Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Hiring Atlanta Freelance Writers: Web Writers & Business Writers

High density metropolitan business and commerce areas like Atlanta have a vast need for professional freelance writers to provide web content, business plans, resumes, blog pieces, expert articles, press releases, business letters, and more. Why?

Even very educated business people find effective writing difficult, especially web content writing that must be search engine optimized. Writing is a talent and craft that requires organized thinking and orderly thought presentation. It takes practice and experience to be an efficient and effective writer (for businesses, organizations, charities, groups, churches, and specific industries).

Another advantage of hiring freelance writers is that they are not on your payroll, thus you do not pay someone on staff benefits and other perks to do the writing. (Nor are they taken-away from the jobs they do best.) You simply pay for the work done, period. The professional freelancer is responsible for himself or herself.

Naturally, since the writer crafts material for a living, the level of writing is generally much, much higher than that written by non-professionals on staff. It is always efficient to have each person do what they do best, right? Freelance writers bring their expertise to your organization without technically working for you.

Each type of writing requires a specific form and knowledge to effectively formulate and present it in the correct form. Writing must attract an audience, inform it, and persuade/call or convert the readers to your desired action.

Freelancers know all about form, content, and writing for their specific target market of readers on your behalf. Words need to be logical and relevant to the readership. The right people must be given the right information that leads to a desirable solution.

At Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Atlanta (404-580-1501), I am such a freelancer that operates a wide-ranging writing service for clients.

Selling Products: Websites Promoting Products/Services

A good search engine optimized (seo) website with relevant content on its web pages is a remarkable marketing tool. Optimized web content attracts its own audience, informs it, and persuades and calls them to action and conversion (usually the purchasing of products and services). Websites are great for promoting and selling products and services.

Web Content

There is a catch to web content. It takes a good web writer that understands seo and content marketing to write good web material for the site. A good print writer or hard copy writer might be a terrible website writer. The copy is not the same. Web material is specialized.

Web Copy Purposes

Web copy must draw and attract its own readers and create its own demand by using just the right keywords, relevant content, layout, titles, headings, and structure to please both readers and search engines. The site must: Attract – Inform – Call – Convert. That is how a site sells products and services (marketing).

Website Locations/Specifics

The writer must also figure out how to target readers in specific locations in the web work. People often type-in product words and keywords into search engine queries, followed by an area or location. Welcome to the modern day Yellow Pages.

Search engines are pretty good about returning nearby places in general searches, but are not exact. If your company operates in a big city, the city name must be sprinkled in the website – preferably near keywords that are used. It pays to be specific at times.

I am Jimmy Hall/Atlanta (404-580-1501) and I create good web content for clients on the World Wide Web and around the Atlanta, Georgia area.

Resolution Letters/Atlanta: Letter Writers

Most of the time, we send letters to share info or feelings, vent, try and persuade someone of something, or to actually come-up with a fair resolution to a situation. Ideally, a letter shares info, educates, frames the situation, and presents at least one solution to improve the problem and motivates and persuades the reader to take action.

In essence, a business letter will attract, inform, call to action, and convert the reader to do what you or your business requires. For this strategy to work, the letter must be written to the correct person (never write a letter to someone that cannot directly help change the situation). Also keep the informal chain of power or command in mind. What?

Yes, more things are done informally than are achieved formally. How? If you want to get something done on a college campus around Atlanta, Carrollton, or Kennesaw, who would you address the letter to? The Dean of the College, or the Secretary to the Dean?

Easy, the Secretary is the one that is in touch with everyone (formal and informally) and knows the functional and practical aspects of how things are really done. The Dean might make great decisions, but he or she likely is clueless about how changes are actually carried-out. Thus, send your letter to the right person. (Get the informal system on your side, or at least write to both – giving responsibility to one or the other.)

After you have directed the letter to the correct person or people, informed them about the current situation, and proposed viable changes – make sure that you persuade the reader(s) to join you in your solution. How?

Get them vested in the outcome. Show them how it is a win-win situation for everyone involved. Work with them; speak with them in the letter NOT AT them. Get it?

By the same token, always write or speak “in passing,” with the reader following your writing’s assumptions as if they are understood to be the absolute truth (which they should be). Write to a great extent like a knowledgeable editorialist.

Always end your letters with some form of time frame and/or next action to be taken. Never leave letters open-ended. Do not give the reader a way to stall or be inactive. Prompt action, but be courteous yet firm.

I am Jimmy Hall (404-580-1501) and I write business letters and personal letters for people and organizations in Atlanta and nationwide online. I would like to assist you soon. My writing service also crafts business plans, resumes, and other writing projects.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Copywriting Services/Atlanta: Atlanta Writing Services

Copywriting services in Atlanta provide the functions of business plan developers/writers, resume services, web content providers, bloggers, letter writers, press release developers, paper producers, editors/proof readers, business proposal writers, expert article writers, and many more functions and duties.

Atlanta is a busy town, with all types of industrial, commercial, business, wholesale, retail, real estate, and other activities going-on. It hardly sleeps, nor do its writers. There are always people to persuade. If you doubt this, visit Hartsfield-Jackson Airport sometime.

Big city writing services assist in many forms of marketing and consulting activities for organizations that are large and small. Why? Copywriting is a special skill or talent that not just anyone can do. Companies cannot just assign a staff member (in most cases) to write complicated content. There is a lot to it.

In fact, web content writing and business writing each require special skill sets, education, and expert writing and research abilities. The copywriter must know what the end goal or mission is, and exactly who to write for and how to write for them to achieve effective results.

Written material for large metropolitan areas must target specific groups of potential customers/clients for organizations and industries. The content should attract, inform, call to action, and convert the readers. The writer needs to know exactly how to write for his or her readership and potential client base. Anything else is a waste of time and effort.

Writers must be thinkers and organizers. Planning and layout is important. The actual words chosen and used and their order are equally important. Much of this is a talent developed only over time. Understand? Professional writers more than earn their fees.

I am Jimmy Hall (404-580-1501) an Atlanta area writer and copywriter. I would love to assist you or your organization with your writing needs.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Letters: Effective Letter Writing Results

The whole idea of a letter is to convey an idea and sentiment, share information, and persuade the proper party to do what you want done. GET RESULTS. It seems simple, and should be, but it is not always that way. It takes good letter writing to secure good results.

Many people screw themselves to start with. How? They send the letter/communication to the wrong person, someone that cannot actively provide a solution. That is "Bone-headedness."

Make sure your letter is directed to the right person with the authority to make decisions and change things, and then write "to" them and not "at" them. Communicate "with" them. Never waste time sending info to anyone not directly involved with the current situationj.

Ideally, you will present some basic info to the right person, and then provide a solution to your dilemma that the reader and decision maker will actively act upon. But, you must show the reader the benefits of doing what you desire. 

Make the reader or decision-maker a partner, as opposed to an enemy! Show mutual benefits. Understand?

At Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Atlanta-Douglasville (404-580-1501) I can assist in letter writing and other forms of business communications. If you need assistance, do not hessitate to give me a call...

Business Plan Company: Writing Business Plans/Atlanta 404-580-1501

My Atlanta area writing service develops and writes business plans for both startup companies and companies expanding their operations. A solid business plan is required for financing and day-to-day operations, period. (To a great extent, this is a business plan company.)

The question many potential entrepreneurs and people have is, "Okay, I realize that I will need a business plan, but what kind of information does that require?"

As a business writer in the growing Atlanta area, I know; and, it is my task to try and answer and explain without seeming daunting or too complicated. A day of research is about all that is needed, along with a unique personal vision and a dream. (That is the important  thing.)

Indeed, your business plan needs to be full of your own unique ideas, presented in a professional manner by a business writer that is experienced and educated in business and commerce (so that the wording is correct).

The plan must be informative, persuasive, and demonstrate a great likelyhood for success - in addition to plotting a solid operational track to run-on. 

Lets face it, first and foremost financing is the biggest thing. Whoever provides the money needs to be relatively certain that they will make a return on what they invest or loan your organization or you, right? Of course. 

At the very least, people and institutions want to know they will get their money back (and hopefully then some!). Common Sense 101.

This means that you must layout a solid management team, marketing strategy, show how the money will be effectively used (and other sales/revenue/expense projections), have viable products & services for sale, a good plan of operations, a wonderful location (and online sales), and a large enough target market to succeed and expand. You must also differentiate from competitors.

A professional business plan writer or business plan developer can and should take this info and data and arrange and organize it in the best possible light for you.

At Jimmy Hall Writing Services (404-580-1501) I want to assist you and your organization with your business plan. Please feel free to contact me.


Sometimes we feel a great need to be busy and accomplish specific tasks. It makes us feel good to work hard and long. Yes, work portrays a sense of nobility. I get it, and I do it myself. However, before beginning projects, we really need to access our current situations and set exact priorities; then we need to work smart. Time should be prioritized.

You can work all day and night on a certain project, but if the ends do not justify the means you have likely wasted your time. If I spend 14 hours fixing an old typewriter, and it starts working correctly, what have I done? Very little.

Even at its best, a typewriter doesn’t help much to earn rent or utility money in the modern world; does it? That is what computers are for. I may have worked hard and well, but on something rather stupid.

This same principle can be extrapolated to other things also. Time I spend writing on my personal blog is time I am not writing on my business website or business blog. Sure – the personal blog attracts a small amount of new business, but not much. It is designed to communicate, not earn money.

You see, life is composed of TIME, and this TIME is irreplaceable. Each person has a fixed amount and must decide how it is to be used. In Economic terms, this is called OPPORTUNITY COSTS. Time spent doing one thing is time not able to be spent doing another.

As individuals, we need to spend as much time as possible doing the things that bring us the most return for our time, whether it is money or fulfillment or anything else that is one of our main priorities.

As human beings it is great to know what is going-on in the nation and world, but does an event somewhere (posted on facebook) warrant 5 or 10 minutes of my time to view on video, when it won’t add a penny to my bank account when I am struggling? No, it is almost useless information to me – and if you are honest, most things like that are useless to you as well!!!!

In the Holy Bible, James teaches that life and time are like a vapor; they quickly disappear. We need to use and redeem them wisely, and get the greatest bang for the buck that we can – while we can….

I am a professional writer and business writer, and can be reached at 404-580-1501 for most of your web or business writing needs… Jimmy Hall

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Blogging: Writing SEO Blog Content/ATLANTA

Blogging is big, likely the best bang for the buck in 21st Century advertising. Why? Blogs not only drive traffic back to their corresponding websites (via links), but also provide clients with information, obtain customer feedback, facilitate immediate contact, and even make on the spot sales. Most important of all, they are search engine optimized (seo) to attract their own web visitors.

Blogs are like compliments to websites and social media. They do not have to have really detailed content, but if and when it is – search engines love it. Even 300-word blog pieces are often indexed by search engines, but 400-500 words seems to be the optimal size for readers in 2015.

You see, Google, Bing, and the other search engines are becoming more and more “humanized.” How so? Their constantly changing formulas now focus on content relevance and readability. Short pieces are no longer so bad. Keywords need not be used so often either, just material directly-related to them.

Often various keywords show-up on the 1st page of Google even when only mentioned once or twice in the actual blog piece. Again, it is all about content relevance and layout. Good bloggers and blog content writers make their pieces search engine digestible!

You discovered or came across this piece, and it is not very lengthy. However, you found it, and I am pleased that you did. I appreciate my Atlanta area blog readers (and others) and the wide range of content this business writing blog provides its viewers/readers.

By the way, this blog content is roughly 300 words. It says only basic things, and I bet that Google and Bing like it. Do you understand?

At Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Atlanta (404-580-1501) I can craft solid blog material for you or your business. Please give me a call.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Business Plan Development: How Business Plan Writers Prepare Business Plans

It’s no secret that potential entrepreneurs in Atlanta, New York, Chicago, and every other business center and otherwise need business plans and business plan writers to obtain financing and structure for their future business ventures or startup organizations. Without money or a plan, an endeavor is doomed to fail.

Business Plans Serve Important Functions

Obviously, a solid business blueprint (business plan) is required for ventures, but what is its exact objective and function? What is the purpose of having the plan or blueprint developed? How does the money and plan deal work? I will tell you, because this Atlanta area writing service develops/writes business plans.

First of all, the business plan is developed and presented to obtain one of two/or BOTH types of funding. These are (1) INVESTMENT CAPITAL and/or (2) LOAN MONEY.

Obtaining Investment Capital

Investment capital comes from venture capitalists or friends or family or some other person or group that wants to put cash into your venture with the belief of that money growing via the organization’s activities over time. In other words, investment is partial OWNERSHIP and some “say-so” – like stocks provide.

Obtaining Loan Money

Loan money comes from banks, people, or financial institutions that provide cash at an agreed-upon payback rate of interest on the principle given. The creditor basically cares about getting the money back with a return, and the success or failure of the venture means little to it – so long as the money is repaid and looks to be able to continue being repaid. Loans are a lot like bonds, no ownership is involved.


In a nutshell, from a financial standpoint the business plan and business plan developer must use the information and data provided to best demonstrate that the venture will earn enough revenue to pay back its loan and/or make its investors a positive return on their investment. Simple, right? Yes, sorta.

Business Plans/Business Blueprints

The blueprint or business plan must be organized and arranged in an understandable manner, presenting the basics about every aspect of the endeavor (and showing the idea and its potential implementation) to be sound and likely successful. It should logically flow and leave no questions or answers (apart from low-level operational details) to chance.

As kids we were all told that if we did not plan, we were in fact planning for failure. Most of the time, the old saying is true. Written plans are almost always a necessity – no one can remember everything (especially those outside the organization that never knew anything about the organization to start with).

Therefore, we know that a nicely developed business plan is vital and needed for numerous reasons AFTER funding has been secured and cash flows are healthy. Basic Business 101.

Business Plan Components/Parts

A good blueprint for a business will have sections of Info and Data for  Contacts, the Executive Summary, Background/Origin, Management/Ownership, Mission, Vision, Slogan, 
Marketing/Competition/Target Market, Sales/Distribution, Financials, Products-Services-Pricing-Differentiation, Operations, SWOTs, a persuasive Conclusion, and possibly other sections depending upon the particular type of endeavor. 

At Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Atlanta (404-580-1501) I carefully organize and write/develop business plans/business blueprints for both startups and expansions. I would like to assist you in obtaining business financing and a solid operational track to run on.                                                                 

Monday, October 19, 2015

Business Plan Functions: Business Plans/Atlanta – Alpharetta – Nationwide (404-580-1501)

Business plans are blueprints for the financial and operational activities of a business venture, person, or other organizational entity. They are particularly needed for new businesses or startups, but are also in demand for expansions and existing organizations that require change or changes.

This Atlanta area writing service writes/provides business plans that function exceptionally for their respective entrepreneurs and managers period, whether in Alpharetta, Atlanta, or elsewhere. Now - what functions do business plans actually serve, and why are they required?


Business plans/business blueprints are needed and required for the financing of new businesses (or organizations), expanding or changing ongoing businesses, the operations of organizations, and for organizational framework.

Financing is acquired through either attracting or persuading investors to join-in on the venture by acting as venture capitalists investing money OR by securing some form of loan(s) from banks or other financial institutions or Small Business Administration loans, etc.


Those investing money into the venture are owners; whereas those loaning cash are creditors. Each needs to see a solid business plan before they provide cash money to an operation, especially if it is a new business. They demand it, and so would you.

The investors generally want to know the basics about your unique idea, how it will make money, and what they can expect for their initial and subsequent investments. Apart from extremely large deals, investors require smaller business plans – often these investors are members of the family, friends, neighbors, acquaintances, co-workers, etc.


Banks and financial institutions, on the other hand, want every “t” crossed and “I” dotted. In addition to applications and paperwork (red tape) they want a blueprint explaining and justifying the loan.

Detailed projections and financial data are asked for by these institutions in Atlanta and everywhere else, and need to be explained, in addition to operational, functional, managerial, marketing/sales, staffing, equipment/inventory, and other activities related to organizations’ missions and visions.


Indeed - investors & creditors/banks like to know exactly what they will get back, when they will receive it, and how it will be secured or acquired to be given to them. Yes, there is a little more to a business plan or business blueprint than just stating Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT Analysis).


Business plans also serve as the blueprint for setting-up, managing, and running companies. They provide order and keep organizations focused on their missions and the financial and operational means of being successful.

Things change. Conditions change. The Economic environment changes. This makes it sensible to update a business plan regularly, about every 18 to 24 months.

Organizations never really know what opportunities or disasters might be right around the future corner. As such, it pays to keep information updated and ready for future use with little adjusting required.

At JIMMY HALL WRITING SERVICES/Atlanta (404-580-1501), I assist people by writing business plans/developing business plans they need to acquire financing and keep their ideas and organizations on track.

Improve Website Content: Better Web Writing/Atlanta (404-580-1501)

Atlanta and Georgia are no different than anywhere else around the nation and world as far as the need for solid web content/web-writing is concerned. If you want to increase sales, attract more online website/blog traffic. But, how?


To increase online traffic, post better web writing/web content that is search engine optimized (seo), organized, informative, relevant, and persuasive enough to be successful in “calling readers to action” and converting them to your cause (usually sales).


The key thing to understand about web writing/web content is that it is not the same as traditional writing (print writing/scholarly writing). A great regular writer might-well be a lousy web content writer. Why?

Web writing requires a knowledge of not only informing and converting (like traditional copywriting), but also the ability of ATTRACTING its own audience. It is actually “double communicating.” I’ll explain.

Web content and those that write it create & supply their own demand via the afore-mentioned seo techniques. (Excuse the Economic terms, I hold two Economics degrees.) Both readers and search engines must be considered while providing web content or web copy.


Web material must be written in a manner that it is ranked and indexed well by the search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo!, etc) so that YOU show-up when people search for the kinds of products and services you/your company offers. Post search engine-friendly material.


A website that simply supports the company with information is basically useless; it needs to be utilized as a marketing tool (modern day Yellow Pages). If no one visits your website without you sending them there, what good is it? Visibility and web traffic matter!

Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Atlanta

This writing service operates in metro Atlanta and serves clients in Georgia and NATIONWIDE via the World Wide Web. A simple telephone call or e-mail can be the start of dramatically increasing your web presence and sales.

Jimmy Hall Writing Services/ Atlanta (404-580-1501) or . Thanks for taking the time to check the material out.

Securing Clients: Business Proposals/Atlanta 404-580-1501 – Jimmy Hall

Business proposals are used to sell services or products by securing contracts with clients, and those in need of what your organization provides.

Often times people improperly interchange and use the terms “business plan” and “business proposal,” when in fact a business plan is about a proposed business venture and a business proposal refers to the selling of what the business venture actually does.

For example, someone starting a new security firm in Atlanta would need a business plan to secure funding and have a business blueprint to run on. Then, the same firm would need a business proposal to pitch their services for hire to apartment complexes, malls, truck lines, sporting venues, etc around Atlanta and its environs.

The key to business proposals is to present your company in a favorable light to the potential client, demonstrate specific solutions (through products and services) for solving their problem(s), and provide these remedies and services at an acceptable price with agreeable follow-up services.

A business proposal should instill trust towards your organization, confidence in its ability to perform, and create a greater value for the products and services you provide – as opposed to that of your competitors.

The idea is to be the best and present your company as the best, but to be very approachable and adaptable to changing conditions. Business deals are about relationships and communications between living and breathing human beings.

Demonstrate that your organization is a solid and honest one, and can supply the demand required at a fair price, and the contract may well be yours. Hire a great business proposal writer!

I am Jimmy Hall (404-580-1501) and I develop and write business proposals for not only people around Atlanta, but nationwide via the World Wide Web. Give me a call if you might need assistance. Thanks…

Business Plan Development 101: Business Plan Writer/Atlanta ~ (404) 580-1501

There is always a steady flow of chatter about “business plans.” Everyone knows they are required and much-needed, but few people really know exactly why. Tip: business plan development by a business plan writer/business plan developer in Atlanta or New York or anywhere else is an extremely important function.

Why Are Business Plans Important?

Why are business plans so important for startups and expansions in Atlanta and across the nation? They are business blueprints. A business plan is the basis for acquiring financing for the venture, as well as the outline and blueprint proscribing organizational operations while it is up and running.

In blunt terms, the business plan gets the organization cash and directs day to day and long-term operations. Money is the first concern, functioning effectively and efficiently the second. The doors cannot open without financing and an initial cash supply.

Business Financing: Loans or Investments

This cash can come in the form of loans from financial institutions or banks, which become creditors; or this financing might come in the form of venture capital or cash from investors that believe in the organization’s concept/idea. Investors generally become partial owners in the organization.

The fact is that before a venture capitalist or any financial firm provides money to anyone or any other organization, they want to know about the outfit and exactly how the money will be used. Then, there is also the issue of repayment with interest or return on investment. Nobody or firm wants to lose or throw away money on an unjustified gamble.
Business Plan Writers/Developers

A good business plan writer or business plan developer/Atlanta knows the precise information and data needed from his or her client, and exactly how to plan, assimilate, edit, word, and organize it for delivery.

This business blueprint data/info revolves around:
1.    Basic Contact Info/addresses of key players.
2.    Company Name and potential address/area.
3.    Basic Idea or Concept.
4.    Background/Origins.
5.    Management Team Information.
6.    Mission, Vision, Slogan, and Logo.
7.    Products/Services/Prices.
8.    Operations.
9.    Marketing Plan/Target Market.
   10. Competition.
   11. Financial Facts and Projections: Revenues/Expenses.
   12. S.W.O.T. Analysis Info.
   13. Industry/Subject-Specific Info/Misc.

 Why so much information?

The business plan to an organization looking for financing is somewhat like a resume for a person looking for a new job. It must be factual, moderately detailed, neat, easy to read, persuasive/convincing, well-organized, have an inherent call to action, and be consistent (throughout) with the proposed mission of the organization.

Do not settle for a mediocre business plan developer/writer. At Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Atlanta (404) 580-1501, I craft great business plans for my clients. I hold two business degrees (BBA/MS) and an English minor, in addition to real-world business experience, that I place at your disposal. Thanks….

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Business Blogs: Blog Content/Content Writers Atlanta 404-580-1501

Business Blogs are IN. Yes, blogs are the way to rank well with search engines, increase website traffic, provide information as well as instant sales, interact with clients, customers, and potential customers, and to present a proper image to the public presenting what your organization is really all about. However, there is more.

Business Blogs – WHY?

Your organization needs a business blog written by agreat blog content writer to support or drive traffic to your website and web pages – this is done through search engine optimization (seo) and simple links and referencing.

Nothing whatsoever that you do from a marketing standpoint is as efficient or effective per dollar as blogging. It is a great “bang for the buck” and “ROI” (return on investment. Why and how so?

Blog Benefits Versus Blog Costs?

Blogs themselves are free, all you pay for are the blog content writer(s) you hire and/or the time the staff person administering it spends posting and promoting the blog site. What a deal.

The idea is to have your top 15 or 20 keywords/long-tailed keyword phrases throughout your blog, with a 1 – 2 concentrated in each piece (though keywords seem to have lost a small amount of their luster with Google) along with other tried and proven search engine optimization techniques.

After Hiring Writers, What’s Next?

Once you have hired a great blog writer(s) and looked at his or her or their blogs/websites and negotiated a decent price (usually $15 - $24 per each 300-400 word piece), the fun begins. My firm, Jimmy Hall Writing Services (404-580-1501), charges a moderate rate for clever work copy.

As you are provided the content, it is best to set a regular schedule for posting it, so as to obtain followers (if you want them) and to stay in tune with the search engines.

Blog Hosts/Platforms

Personally, I recommend BLOGGER as your blog host/platform (owned by Google) since Google seems to give preference and a higher crawler frequency to it than other hosts, although many people and organizations love Word Press also – and some companies add their blog directly to their websites.

Just like any other marketing technique on the World Wide Web or Internet, getting the sale(s) is all about ATTRACTING-Informing-Converting. This is done via search engine optimization (seo), good and concise relevant writing, and solid “calls to action” in the blog content. A good host is a plus.

A great or even good blog content writer knows what has been written here, and more than likely employs these methods in practicing his craft.

At Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Atlanta (404-580-1501) I would like to discuss becoming your blog content provider. Feel free to contact me soon. I’m Jimmy; thanks for taking a look.

Business Plans/Resumes/Web Content/Letters – (404-580-1501) Jimmy Hall Writing Services – Atlanta/Macon/Nationwide

This writing service specializes in a variety of copywriting projects, print projects, web content, letters, resumes, business plans, business proposals, press releases, obituaries, papers, blogging, reports, press releases, expert articles, social media copy, and a number of other written tasks. Many things are done well here. However…

The bread and butter of Jimmy Hall Writing Services/ Atlanta-Macon-Douglasville (404-580-1501) is business plans, web content, and resumes for clients everywhere online and in nearby cities like Roswell, Marietta, Alpharetta, Atlanta, and Austell. Furthermore, this writing firm’s slogan and motto is “Clever Writing For Results.” Why?


You and/or your business or organization generally do not need writing or written copywriting projects (web content or print work) done for pleasure, but for specific reasons. More than likely, the bottom line is your main concern, right?

This Atlanta – Macon area writing service contemplates, plans, assimilates, organizes, and then writes projects and sends/delivers them (usually via e-mail). Writing service clients want solid copy that serves its purpose at a reasonable rate/price. I would also!!


I own this writing service, and as a Christian I believe in conducting this company by honest means, morals, and ethics. You will always get your money’s worth from my service – and then some. I write each project as if it is for my family or myself. That sounds corny, but it is true. I take writing seriously. You should, as well – to increase sales and accomplish goals.


The whole idea of “writing” is COMMUNICATING, whether you are looking for sales, memberships, or trying to persuade someone to do or believe something and make changes. It takes much tact to be able to write in such a way as to engage the reader and move/call/persuade them to see things your way and take action. I can do it.


Check out the website and the rest of this blog, and see the quality and variety/scope of writing done around here – then give me a call (404-580-1501). I would like to speak with you about your writing needs, whether they are web content or print material in nature. Let’s do it.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Converting Web Readers - Call To Action: Atlanta 404-580-1501

Do you have a great website that is informative, very-well optimized for search engines, with a lot of web traffic but few sales? Do you know this feeling? It happens in Atlanta like everywhere else. Why?

While your webpages are likely neat, fact-based, and pleasurable to read and understand, they obviously do not prompt the reader to act. There is likely not a good ”call to action,” or “persuasion to purchase.” What? A good "call to action" is an absolute must.

People, including potential clients, are often info-seekers and need to be prompted to actually purchase products or services. Let’s face it, the Web and Internet are full of window shoppers. No one has to buy anything that is not a necessity, even though they might like to do so often.

It is important to demonstrate what your products and services can provide and the void they fill (or the problem they solve) for potential customers/ clients in the Atlanta area, or wherever your target market is located.

The call to action must be repeated, and contact info should be readily viewable for impatient and lazy readers. Making Web sales is not easy.

There absolutely must be a connection between the viewer (potential client/customer) and the company via the website. The site’s web content must speak WITH and TO the reader, and not just AT the reader. It should be all about communications.

Yes, a website and individual webpages must attract, inform, and convert clients and customers – ALL THREE. The first two functions do little if any good if conversion (the web sale) does not take place.

Calls to action must be subtly and sometimes obviously stated or placed at suitable intervals to convince the readers to become engaged in the organization’s activities (become customers).

At Jimmy Hall Writing Services (404-580-1501), I can assist you with conversions and making sales.