Saturday, August 8, 2015

Writing Tips For Students and Business People/Atlanta-Carrollton, Ga

Writing is important, and doesn't have to be such a chore. Almost everyone from Atlanta, Georgia to New York City to Los Angeles needs some type of writing done a few times a year. Students and business people require it regularly. There are two options: 1. Do the writing yourself.  2. Hire a professional writer to complete your writing projects.

Whether you do the writing yourself or hire someone, it is good for you to understand a few basic tips about the craft. I want to write a couple of paragraphs first, and then provide some bullet points for you (as if you are writing yourself).

Writing: Know Your Audience/Know Your Objective

It is important for the writer in Atlanta or Carrollton, Georgia elsewhere to know a couple of things before beginning. He or she must know exactly who the reading audience is and should be, and precisely what the objective of the writing is that needs to be achieved. 

How often have I seen otherwise smart people write great lettters/reports, yet to the wrong people that cannot directly help them????  (Write for your readers, and keep your ultimate goal in mind.) Again, know the reader or target market and inform, persuade, and convert them!

Bullet Point Writing Tips

1. Write TO and FOR the correct person/people.
2. Know your objective and work towards it.
3. Have a thesis and fulfill it in a few subparts.
4. Double-check grammar/spelling/format.
5. Support eveything written, with facts.

6. Frame logical arguments like Geometric proofs.
7. Have strong topical sentences for paragraphs.
8. Have nice paragraph ending sentences for continuity.
9. Know when to use a Summary, and when to use a Conclusion. Summaries generalize what has been said. Conclusions stress the point that all the material proves or suggests.
10. Use Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for all webwork (know keyword subjects).

11. Use the correct format (even if uniquely) for whatever you are writing, for school or business or pleasure.
12. It is better to write too little as opposed to too much.
13. Write in chunks (paragraphs) and have much white space.
14. Always end suggesting future action or showing action.
15. Organization & assimilation is 75% of the writing task - do it well, first.

These tips should help everyone! I am Jimmy Hall (404-580-1501) and I operate Jimmy Hall Writing Services/ Carrollton-Douglasville-Atlanta, Ga. Please give me a call whatever your writing needs might be....


  1. Really informative post, thank you for sharing this details to get more traffic in websites.SEO Serivce in delhi

  2. I constantly need more traffic myself!
