Saturday, March 14, 2015

Christian Writing - Explaining God & His Bible With Words ~ Jimmy Hall

As Christians, we rightly read the Bible and strive to know it like scholars. This is generally a good thing, right? Well, it should be. The problem is that we so often get to know the book, but not the author! The idea is for the Bible to lead us to a closer walk with God. The Bible is about Jesus Christ.

Many of us can explain God & His Bible with words in our Christian writing, without too much knowing Him. That's right. There is a huge difference in knowing the Bible versus knowing God. One is the Creator and Lord of the Universe, the Other is the Holy Word (Picture and Embodiment of Christ) and Principles of that Universe spoken by Him to His Creation.

The task of the Christian writer's writing should be to help readers know God better, and NOT just things about Him. So often we forget that in the scheme of things books are a new thing. 

Up until the invention of the printing press, Scripture was not in such available circulation. Sure, there were scrolls in the old days and handwritten copies a bit later, yet packages of Scripture were simply not in every home or even every neighborhood in the past.

When Christians of old worshipped, they actually communed with God and not just His Book. They prayed and knew the Bible from memorization of it, when they were fortunate enough to see it. In the old days the Holy Scriptures were cherished and loved and considered to be a gift. Now, they are "just the Bible," to many people - even Christians.

The task of modern Christian writers should be to expose the Person of God, as best we can, while admitting that our best descriptions still fall far short of His grandeur and holiness. We should facilitate better relationships with our Lord! Jesus Christ is everything.

To make this easy to understand, think about Literature and authors. To learn Hemingway or Twain, we do not just read their works, but also study their lives which are also reflected amid their works. Reading is not enough, meditation and study are required.

Christian writers must be a means for people to get to the Creator Himself, to become acquainted with Him, and not to just know about Him.....  ~ Jimmy Hall, 

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