Monday, September 21, 2015

Alpharetta/Roswell Business Writers: Business Plans... (404-580-1501)

The area above North Atlanta is a hotspot. For years Alpharetta, Roswell, and East Cobb have been the places to be. Truth be known, this trend started when many Atlanta Braves baseball players began moving into the area in the mid-1980s and early 1990s. Glavine? Smoltz? You know.

This is the region to setup a business, whether you are retired or still working 40-plus hours a week. Have you considered a business plan? Do you have an idea or a longtime dream?

Now the rest of Georgia knows what these Braves did back then, what a great place it is to raise a family and operate businesses. There are quality people, high incomes, and money to be borrowed for business ventures. Get it? It might be that you need a business plan and a business plan writer in Alpharetta or Roswell to chase your next dream.

A good business plan developer or business plan writer in Cobb County, Alpharetta, or Roswell will explain exactly what you need to be successful amid your business plan and organization. What do you need? Please read-on.

You require: an idea differentiated from the others (fill a need), and a plan for marketing, good financing, great products and services/prices, a knowledge of a strategic market and area demographics, your mission and vision and slogan, a good management team, strong location, knowledge of the competition, functional and logical operational procedures, good people, sound sales and expense projections, and a reasonable background for the idea.

This idea must be conveyed to investors, creditors, landlords, and or managers in an informative and persuasive manner. Prove you will be viable and make money. Explain why?

Investors and creditors and landlords are simply concerned with how they will get their money from you. Can you pay them back with an additional profit? Can you pay rent on time monthly? Will this venture last 1 year, 10 years, or 25? Explain, explain, explain…..

What are the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats to your potential venture or business expansion? Can others quickly duplicate it or not? Are patents involved? Processes? Is protection needed?

As a potential entrepreneur you need to research and think things through, and then provide your information to a solid business plan writer/developer to compile it in a well-written and organized manner. The business writer must know business, economics, and human nature (people).

The business plan should be written for its audience, which will be money people, partners/associates, and managers. They need to understand the “who, what, when, where, why, and how” of your concept – nothing less. A good business plan writer in Alpharetta, Roswell, or East Cobb can help change your abstract ideas into tangible realties…..

~ Jimmy Hall (404-580-1501). I write business plans.

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