Saturday, August 22, 2015

Marketing Plans: Marketing Plan Writers/Atlanta 404-580-1501

Marketing Plans? Who needs a formal marketing plan? If you are involved with a business or organization in Atlanta or elsewhere, or are even self-employed, you do. Businesses that provide products and services for sale  must do good marketing, and it is always best to work with a tangible plan.

"Catch as catch can" advertising and marketing rarely works. You need a comprehensive strategy that will address your target market in Atlanta and online, and enlarge it. This does not just happen by chance. A marketing plan is also a component of your business plan, or should be. It is vital for success.

An effective marketing effort must address what you are doing now, and how it is working; but, it should also incorporate a SWOT Analysis that details the strengths, weaknesses, opportinities, and threats both internal and via commpetitors.

What can be exploited to your company's benefit? What needs fixing? What needs dropping? You get the idea. Things must be thought-out and planned. Small components must work together for the larger objectives. Efficiency is the name of this game.

The plan needs sections dealing with your products and services, customers, competition, objectives, forecasts, and any other topics relevant to your organization and its selling and distribution of products in Georgia and beyond. All of this must be understandable, well-written, and organized.

At Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Atlanta 
(404-580-1501) I would like to asist you with your marketing plan and any other needs you might have. Thank you...

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