Thursday, May 14, 2015

Obituaries: Life Obituary Writers and Bio Obit Writing 404-580-1501

Let's be truthful; when friends or loved-ones die, few people want to take the time (during the shock and busy proceedings) to write the obituary - especially a very special obituary or lifetime biography obituary. We are simply too sad and busy to want to deal with it. That is where I come-in. I compose life obituaries and traditional ones.

At Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Atlanta (404-580-1501) I write all types of obits, from typical short ones to long and detailed biograhy obits. I am a very good death tribute/lifetime obituary writer. Why?

Why I Compose Good Obituaries

I am good at it for several reasons. First, I am a Christian person and take life and death seriously. From firsthand experience, I have had to. Obituaries are final lasting tributes to loved-ones, and I get that. Enough said. 

Secondly, I am a sentimental and nostalgic person. By nature my way is to think hard on these matters, and I am well-able to reflect deeply on each individual situation. This makes me good at writing life tributes and obits.

Finally, it is also in my character to place myself in the place of those that have lost someone. When I compose obituaries, I do it as if it is for my own family member (and in fact it has been on several occasions, including both parents). I write carefully, and do not charge a lot for doing so. It is an honor to be trusted to perform such a task.

I feel like everyone deserves one final tribute to their lives by loved-ones or friends. I like to help, in an inexpensive manner.

~ Jimmy Hall writes obituaries and other forms of written work (404-580-1501) and would like to assist you - if you have a need.

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