Monday, August 10, 2015

Hire A Content Writer/Georgia

Jimmy Hall Writing Services (404-580-1501)

 Good Writers Craft Conversion Writing For You
  Jimmy Hall/ Atlanta-Douglasville Writer


There are a number of reasons why a business, organization, or individual should hire a professional writer/writing consultant, and several why that writer/consultant should be Jimmy Hall. Together, we will explore these for clarity.

Hiring Freelance Professional Writers/Writing Consultants From Outside...

First of all, outsourcing writing is economical. Paying a current employee to perform writing tasks at various times, probably at a sub-standard level, is not smart. Their full-attention will not be upon the writing, and what they regularly do goes undone or is performed by taking someone else from their regular tasks. Is this sensible? No, it is "musical chairs."

Secondly, professional writers write. That is what we do, and we do it better than even the smartest rank and file office employees. If something is to be written, whether web writing, letter writing, project writing, hard copy, report writing, article writing, or almost anything else - why not have it done professionally?

Thirdly, A professional freelance writer generally works at home or at his own office, thereby saving clients space and business costs. You don't pay the writer's insurance, retirement, Social Security, Unemployment Insurance, sick days, or other employee costs when you hire an outside writer, do you? Certainly not directly. Furthermore, you can write-off some of the payments and expenses paid to the writer!

Lastly, a professional writer or writing consultant can be retained when needed, and is not a regular edition to your payroll. A writer is employed "on demand," only when needed. Talk about direct costs-benefits analysis, we provide a good ratio!

Why Hire Jimmy Hall Writing Services?As a person and a writer, I am honest and ethical. I work and write for clients just as if it was my own copy for my own business. In addition, I treat my clients and associates with all due respect, and then some, trying always to go the extra mile to keep them happy. This is good for everyone's sakes.

Furthermore, I keep my clients abreast of progress, and exactly what is going on with their projects. I do the "worrying" for them. A client can rest assured that 99% of the time they will have their material completed EARLY, and with time to tweak whatever they want to change.

Perhaps the most important reason of all to hire "Jimmy Hall", however, is the fact that I am a clever writer and unique consultant, not simply well-educated. I write efficiently, creatively, and effectively. To do so, I ask you questions, and tailor my writing to your desired end-results, period. No matter where you are located, I can and will write for YOU.

Contact Jimmy For Your Writing/Consulting Needs, 404-580-1501. Writing Consulting Services Providing RESULTS...

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