Thursday, August 13, 2015

Communication Tips: How To Best Communicate - Jimmy Hall

The point of communications is to share information and generally pursue a desired outcome or result from the person or people you are communicating with. Therefore, it is important that your desired form of sharing be directed at the right person or group to begin with. Write or speak to the people that can affect change, the others matter very little.

Communications are not for "venting." You can send a great letter to a utility company or a business associate (or call them), but if you do not carefully present the facts and move them towards a desired outcome - you have wasted your time. Always know the purpose or goal of your communications.

Keep in mind that the person or folks being communicated with also need an interest in what is going on, as well. For them to help, you have to demonstrate (even if subtley) why it benefits them to concurr and act upon your desired solution. Understand?

To sum it up: Communicate with the correct person; present accurate facts; and move them towards your desired outcome by demonstrating their interest in the matter...

Jimmy Hall (404-580-1501) writes all forms of business and academic and personal writing projects (business plans, resumes, web content, blog pieces, letters, papers, etc), and is available for hire at reasonable rates.

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