone in the organization working toward the same goals, and tells the world what you all are doing. It's about unity and attraction.
A mission statement is a central theme in a business plan. I know; I write business plans for clients (and would like to write yours). It sets the tone and objective. I am Jimmy Hall of Jimmy Hall Writing Services (404-580-1501). Please give me a call if I can help you...
A mission statement is what your organization is all about. I should be able to read yours and know what your intent as an organization is, as presented to the world and your community. (I own Jimmy Hall Writing Services, 404-580-1501).
Solid mission statements are somewhat concise (generally a couple of long sentences), whereas visions/vision statements are more general, less specific, and often a full paragraph long.
The key to explaining the organization's mission is to state what services/products are provided and your intent and purpose for providing them (apart from just making profits). This corporate/organizational ideology keeps everyone in the organization working toward the same goals, and tells the world what you all are doing. It's about unity and attraction.
A mission statement is a central theme in a business plan. I know; I write business plans for clients (and would like to write yours). It sets the tone and objective. I am Jimmy Hall of Jimmy Hall Writing Services (404-580-1501). Please give me a call if I can help you...
Monday, August 17, 2015
Blogging: Should Our Company Blog?
"Should our company blog?" is a common question. My answer is, only if you want more website traffic and increased sales. Company blogs are a great seo tool, but also attract, inform, persuade, and convert viewers into customers and clients (often on the spot/blog).
Search engine optimmization (seo) is huge. Google, Bing, and other search engines are the Yellow Pages of the 21st Century. That is a fact. When most people need something, they grab their phone, notebook, or laptop and simply punch into search engines what they are looking for, PERIOD.
Company blogs also provide links back to company websites, which increase search engine rankings and page placements and seo efforts. This means that your company is easier to find, more visible, and has more credibility in the online world of the Web.
It's basically a no-brainer: your company needs to hire a qualified seo-oriented web content writer to craft clever blog pieces/blog content. It's a great bang for your hard-earned bucks, and will help your company on several fronts.
~ Jimmy Hall/Atlanta (404-580-1501).
Search engine optimmization (seo) is huge. Google, Bing, and other search engines are the Yellow Pages of the 21st Century. That is a fact. When most people need something, they grab their phone, notebook, or laptop and simply punch into search engines what they are looking for, PERIOD.
Company blogs also provide links back to company websites, which increase search engine rankings and page placements and seo efforts. This means that your company is easier to find, more visible, and has more credibility in the online world of the Web.
It's basically a no-brainer: your company needs to hire a qualified seo-oriented web content writer to craft clever blog pieces/blog content. It's a great bang for your hard-earned bucks, and will help your company on several fronts.
~ Jimmy Hall/Atlanta (404-580-1501).
Donald Trump: Trump Is The Osteen Of Politics
Donald Trump? Multi-Millionaire businessman and Presidential Candidate Donald Trump has been in Iowa, and is riding atop the polls there and nationwide - following the initial Republican Candidate Presidential Debates. The outspoken man, writer, and tv personality is showing some staying power, remaining steady in all polling. (Yes, he is also a writer, folks.)
Why is Trump so popular? How has "The Donald" become the Joel Osteen of politics? I feel like there are a few reasons for his immense current popularity. Some are particular to him specifically, others are simply a manifestation of inner frustration with Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama in general.
Like Joel Osteen, Donald Trump limits what he talks about, and more importantly the man knows what he does talk about pretty well. Just as Osteen preaches very little of the Bible (only the positive and prosperous parts), Donald focuses on a few broad topics that appeal to Moderates, Conservatives, and Republicans. What are they?
"The Donald" is laser-like focused on Illegal Immigration (and illegals), World and American Trade Arrangements, Economics, and the opposition of current Democratic/White House Positions with respect to Iran, Planned Parenthood, and Taxes in General. Despite being a former Democatic Supporter, he stands firmly with the Conservatives on all of these issues.
Donald Trump and his lifestyle are also envied. He embodies the "American Dream" to many people (though he had somewhat of a headstart), and has for 30 years or so. He has always had incredible name recognition, and been liked for his forays into television and major world events.
Donald is also a bestselling author and writer of business books and a book about hiself. He's known. The guy is loved my many, and totally despised by some. Even being hated by some makes him popular with others! What he writes is controversial like what he speaks.
Donald is also a bestselling author and writer of business books and a book about hiself. He's known. The guy is loved my many, and totally despised by some. Even being hated by some makes him popular with others! What he writes is controversial like what he speaks.
What else? Remember, some Moderates and Liberals even admire Trump because of his former support of BOTH CLINTONS in the past, with his pocketbook and with his mouth - and they have Republican friends & relatives!
In addition - Bill Clinton is his favorite President of the past 25 years, and he gave the Clintons $100,000 (for their foundation) in addition to many campaign contributions in the past. (Oddly enough, he now calls Hillary the worst Secretary of State ever.)
At any rate, these positions and issues (in addition to his non-drinking & nonsmoking lifestyle) add-up to big numbers for Donald Trump. Throw in a bit of China and Mexico bashing (despite him leasing the largest bank in China its floorspace, and airing his beauty pageants on Univision before ties were cut) for further icing on the populariity cake, and his current likability makes sense.
The question is, will he make a misstep between now and 2016, and is he really serious about wanting to be President; and, will he still want to be President next year...
Jimmy Hall is owner of Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Atlanta (404-580-1501) and assists companies and individuals in preparing business plans, resumes, web content, letters, press releases, and other content....
Saturday, August 15, 2015
Answer Help Wanted Ads/Atlanta: Send Resumes For Interviews
A lot of unemployed individuals still scour "help wanted" ads as a part of their job searches in Atlanta, Marietta, and other areas, and to some extent it still works. It is all a matter of calling, researching online, and verifying the legitimacy of the positions advertised. Then a resume is sent to secure an interview (often with a cover letter).
Be forewarned, these types of "help wanted" advertised positions recieve hundreds of resume applicants per job posting. To say these job postings are competitive is an understatement. What can you do to improve your odds for these job offerings in Atlanta and elsewhere?
Contacting a good resume developer/resume writer in Atlanta or Marietta is a good start. I volunteer for you (Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Douglasville-Atlanta, 404-580-1501). You must standout from the pack in the original resume sorting.
A good resume service in metro Atlanta (like mine) can craft you a crisp and clever resume that highlights your skills and accomplishments, while downplaying weak spots. It's all about design, content, and keywords (not just in the seo sense). I know what info to ask you for, and if what you provide makes sense or not. I then assimilate and mold it into a great snapshot of you.
If you need a solid resume and accompanying cover letter, Jimmy Hall Writing Services (404-580-1501) might be a good first step in finding a new job....
Be forewarned, these types of "help wanted" advertised positions recieve hundreds of resume applicants per job posting. To say these job postings are competitive is an understatement. What can you do to improve your odds for these job offerings in Atlanta and elsewhere?
A good resume service in metro Atlanta (like mine) can craft you a crisp and clever resume that highlights your skills and accomplishments, while downplaying weak spots. It's all about design, content, and keywords (not just in the seo sense). I know what info to ask you for, and if what you provide makes sense or not. I then assimilate and mold it into a great snapshot of you.
If you need a solid resume and accompanying cover letter, Jimmy Hall Writing Services (404-580-1501) might be a good first step in finding a new job....
Rock The Web With Action/Atlanta: Don't Explain - DEMONSTRATE!
We all periodically get into a particular writing pattern on our own websites, becoming too informative while not being all that entertaining. We must stop it! People do not read our websites and blogs and other online items for rest and relaxation. We need to rock the web, Atlanta!
My Atlanta writing service (Jimmy Hall Writing Services - 404-580-1501) writes very relevant and original web content for clients, and delivers it via e-mail in WORD files. My web content ATTRACTS-INFORMS-PERSUADES-CONVERTS. I do not just "explain."
The final outcome and objective is the whole reason for the writing. Outcomes are established by relevant material written in search engine optimized (seo) form, period. Unique content is required.
Understand? We don't just need to explain, but also to bond with the reader. A sense of trust and respect must be developed quickly. People do not exactly campout on webpages!
If your web content writing does not keep the readers' attention, they will immediately click elsewhere. You do not want that. Do not merely explain. Demonstrate!
Hire a smart web writer, like myself, to keep the viewers engaged and convert them to sustomers. Again, rock the web, Atlanta! ~ Jimmy Hall, 404-580-1501
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My Atlanta writing service (Jimmy Hall Writing Services - 404-580-1501) writes very relevant and original web content for clients, and delivers it via e-mail in WORD files. My web content ATTRACTS-INFORMS-PERSUADES-CONVERTS. I do not just "explain."
Understand? We don't just need to explain, but also to bond with the reader. A sense of trust and respect must be developed quickly. People do not exactly campout on webpages!
If your web content writing does not keep the readers' attention, they will immediately click elsewhere. You do not want that. Do not merely explain. Demonstrate!
Hire a smart web writer, like myself, to keep the viewers engaged and convert them to sustomers. Again, rock the web, Atlanta! ~ Jimmy Hall, 404-580-1501
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Friday, August 14, 2015
Websites: Websites Attract Viewers
Sure, websites inform and good ones convert, but there is a whole lot more to proper websites and web content than that. What? Yes, another vital function of sites is often overlooked even by company owners and managers.
In the Web world, websites these days must also strive to attract their own audience of viewers. The "miracle" of seo (search engine optimization) means that websites/webpages create their own demand via Google and Bing queries.
It's called Basically Free Advertising (apart from small site expenses and the writer's fee). Search engines are the 21st Century version of the Yellow Pages of the past.
At Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Atlanta-Macon (404-580-1501), I use solid seo writing techniques to write great web content. Please give me a call if I can assist you....
In the Web world, websites these days must also strive to attract their own audience of viewers. The "miracle" of seo (search engine optimization) means that websites/webpages create their own demand via Google and Bing queries.
In other words, if the pages of the website are written correctly by a good web content writer they will show-up when potential clients/viewers are surfing the web for the products and services the company provides.
It's called Basically Free Advertising (apart from small site expenses and the writer's fee). Search engines are the 21st Century version of the Yellow Pages of the past.
At Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Atlanta-Macon (404-580-1501), I use solid seo writing techniques to write great web content. Please give me a call if I can assist you....
Professional Copywriters Marietta/Kennesaw 404-580-1501
Professional copywriters/writers in Marietta, Kennesaw, and other locales serve great purposes, though we are often grudgingly hired! Sometimes it seems that our time and education and experience mean very little to anyone but ourselves. It's life, and we deal with it.
Let's think rationally. Whether it takes a professional copywriter 30 minutes or 30 hours to complete a project for you or your company, chances are that the amount you pay is a tiny fraction of the total revenue that writing (web content or hard copy) brings-in to you!
The copywriter is paid not only for his or her time, but also for the pressure being dealt with while carefully crafting a high-earning piece of writing. The value is in what the writing does and brings. This is true for Kennesaw copywriters/writers as well as those elsewhere like Marietta. Attract-Inform-Persuade-Convert.
At Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Marietta (404-580-1501) I provide individuals, businesses, companies, and organizations great copy at a reasonable price. If you are in need of professional writing in Marietta or Kennesaw or anywhere else - please give me a call soon. Thanks, Jimmy...
Let's think rationally. Whether it takes a professional copywriter 30 minutes or 30 hours to complete a project for you or your company, chances are that the amount you pay is a tiny fraction of the total revenue that writing (web content or hard copy) brings-in to you!
The copywriter is paid not only for his or her time, but also for the pressure being dealt with while carefully crafting a high-earning piece of writing. The value is in what the writing does and brings. This is true for Kennesaw copywriters/writers as well as those elsewhere like Marietta. Attract-Inform-Persuade-Convert.
Jimmy Hall versus Jimmy Hall Writing Services
In some ways it is difficult for an opinionated person like myself to conduct business, especially one that depends so heavily on search engines for attracting clients. Why? I am not only a business writer, but an editorialist; thus, I have enemies. Common Sense 101.
Being attacked online is nothing new, but when the attacks are aimed at hurting my business I get concerned. It's 2015, our whole lives are online, as are the false info others post.
I am used to websites being set up against my Christian Politics and Conservative Values, and even against me personally - but I hate the thought that my personal beliefs sometime cost me business. Many times the very people that need my services the most are offended by my politics!
My goal is to write great written copy (web content, resumes, letters, business plans, press releases, obituaries, papers, reports, expert articles, Social Media Work, etc) for whoever hires me.
If it is a political situation that goes against my values, of course we may not work together! If my beliefs have any negative effect upon working for you, you also do not need to hire me - but, 95% of the time politics/religion do not affect the work product!
I want to be your professional writer ~
Jimmy Hall/404-580-1501.
Being attacked online is nothing new, but when the attacks are aimed at hurting my business I get concerned. It's 2015, our whole lives are online, as are the false info others post.
I am used to websites being set up against my Christian Politics and Conservative Values, and even against me personally - but I hate the thought that my personal beliefs sometime cost me business. Many times the very people that need my services the most are offended by my politics!
My goal is to write great written copy (web content, resumes, letters, business plans, press releases, obituaries, papers, reports, expert articles, Social Media Work, etc) for whoever hires me.
If it is a political situation that goes against my values, of course we may not work together! If my beliefs have any negative effect upon working for you, you also do not need to hire me - but, 95% of the time politics/religion do not affect the work product!
I want to be your professional writer ~
Jimmy Hall/404-580-1501.
Atlanta Resume Services: Resume Writing Services/Atlanta 404-580-1501
There are a mulititude of Atlanta resume writing services, which are all eager to prepare your resumes in Atlanta. How do you choose one over the other? Price? Quality? Turn-around-time? Services? I say it should be all of the prior.
We live in the 21st Century. Things are fast-paced, and unforseen opportunities spring-up without warning. It's okay to want your resume within a week of providing the resume developer in Atlanta, or wherever, your full information.
Resume Turn-Around Times
At Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Atlanta (404-580-1501), I generally provide completed resumes to Atlanta area customers everyone else within 4-5 days of being given their info (and have done immediate overnight rush jobs for emergencies for a slightly higher price).
Resume Development/Quality
From the aspect of quality, my resume writing service develops each resume as if it is my own personal document. Why? I have been in the shoes of my clients before. I know.
No templates or formulas are used here, I craft each piece uniquely in WORD. I view your material and decide upon the best form to put it in, and am not shy about using resources to help in the decision. A resume is a snapshot of its owner, and must be unique and standout.
Resume Form & Resume Delivery
As far as services go, I develop and write you resume like other resume services in Atlanta, and then e-mail it to you in a WORD attachment for you to save as many times and ways as you want. (Sometimes other arrangements are made, etc, a client desires it on a flash drive, etc). In most cases you (the client) can literally send or print the cpompleted document immediately after you recieve it.
Resume Prices
Because of the streamline manner that I conduct business, this writing service can provide work at a moderate cost. Basic resumes without a lot of info: $60+... Executive Resumes: $80+... Federal Resumes: $105+... Student/Graduate Resumes: $65+.
If you would like a quality resume written for a reasonable price with a quick turn-around, please call Jimmy Hall Writing Service (404-580-1501). I'd like your business...
We live in the 21st Century. Things are fast-paced, and unforseen opportunities spring-up without warning. It's okay to want your resume within a week of providing the resume developer in Atlanta, or wherever, your full information.
Resume Turn-Around Times
At Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Atlanta (404-580-1501), I generally provide completed resumes to Atlanta area customers everyone else within 4-5 days of being given their info (and have done immediate overnight rush jobs for emergencies for a slightly higher price).
Resume Development/Quality
From the aspect of quality, my resume writing service develops each resume as if it is my own personal document. Why? I have been in the shoes of my clients before. I know.
Resume Form & Resume Delivery
As far as services go, I develop and write you resume like other resume services in Atlanta, and then e-mail it to you in a WORD attachment for you to save as many times and ways as you want. (Sometimes other arrangements are made, etc, a client desires it on a flash drive, etc). In most cases you (the client) can literally send or print the cpompleted document immediately after you recieve it.
Resume Prices
Because of the streamline manner that I conduct business, this writing service can provide work at a moderate cost. Basic resumes without a lot of info: $60+... Executive Resumes: $80+... Federal Resumes: $105+... Student/Graduate Resumes: $65+.
If you would like a quality resume written for a reasonable price with a quick turn-around, please call Jimmy Hall Writing Service (404-580-1501). I'd like your business...
Resumes: How I Write Resumes For Clients/Atlanta - Macon
Hi. Resumes. The function of a resume (thus of the resume preparer/resume writer) is to secure interviews with prospective employers.
The resume gets you in the door and then it is your responsibility to present yourself in a manner so that the interviewer LIKES you and RESPECTS your ability to handle the position in question. (This is true for Atlanta, Macon, Marietta, and anywhere else nationwide.) Simple, right? Sometimes.
I write resumes for these clients in Georgia and nationwide, particularly in the areas of Atlanta, Marietta, Roswell, Alpharetta, and Douglasville, down to Macon. I know whereof I speak and write. Let me share some thoughts with you, particularly if you are seeking employment or a new position.
How do resume developers operate? How do I write them for clients? Most writing services tend to use pre-made templates and sort of "fill-in the areas" of a generic outline. What you usually get is a so-called resume that is inhumane, extremely general, and looks like it was done via a template.
Consequently, there is little uniqueness about the work of many resume developers. What is worse is that the interviewers can tell it. Your first big task is to be responsible for providing them an effective resume, and you basically fail out of the gate with this type of generic document.
I work differently. I write all resumes individually in WORD documents. I know what to ask you for, what is needed for inclusion.
Sure, contact info (precise name, e-mail, cell phone, address, etc) is required, as is a work history, your education background, an objective for me to keep in mind, and all the associated names, dates, and locations of each. But, what else? What does Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Atlanta-Macon (404-580-1501) do differently?
I also want to know the adjectives that describe you, your special skills and talents, accomplishments, awards, organizations, morality/ethics, connections if any, and the keywords related to the position you desire and the companies offering them.
If you know who is doing the interviewing or resume reading, I'd like to know that also - and something about them. I even like personal quotes about your thoughts on work. Understand? It is good to have and know as much information as possible whether your resume is to be delivered in Macon, Atlanta, Marietta, or even New York City. Basics are basics.
Folks, it is all about CONNECTING with the resume reader - and making yours unique and nice enough to stand-out from the others that you are in competition with (yes, you are in a competition for employment).
I assimilate all of a client's info, decide how I want to layout and design the resume for best results (what to emphasize, what to divert attention away from, how to use the info to extrapolate future performance, etc) and carefully craft it on behalf of that one person for its readers and potential interviewers.
What do I charge? It varies a little, of course, depending upon the difficulty of the task.
Basic Resume: few jobs/schools, etc $65-$75.
Executive Resume: $80+.
Federal Resume: $110+.
Student Resume/New Graduate Resume: $60-$70.
Traditional Resume: $70+.
I would like to prepare your resume, no matter where you live. I operate efficiently via e-mail. Thanks, Jimmy Hall (404-580-1501).
The resume gets you in the door and then it is your responsibility to present yourself in a manner so that the interviewer LIKES you and RESPECTS your ability to handle the position in question. (This is true for Atlanta, Macon, Marietta, and anywhere else nationwide.) Simple, right? Sometimes.
How do resume developers operate? How do I write them for clients? Most writing services tend to use pre-made templates and sort of "fill-in the areas" of a generic outline. What you usually get is a so-called resume that is inhumane, extremely general, and looks like it was done via a template.
Consequently, there is little uniqueness about the work of many resume developers. What is worse is that the interviewers can tell it. Your first big task is to be responsible for providing them an effective resume, and you basically fail out of the gate with this type of generic document.
I work differently. I write all resumes individually in WORD documents. I know what to ask you for, what is needed for inclusion.
I also want to know the adjectives that describe you, your special skills and talents, accomplishments, awards, organizations, morality/ethics, connections if any, and the keywords related to the position you desire and the companies offering them.
If you know who is doing the interviewing or resume reading, I'd like to know that also - and something about them. I even like personal quotes about your thoughts on work. Understand? It is good to have and know as much information as possible whether your resume is to be delivered in Macon, Atlanta, Marietta, or even New York City. Basics are basics.
Folks, it is all about CONNECTING with the resume reader - and making yours unique and nice enough to stand-out from the others that you are in competition with (yes, you are in a competition for employment).
I assimilate all of a client's info, decide how I want to layout and design the resume for best results (what to emphasize, what to divert attention away from, how to use the info to extrapolate future performance, etc) and carefully craft it on behalf of that one person for its readers and potential interviewers.
What do I charge? It varies a little, of course, depending upon the difficulty of the task.
Basic Resume: few jobs/schools, etc $65-$75.
Executive Resume: $80+.
Federal Resume: $110+.
Student Resume/New Graduate Resume: $60-$70.
Traditional Resume: $70+.
I would like to prepare your resume, no matter where you live. I operate efficiently via e-mail. Thanks, Jimmy Hall (404-580-1501).
Business Plan Writer: How I Write Business Plans For Clients/ Jimmy Hall 404-580-1501
At my Atlanta area writing service (licensed in Douglas County/Douglasville, Georgia) one of my specialties is the writing of business plans for clients and prospective companies in Atlanta, the state of Georgia, and nationwide.. This task is simply something that most people do not know exactly how to do, and do not have the time to complete correctly anyway.
Many would-be entrepreneurs around Atlanta and other places barely have the hours to gather their information for business plan developers and writers to put together. We live in a fast-paced world. You likely already know that. That's why you are reading this business blog piece and others.
Business plans are serious business (pardon the pun) and need to be designed, developed, and written in a detailed yet concise manner, in order to obtain financing and partners. The plan also serves as a lasting blueprint for the endeavor's operational activities. (It should be updated, roughly yearly.)
The task is to construct and present your abstract idea and mission details into a tangible document that is compelling, supported with data and info to back it up, and make readers (even employees and managers) want to be a part of it.
Specific sections and data are required, in addition to business writing skills and a knowledge of Economics. Basic Info/Contact Info - Background/Origin - Mission - Vision - Slogan - Marketing Info - Competition/Industry Info - Financials - SWOT Analysis - Key People/Employees - Services/Products/Prices - Equipment/Capital, etc...
How does Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Atlanta-Macon (404-580-1501) operate, and work with clients needing business plans in the Atlanta or Macon areas, or elsewhere across the country? I keep things simple.
After an initial telephone conversation, I supply potential clients for business plans in Atlanta, Macon, or wherever with some basic e-mail information. Next, we generally talk or communicate again by e-mail, and if interested the potential client sends me the info they have gathered, based upon my e-mail and what they already have, etc.... I then provide a more precise estimate.
If we are going to do business, a brief 2 paragraph personal contract is exchanged again via e-mail. (Often we agree to terms prior to full info being sent to me.) At this point my real work begins.
I assimilate and organize their idea and information into an Executive Summary (usually within 3 days), and 30% of payment is immediately sent to me NDA or Paypal upon their/your reciept of the e-mailed file.
Next, I complete the entire business plan (usually within 3-4 more days) and in the process will lookup any small amounts of additional info I feel necessary, or contact the client to fill-in info gaps, or to simply point out to them things that do not seem to make good sense. (I hold 2 Business/Economics degrees, and know what does and does not look right for you.) I do small amounts or research here and there to fill-in gaps free, but am also available at times to do more detailed research at a reasonable cost.
Upon completion, I e-mail the entire plan (with Executive Summary), and the client then NDA's or Paypals the balance due. Afterwards, I can also make small changes or tweaks free, larger ones or adding additional info requires a slight fee.)
What are my rates for business plans in Georgia, Atlanta, and beyond? Operating in a streamline manner via telephone, e-mail, and internet I can provide extremely solid business plans at reasonable rates. Genetrally - Mini-Business Plans: $400+. SBA Business Plans: $450+. Traditional Full-Length Business Plans $750+.
I do not have a one-size fits all price, I calculate the exact final price per project based upon a number of factors ($45-$50/page for written copy, $25/page for pasting/explaining pics and charts, etc.....). There are no surpises; I keep in touch during the business plan development process, and your price varies very little (not at all from our agreed-upion range) from what is expected - often the price is lower than anticipated.
At Jimmy Hall Writing Services (404-580-1501) I would like to be your Business Plan Preparer/Writer/Consultant.
Many would-be entrepreneurs around Atlanta and other places barely have the hours to gather their information for business plan developers and writers to put together. We live in a fast-paced world. You likely already know that. That's why you are reading this business blog piece and others.
The task is to construct and present your abstract idea and mission details into a tangible document that is compelling, supported with data and info to back it up, and make readers (even employees and managers) want to be a part of it.
Specific sections and data are required, in addition to business writing skills and a knowledge of Economics. Basic Info/Contact Info - Background/Origin - Mission - Vision - Slogan - Marketing Info - Competition/Industry Info - Financials - SWOT Analysis - Key People/Employees - Services/Products/Prices - Equipment/Capital, etc...
After an initial telephone conversation, I supply potential clients for business plans in Atlanta, Macon, or wherever with some basic e-mail information. Next, we generally talk or communicate again by e-mail, and if interested the potential client sends me the info they have gathered, based upon my e-mail and what they already have, etc.... I then provide a more precise estimate.
If we are going to do business, a brief 2 paragraph personal contract is exchanged again via e-mail. (Often we agree to terms prior to full info being sent to me.) At this point my real work begins.
I assimilate and organize their idea and information into an Executive Summary (usually within 3 days), and 30% of payment is immediately sent to me NDA or Paypal upon their/your reciept of the e-mailed file.
Next, I complete the entire business plan (usually within 3-4 more days) and in the process will lookup any small amounts of additional info I feel necessary, or contact the client to fill-in info gaps, or to simply point out to them things that do not seem to make good sense. (I hold 2 Business/Economics degrees, and know what does and does not look right for you.) I do small amounts or research here and there to fill-in gaps free, but am also available at times to do more detailed research at a reasonable cost.
Upon completion, I e-mail the entire plan (with Executive Summary), and the client then NDA's or Paypals the balance due. Afterwards, I can also make small changes or tweaks free, larger ones or adding additional info requires a slight fee.)
I do not have a one-size fits all price, I calculate the exact final price per project based upon a number of factors ($45-$50/page for written copy, $25/page for pasting/explaining pics and charts, etc.....). There are no surpises; I keep in touch during the business plan development process, and your price varies very little (not at all from our agreed-upion range) from what is expected - often the price is lower than anticipated.
At Jimmy Hall Writing Services (404-580-1501) I would like to be your Business Plan Preparer/Writer/Consultant.
Thursday, August 13, 2015
Communication Tips: How To Best Communicate - Jimmy Hall
The point of communications is to share information and generally pursue a desired outcome or result from the person or people you are communicating with. Therefore, it is important that your desired form of sharing be directed at the right person or group to begin with. Write or speak to the people that can affect change, the others matter very little.
Communications are not for "venting." You can send a great letter to a utility company or a business associate (or call them), but if you do not carefully present the facts and move them towards a desired outcome - you have wasted your time. Always know the purpose or goal of your communications.
Keep in mind that the person or folks being communicated with also need an interest in what is going on, as well. For them to help, you have to demonstrate (even if subtley) why it benefits them to concurr and act upon your desired solution. Understand?
To sum it up: Communicate with the correct person; present accurate facts; and move them towards your desired outcome by demonstrating their interest in the matter...
Jimmy Hall (404-580-1501) writes all forms of business and academic and personal writing projects (business plans, resumes, web content, blog pieces, letters, papers, etc), and is available for hire at reasonable rates.
Communications are not for "venting." You can send a great letter to a utility company or a business associate (or call them), but if you do not carefully present the facts and move them towards a desired outcome - you have wasted your time. Always know the purpose or goal of your communications.
Keep in mind that the person or folks being communicated with also need an interest in what is going on, as well. For them to help, you have to demonstrate (even if subtley) why it benefits them to concurr and act upon your desired solution. Understand?
To sum it up: Communicate with the correct person; present accurate facts; and move them towards your desired outcome by demonstrating their interest in the matter...
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Finding Clients: Seeking Online Clients/Customers/Prospects
As a professional writer, I know all about needing to find clients, and am constantly trying to increase my prospect list, as well. I know for other occupations and businesses it is also a chore. The question is, what can we do online in a cost-effective manner to increase business? A few things can be done quickly.
Search Engine Optimization
Obviously, we can find new clients and prospects by working on the search engine optimization (seo) of our websites and webpages. The more we show-up in search engine queries, the more customers we should attract. What else?
We can also increase our blogging and optimize the pieces to attract more viewers to be informed and converted into customers on the blog, or when directed to our websites. Visibility matters. But, what else can we do?
Social Media
Social Media (facebook, Twitter, Linked-In, Google+) is a good thing. Let's make postings and "like" and "comment" on other people and groups' postings at key times to attract people to our own pages. That can work. Anything else?
Expert Articles
We can also publish expert articles online, demonstrating our knowledge of our subject matter. This provides credibility and respect across the Web for us - and provides links back to our sites.
E-Mail & Messages
Finally, we can find clients by being brave and e-mailing and messaging people and businesses with useful information and weblinks to our online material. (This must be done carefully, however.)
Writing Services
At Jimmy Hall Writing Services/ Douglasville-Atlanta, Ga (404-580-1501) - I assist clients with all of these techniques. I write solid SEO web content that attracts, informs, persuades, and converts viewers into clients and customers. Give me a call; I would like to help you or your organization soon...
Search Engine Optimization
Obviously, we can find new clients and prospects by working on the search engine optimization (seo) of our websites and webpages. The more we show-up in search engine queries, the more customers we should attract. What else?
We can also increase our blogging and optimize the pieces to attract more viewers to be informed and converted into customers on the blog, or when directed to our websites. Visibility matters. But, what else can we do?
Social Media
Social Media (facebook, Twitter, Linked-In, Google+) is a good thing. Let's make postings and "like" and "comment" on other people and groups' postings at key times to attract people to our own pages. That can work. Anything else?
Expert Articles
We can also publish expert articles online, demonstrating our knowledge of our subject matter. This provides credibility and respect across the Web for us - and provides links back to our sites.
E-Mail & Messages
Finally, we can find clients by being brave and e-mailing and messaging people and businesses with useful information and weblinks to our online material. (This must be done carefully, however.)
Writing Services
At Jimmy Hall Writing Services/ Douglasville-Atlanta, Ga (404-580-1501) - I assist clients with all of these techniques. I write solid SEO web content that attracts, informs, persuades, and converts viewers into clients and customers. Give me a call; I would like to help you or your organization soon...
Business Writing: Freelance Writers Writing For Others
Being hired by someone is routine for business writers and freelance writers, but few people (even clients) realize the enormous responsibility the writer takes-on while writing for others. The fate of whatever is in question is in our hands, and what we write stands in some way, shape, or form forever.
If we freelance writers actually thought hard about it, we could easily rework and tweek material over and over and over; but, obviously we do not. Experience teaches us when a piece is done correctly for others.
There is a feel to writing, and this is true for all types - whether web content writing, short story writing, article writing, resume writing, business plan writing, paper writing, or almost anything else. Once you have been in the business or hobby long enough, you get it and know it.
In business writing, the goal or objective is achieving whatever the client wants, not the perfection of the pieces as art. In literary work, the exact opposite is true, we often write to craft the pieces themselves into masterpieces - at the expense of popularity.
As writers we have to learn to master pressure and anxiety. Our income depends, to a great extent, on others contacting us - something we do not have all that much control over.
I am Jimmy Hall, and I manage Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Atlanta (404-580-1501), a licensed business in Douglas County, Georgia that operates nationwide for clients. If you need help with a resume, business plan, letter, web content, press relase, paper, or almost anythng else - give me a call.... Thanks.
If we freelance writers actually thought hard about it, we could easily rework and tweek material over and over and over; but, obviously we do not. Experience teaches us when a piece is done correctly for others.
There is a feel to writing, and this is true for all types - whether web content writing, short story writing, article writing, resume writing, business plan writing, paper writing, or almost anything else. Once you have been in the business or hobby long enough, you get it and know it.
In business writing, the goal or objective is achieving whatever the client wants, not the perfection of the pieces as art. In literary work, the exact opposite is true, we often write to craft the pieces themselves into masterpieces - at the expense of popularity.
As writers we have to learn to master pressure and anxiety. Our income depends, to a great extent, on others contacting us - something we do not have all that much control over.
I am Jimmy Hall, and I manage Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Atlanta (404-580-1501), a licensed business in Douglas County, Georgia that operates nationwide for clients. If you need help with a resume, business plan, letter, web content, press relase, paper, or almost anythng else - give me a call.... Thanks.
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
Letter Writers: Hiring Letter Writers/Atlanta-Macon
Letters are effective and direct means of communications. They share information and generally state a position. The beauty of letters is that since they are in writing, there is little chance of miscommunicating, and what is written is on the record forever. This is true for letters written in Atlanta, Macon, New York City, or anywhere else.
Letters have been the preferred means of communications for several milleniums. In the modern world they are more important than ever, given their standing as ethical organs of communications.
As such, a good letter writer is valuable, and can make the difference between success and failure in exchanges, especially in international cities like Atlanta.
What makes a good letter? First of all, the person who can actually make a difference and provide a solution should be the target recipient. In other words, pinpoint who the letter is to be written to, and know why.
Secondly, letters are not written just to vent (usually) but to accomplish something. Know what you want to acheive, and express the desired result to your letter writer beforehand. The body of the material must be geared towards this final goal like a mission.
Your Atlanta professional letter writer should be cordial, rational, logical, yet firm in the content. It is a matter of gaining the reader's attention, earning their respect, informing he or she or them of the facts and situation, and then providing a feasible solution to the situation in which the reader(s) also benefit(s) as opposed to other scenarios. The reader needs to be onboard with the potential solution.
At Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Atlanta
(404-580-1501) I craft clever letters to obtain your desired results with your information. Feel free to give mme a call to help you in your situation. Thanks, Jimmy...
Letters have been the preferred means of communications for several milleniums. In the modern world they are more important than ever, given their standing as ethical organs of communications.
As such, a good letter writer is valuable, and can make the difference between success and failure in exchanges, especially in international cities like Atlanta.
What makes a good letter? First of all, the person who can actually make a difference and provide a solution should be the target recipient. In other words, pinpoint who the letter is to be written to, and know why.
Secondly, letters are not written just to vent (usually) but to accomplish something. Know what you want to acheive, and express the desired result to your letter writer beforehand. The body of the material must be geared towards this final goal like a mission.
Your Atlanta professional letter writer should be cordial, rational, logical, yet firm in the content. It is a matter of gaining the reader's attention, earning their respect, informing he or she or them of the facts and situation, and then providing a feasible solution to the situation in which the reader(s) also benefit(s) as opposed to other scenarios. The reader needs to be onboard with the potential solution.
At Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Atlanta
(404-580-1501) I craft clever letters to obtain your desired results with your information. Feel free to give mme a call to help you in your situation. Thanks, Jimmy...
Student Resumes: College Resume Writers
I have written about student resumes before, and feel like it is worth the time to do it again. Let's face it; when a student is in college (especially about to graduate) he or she is at a crossroads. The education and the character is almost there, but the work experience is not.
This lack of actual job experience (particularly in one's chosen field) must be compensated for; but how? What can be done to deflect focus from the work history but onto the potential just waiting to blossom?
At Jimmy Hall Writing Services/ Georgia (404-580-1501) I help students with their first resumes and cover letters. I function as a college resume writer. Yes - I can help the resume to focus on other things; yet, I also stress the activities and small jobs already performed as positive, by extrapolating the skills and traits involved. It is a matter of transference.
Not to be bragging, but I find the positive points and silver lining clients have and present it in a clever manner to put my young student job seekers into play.
A quality resume is a ticket to get a job applicant into the facility for an interview. That is the goal; get in front of someone in the hiring process and let them like you!
If I can be of asssistance, please give me a call at 404-580-1501 ~ Jimmy Hall/Douglasville, Ga
This lack of actual job experience (particularly in one's chosen field) must be compensated for; but how? What can be done to deflect focus from the work history but onto the potential just waiting to blossom?
At Jimmy Hall Writing Services/ Georgia (404-580-1501) I help students with their first resumes and cover letters. I function as a college resume writer. Yes - I can help the resume to focus on other things; yet, I also stress the activities and small jobs already performed as positive, by extrapolating the skills and traits involved. It is a matter of transference.
Not to be bragging, but I find the positive points and silver lining clients have and present it in a clever manner to put my young student job seekers into play.
A quality resume is a ticket to get a job applicant into the facility for an interview. That is the goal; get in front of someone in the hiring process and let them like you!
If I can be of asssistance, please give me a call at 404-580-1501 ~ Jimmy Hall/Douglasville, Ga
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