Monday, November 23, 2015

Business Plan Writing: Business Plan Consultant

Hello. Guess what… If you desire to begin a new endeavor or even expand an existing one, you will likely require some funding from an outside source. To obtain this funding you will probably need a business plan, written by a smart business plan writer or business consultant. Why?

A business plan is a blueprint for your organization’s mission. It explains what you or it intends to do, and how it will be done. A business plan to an endeavor is similar to a resume for a person, but it is more forward-focused.

A good business plan writer understands that the plan must be compiled from solid information and data, and be written in a logical and persuasive manner. It must stay focused razor sharp on the organization’s mission and long-term vision, and demonstrate how each will be fulfilled.

A business plan should be written well and be informative, yet not too detail-oriented. It should explain how things will be done, without boring the reader to death. All basic questions should be addressed, as well as at least an informal SWOT Analysis.

The writer must explain how daily operations will be conducted, financing will be used, marketing and sales will be conducted, the target market will be contacted, competition will be beaten, what the products and services are, and much more. Get it?

It takes a certain kind of tact and business “know-how” to correctly organize and write a good business plan. The entrepreneur must give the writer what he needs to formulate the plan correctly and effectively. It’s all about information, and sharing the info in the right way.

No one wants to give anyone any money unless they are relatively sure they will be able to get it back, and then some. Thus, the business blueprint or business plan must be persuasive. It must bring the reader on-board with the idea. The reader must become a believer in the management of the business and the idea of the business. Understand?

A business plan sells the management as well as the organization and its mission. Ultimately, everything is all about people, brains, and trust. The business plan needs to demonstrate it all, and sell it all. The unique idea of the owners/managers must be properly shared and conveyed.

At Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Atlanta (404-580-1501) I write and develop such plans for clients. Please contact me if you need assistance. .

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