Monday, October 19, 2015

Securing Clients: Business Proposals/Atlanta 404-580-1501 – Jimmy Hall

Business proposals are used to sell services or products by securing contracts with clients, and those in need of what your organization provides.

Often times people improperly interchange and use the terms “business plan” and “business proposal,” when in fact a business plan is about a proposed business venture and a business proposal refers to the selling of what the business venture actually does.

For example, someone starting a new security firm in Atlanta would need a business plan to secure funding and have a business blueprint to run on. Then, the same firm would need a business proposal to pitch their services for hire to apartment complexes, malls, truck lines, sporting venues, etc around Atlanta and its environs.

The key to business proposals is to present your company in a favorable light to the potential client, demonstrate specific solutions (through products and services) for solving their problem(s), and provide these remedies and services at an acceptable price with agreeable follow-up services.

A business proposal should instill trust towards your organization, confidence in its ability to perform, and create a greater value for the products and services you provide – as opposed to that of your competitors.

The idea is to be the best and present your company as the best, but to be very approachable and adaptable to changing conditions. Business deals are about relationships and communications between living and breathing human beings.

Demonstrate that your organization is a solid and honest one, and can supply the demand required at a fair price, and the contract may well be yours. Hire a great business proposal writer!

I am Jimmy Hall (404-580-1501) and I develop and write business proposals for not only people around Atlanta, but nationwide via the World Wide Web. Give me a call if you might need assistance. Thanks…

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