Saturday, October 24, 2015

Blogging: Writing SEO Blog Content/ATLANTA

Blogging is big, likely the best bang for the buck in 21st Century advertising. Why? Blogs not only drive traffic back to their corresponding websites (via links), but also provide clients with information, obtain customer feedback, facilitate immediate contact, and even make on the spot sales. Most important of all, they are search engine optimized (seo) to attract their own web visitors.

Blogs are like compliments to websites and social media. They do not have to have really detailed content, but if and when it is – search engines love it. Even 300-word blog pieces are often indexed by search engines, but 400-500 words seems to be the optimal size for readers in 2015.

You see, Google, Bing, and the other search engines are becoming more and more “humanized.” How so? Their constantly changing formulas now focus on content relevance and readability. Short pieces are no longer so bad. Keywords need not be used so often either, just material directly-related to them.

Often various keywords show-up on the 1st page of Google even when only mentioned once or twice in the actual blog piece. Again, it is all about content relevance and layout. Good bloggers and blog content writers make their pieces search engine digestible!

You discovered or came across this piece, and it is not very lengthy. However, you found it, and I am pleased that you did. I appreciate my Atlanta area blog readers (and others) and the wide range of content this business writing blog provides its viewers/readers.

By the way, this blog content is roughly 300 words. It says only basic things, and I bet that Google and Bing like it. Do you understand?

At Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Atlanta (404-580-1501) I can craft solid blog material for you or your business. Please give me a call.

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