Sunday, August 30, 2015

WRITING: Writing Means Communications

The purpose of writing any type of material (web content, letters, resumes, business plans, white papers, press releases, themes, obituaries, proposals, etc) is to inform, convince, and convert the readers to your desired actions. It is called communicating, or positive communications.

No matter how good the actual written material is, if it does not get the response you desire, it fails. Writing should be results-oriented, day in and day out. Got it? (I know, you are still scratching your head and thinking, "Who cares?".

The best letter or most informative website or business plan means little or even NOTHING without results. The writer must make a connection with the readers and earn their respect, if they are going to accept the call to action.

Every single written piece must be developed with a purpose or objective in mind. Call it a mini-mission, if you wish. The material should present your information in a way that it will be automatically regarded as true, and your suggested action be considered the correct one. 

The writer must stay on track and never forget what the writing is supposed to accomplish! Thus, make sure you hire a great writer/copywriter to craft your website mmaterial and other personal writing or business-related projects.

Thanks, Jimmy Hall of Jimmy Hall Writing Services (404-580-1501 / E-Mail ).

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