Sunday, September 27, 2015

Written Communications: Writing Can Be Precise 404-580-1501

There are obviously numerous forms of communications, ways to communicate. These include telephone, face-to-face, voicemail, text messages, e-mails, letters, faxes, physical ways, eye contact, body motions, notes, radio, tv, telegrams, and other Web or Internet facilitated methods. Of all of these, for the time spent, WRITING can be the most specific. Why?

When humans write, they are in a sense protected and secure. They have the freedom to express exactly what they are thinking, whereas they might be uncomfortable doing this in real time via the telephone or in-person, etc.

The written word allows communications to be precise and an eternal record of the correspondence remains, if the receiver or sender so chooses. This is precisely why contracts and agreements are generally WRITTEN as opposed to being simply verbally agreed upon.

When a person writes, they are not on an immediate time limit like when they are actively involved in communicating in real time. Real time communications involve nerves, and also the time restrictions mean that things may not be said, may be said wrong, or may be said in the wrong way.

Writing avoids much of this, as everything can be checked, edited, and changed at your convenience for maximum results. You see, writing and written communications and written material can specifically inform and persuade the reader. In cases of web content, writing can also actually draw or attract the viewer via search engine optimization techniques.

While some people prefer face-to-face meetings, I feel like writing is and can be much more specific, detailed, and truthful at times, since it alleviates the on the spot feelings of nervousness or time-restraints, and can be well thought out and crafted during the process.

~ Jimmy Hall is a professional business writer, crafting web content, business plans, resumes, letters, and other forms of written material /404-580-1501.

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